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Everything posted by Logience

  1. So you actually trust his Speed stat to carry him, then? Do remember it's a mere 35% coupled with 25% Def and Luck.
  2. Plus, wouldn't the best bow class be Bow Knight or Bride?
  3. Oswin, Marcus, Dorcas (if you can rig his growths just right), Lowen, Priscilla, Raven, Canas (if also rigged) Fiora, Heath, and Harken. Careful, 23 will have Fog of War, and 23x will have Kishuna moving along with Sleep, Bolting and Purge out the ass.
  4. Whenever I press quote, it does nothing. What do I have to do to make it appear?
  5. This. Also, how do you reply to posts?
  6. Why bows? Waste does the same amount of damage, and magic can actually counterattack.
  7. Exactly what other skills would take up the other 4 slots, AC?
  8. Honestly, I think this series NEEDS an Avatar.
  9. I say kick him out of the story, but let him still exist, just like in FE7.
  10. @Hidden Wall: Can you give me the link to the fic you're talking about, is what I mean.
  11. Sacred Stones. I tell you, that game is just way too kind, and its tutorial is just genius.
  12. ...because he is the player character. Hero's Journey, newbie to war, and eventual superhero to all the land. This status alone exempts him from hatred or criticism. Thoughts and rebuttals, anyone?
  13. @Kai: What do you mean by that statement, exactly?
  14. If you really need as much help as you can, try looking through playthroughs for any recorded support dialogue. Nuzlocke has a small cache here: http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/topic/8757350/1/
  15. I'll grant you that apart from backstory, class and cuteness, their personalities are quite different. Though while Nino is a innocent, naïve child, Katarina is fully aware of what she's doing, but her character is surprisingly nonexistent, mostly taking cues from Rei Ayanami and running with them as far as they can go.
  16. Brigand. Crappy weak unit who terrorizes people and dies easily..
  17. Eh, I still think the worst vandal would be the moron(s) who turned the Archetype page into their personal battleground. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Archetype?diff=next&oldid=89392
  18. Kinda "Meh" about her. She just really existed to appeal to the moe crowd and reignite Nino's popularity. She was meaningless in the prologue, her nickname of "Eine" is a living plothole, and it was way too obvious that she'd turn evil. Still, I gotta say I liked the implication of her being the tactician of the group instead of MU, and she also has the greatest death quote in the entire series, so not all bad.
  19. Ouch. Can dynamic growths actually decrease the base growth?
  20. So, say I rigged Roger's levelups to force 10 straight speed levels...
  21. Like, if a 40% growth became 52% after 3 misses, and the 4th gained that stat, would it reset back to 40% or stay at 52%? Also, do stat boosters affect dynamic growths?
  22. Realized that the General thread was probably the wrong place for this topic, so I'm putting it here to see if it works better. Inb4 this gets me suspended. Anyways, would a retelling/self-insert fic of FE7/12/13/whatever with character death seem viable? No AU or AC, but a fic in which the general plotline of the game stays solid, but people in the group acually die. I mean, I don't think there's a single fic out there that isn't a No Deaths run. Kinda ruins the suspense of a well-written action scene when you know for a fact that no one's gonna die. Plus it would also work for building drama and also allow the writer to stop mentioning certain characters whom writing for is getting repetitive.
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