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Everything posted by TheFreshestSlice

  1. Ships are srs bsns to some people. That always slips the mind. Still, no one should feel bad for someone hating a pairing. It's just strange for me to considering taking that as anything worth pondering or feeling hurt over. Ditto for that concerning her mothers too. Like the entire conversation arc except the A Support really.
  2. Olivia x Gregor would be worse, I thought. Also Stahl x Miriel Ricken x Maribelle Also there is no such thing as a worst pairing for Nah. Manakates are gods that will make do with anything. Nowi's usually my throw away mother if I'm giving out skills to other kids.
  3. The only ship that matters is MorganXCynthia Anyway, how did that disagree with what he said, and not only boiled down to, "Stop hating what others like?" He has the right to voice criticism just as much as you have the right to voice praise. For anything. No matter how stern it may be. Yeah, didn't imagine Brady acting that way either. I don't think Lucina's Sibling-Support should stand in the way of anything.
  4. I've only played the ones released in America and Genealogy, but from what I've seen, the writing has most certainly improved....
  5. Speed asset, luck flaw is probably one of the easier set ups for me...
  6. I would like to personally thank Lunatic+ for showing me how beautiful of a song "Farewell...my friends...." is. And I thought Steel Weapons during the first Paralouge was bad.
  7. Using supports only, but then again Supports says Stahl would be better than Sully, thus both. I'm trying to factor some of the story into this too. Also, Supports aren't always the most reliable place for information. All kinds of things come into play when facing someone you know personally and have feelings of any type, hate included, towards. Donnel is the strongest Shepard using stats, though.:P Also, Lucina only wins because Lon'qu realizes that she is a woman. Bassilo thinks that they are evenly matched.
  8. Depends on what you mean by strength. Walhart is obviously beaten despite physical strength twice, both times by Chrom, story wise at least. Lon'qu isn't really better than Frederick I would say, and more on par with Chrom and Lucina, as stated in game. Finally, I'd say Vaike and Sully are about the same, and that Chrom is better than both, if only slightly.Sparing isn't exactly a measure of combat ability either.
  9. I wish Google Translate actually worked so I could understand any of this conversation about localization.
  10. No offense, but you, or anyone else here I don't know, are hardly worth the effort of annoying. My point is, we can go back in forth exchanging opinions all day. What does it really mean my insulting arbitrary video game pairings.(I for one agree, but that hardly has anything to do with the topic.)
  11. If you really want to learn how to play, I'd advice playing Hard Casual. Normal doesn't get you ready for anything except Normal.
  12. Not that I care much for this support in anyway beyond making the game incredibly easier than it already was, what I had inserted these words here: Tbh, don't really care for Chrom in any capacity in any of his support lines, but that's just me. Don't know if i would ever think of Sumia being in any support with him other than getting Chrom!Cynthia. Not that any of this has anything to do with this thread.
  13. Because he knows he's too average to be Cynthia's heroic father.
  14. The only unit that required a lot of grinding for me was Olivia, and only when she was married to Chrom, and only because I already knew which chapter Lucina joined in. Otherwise, I only did it a few times every five chapters.
  15. Lulz, I'm going to respond to this seriously against my better judgement, I said Sumia is only words and pixels. Considering that everyone on this forum can respond to something I say, they obviously aren't just words and pixels. Sumia is, as stated, bound by predetermined behavior. But enough of that. Dunno. Olivia can still somehow marry Chrom though. I'm guessing that the khans intervene no matter what however, Bassilio still goes to war against Valm, for instance with Chrom's help. Of course the war is extended most likely. I'm guessing that Emmeryn's sacrifice is what shortens the Plagian War in the current timeline. Also, Lucina knows Panne, who is there for some reason. Plus the other children still know Lucina, so they obviously stayed in Ylisse. Really though, it could just be down to Chrom's preferences 'cause you know reasons.
  16. Well I'm not going to deny that, I don't know her as I said, but saying, "You said this," and, "You meant this," are different. Either way, her reasons for hating a character are irrelevant, and no one should take it as proof that she's any of the much more hurtful things used to describe her in this tread. Yeah, her way of acting is childish and very immature, but when people say things like some is too far gone, or that they have said some of the worst things they have read in a long time because they said few people would want to marry someone like that, it's time to stop, I think, and reflect because that too is crossing the line, is all I'm saying. As to how someone feels when another character is insulted, I don't think you should get thicker skin, I think you should ignore it because it doesn't matter at all to anyone unless you let it. Feel insulted all you want, but letting how they feel about something make you feel a certain way, especially someone you always think is being muhahahahahturrible on the interwebz is just....silly. I think anyway. I think Sumia is a great character, despite her quarks, hell...for her quarks, and very deserving of love from anyone, and I've already expressed my own doubts that it has anything to do with how men may or may not feel about her. Someone making yet another comment about how awful they are is ignoble at worst should be ignored. Don't need to write out an essay of how they are hellspawn. As to her take on friendship, not touching that, because I know nothing about friendship.
  17. Yeah, although taking any of the pairing seriously is something I never understood. Until it actually mattered for optimization, I usually just flipped a coin a few times and laughed about the support I read to get to it.
  18. But she didn't even say those things. I don't know her, but you commenting on how you think she feels passed on past experiences using a current comment is hardly fair, now is it? First, she never said Sumia couldn't attract anyone, she said FEW, emphasis on few because that doesn't mean none in the slightest, in fact it probably means less than otherwise if anything, would want to marry, which last I checked doesn't equal love in the slightest, you can most certainly love someone with all of your heart and not want to marry them. Don't really know here, but from what I've read, she's pretty...vocal. However, responding just as extreme as she does, doesn't make the situation any better, responding worse doesn't either. I get identifying with a character as well. Still, they aren't reflections of you, I'm sorry to say. They are reflections of ideas that IS thought people would like. IS wasn't thinking of how you felt and said, "Yep, there's a character." When the day is done, these aren't real people, and they will never be as complicated as real people, nor will they hold a similar meaning when being discussed as real people. Sumia is two things, words and triangles. She doesn't represent anything more than words and triangles, and she does not stand for anything more than words and triangles. She will always be words and triangles; do not take such things personally. It's okay to dislike how a character is designed. I think it's irrational, but I'm not going to pretend that someone should feel bad when they don't like a fictional idea. And finally to the Fredrick thing, I was actually thinking of saying something similar until I came back to all of these responses.
  19. It's bound to happen when a game becomes more popular, the amount of newer fans will start to even out with the older ones. Chrom's the protagonist and the only guaranteed character throughout the story, so he'll have more story time than anyone else. Lucina, as Chrom junior, will always be there once she's introduced. More content, higher chance for appeal. Just sort of have to live with it.
  20. I was responding to what someone said, not to Ana herself. I don't think anyone denied that it was insensitive, especially considering I said it was insensitive. Either way, she's already clarified herself, and she most certainly did not even start saying the they were desirable in no way possible. She said to few at first, which is not true, but still. She meant to the extreme, /nitpicking because everyone else is So do I, but I'd think twice about someone who handed me a beehive. Even with that, I don't have a problem with Sumia.
  21. I'm relatively new to Awakening, and new to these boards, but I was under the impression that this was a video game. Using this logic, we can't hate or like anything because no one controls themselves out of what IS gave them. I doubt it has anything to do with Sumia being attractive to the other male characters, but it most certainly has everything to do with Sumia herself, since it's about Sumia herself. Anacybele doesn't like her, who cares why? We can go into all kind of social implications, but in the end, you attacking her for her statements about how she finds a video game character insulting, is pointless, even if there seems to be a game made out of this here, I've seen. Her comment was insensitive, sure, but I guess I'm among the few people here that doesn't find broad generalizations with video game characters worthy of saying anything more than don't make a broad generalization about real life. If this is the worst thing you've read in a while, then you're missing a great big world out there. As for the actual topic: Chrom and Tharja wouldn't work because Tharja discovers the affair between him and the MU that is present across all playthroughs. Chrom and Miriel wouldn't work because Chrom's ability to somehow fly defies all the laws of logic in the universe.
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