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Everything posted by Logience

  1. What's wrong with dragons? It's an undead horse, Ana. The cliche is used so much that no one really cares about it anymore. Plus, Manaketes are fun to use and challenging to fight.
  2. Please disregard this post, as the user who wrote this is a condescending fuckwit.
  3. Regardless, would it kill you to upload all the text to the FE12 page?
  4. *headdesk* I meant Jaytheking. Because I'm racist in the sense that I can't understand people on the internet not being from North America. Happy?
  5. My Little Pony? Kay, thanks for the response instead of ignoring me.
  6. ..........What country do you live in? I wouldn't think anywhere in America would be too far from a Wal-Mart.
  7. Except "being different for the sake of being different" at least lets fans and the companies look at the sales figures as general attitude towards the different. Risks need to be taken when a market starts to grow stagnant, and apart from Steam, there's just no risks being taken anymore.
  8. You don't have a Walmart, Gamestop or Best Buy in your area? www.nintendo.com/prepaidcards
  9. Welcome to Serenesforest, Tables! Hope you can stay for more than just 2 hours. Also, wouldn't it be ridiculously hard to navigate through your convoy for bullions to sell if you picked up 1 of everything? Also, how far are you in the game?
  10. Mark_asphodel, you should know how heavily the game favors Eli/Ninian. Just because Squeenix's comic favors pairing Priscilla with someone that isn't Erk, doesn't mean it's not a valid opinion. (For the record, when I say "someone who isn't Erk", I mean "Someone who doesn't get abandoned because she's a goddamn noble".)
  11. Going by that criteria, and considering all the stuff BrightBow and Irsya have said, Micaiah does seem to be a Sue anyways. While the "Daein populace cares nothing about their king" angle is shown, they never utilize it, to the point where no one ever asks about Pelleas after his death in 3-13. Not to mention that if Micaiah was really humble, then she wouldn't let herself take over as queen, though Pelleas was probably in the right for abdicating the throne to her. Therefore, it feels like a weakness that the story is embarrassed about, but refuses to rectify it. Also, and this is a big one, if I were Ike and/or Tibarn, if someone were to burn alive approximately two-thirds of my entire army, and then make an attempt to gun down the Empress of the continent herself, I'd just kill them. No shenanigans like faking Sothe's death, or asking Tauroneo to talk sense into her. Negotiations kinda don't work if they've happened after willingly murdering 10,000 soldiers in a manner befitting war crimes. Finally, if the Begnion Senate really was dickish enough to force a neutral country into an unrighteous war to exterminate an entire species, what would make you think they wouldn't kill you if you won anyways? If you had strength enough to slaughter all laguz, the Senate would obviously decide they weren't worth hanging around as a potential rebel. Thus they'd enact the blood pact, and then after a few months, stage their own invasion, and before you know it, Lekain rules over the entire continent without any opposition. Thus the blood pact was REALLY not worth that much as blackmail when Daein could've instead staged a blitzkrieg on Sienne.
  12. Logience


    Welcome to Serenesforest! Might I recommend our "Hello, Hi, Hey" thread?
  13. Blue haired male lord with a divine lineage that wields swords. Honestly, I'd just like to have another lance lord, please. I don't care about their hair color.
  14. Not much of a hacker... But in any case, welcome to Serenesforest, we hope you can find it adjustable here.
  15. You have a bias towards the fact that you're physically incapable of thinking of Frederick and MU being paired with anyone else. That's bad. Anyways, on-topic, Miriel/anyone, Lon'qu/Lissa, Nowi/anyone, Yarne/anyone, Emmeryn/MU.
  16. Exactly how am I supposed to get through the game without training Edward, Aran and Sothe?
  17. Requesting Camtech to make a oneshot FE8 AU with Mechas.
  18. It means "long ass", and it's funny. Also, your bias is too heavy to be taken seriously. Rabid fangirls or not, it's very hypocritical given how much you gush over manly men archetypes. (3,2,1 and I get banned.)
  19. Except I need to constantly rig the damn growths in order for him to gain an actual level. Most of the time I keep getting single gains, but blah blah PEMN. Also, Jill is impossible to train. She's stuck in the Dawn Brigade, where EVERYONE needs XP or they'll die, and I already have to sacrifice Zihark and Micaiah for XP distribution, not to mention how Leonardo seems to be conpeting with Ronan for "best example of why bow units suck". There's simply no goddamn room to train her, with Steel Axes weighing her down, Knights having actual speed stats, and those REALLY terrible bases. Maybe if I were to have a save file that had a transferred Jill with maxed HP and Strength...
  20. Really just Nolan. I can't understand why tiers keep calling him crutch, because to me he just has an obsession with gaining nothing but speed and luck levels Oh, and FE10 Jill. Why the hell did they think that a level 14 Dracoknight with only 24 HP was smart is beyond me...
  21. With Arran's supports, I liked how it actually gave him depth for why he would want to die in battle beyond "less painful than sickness", even if it's recycled from Heath and Vaida. With Palla, it's simply a character check for Palla's role as the wife of the Whitewings, and I'm really relieved they didn't do anything stupid with her like making them romantic options. Plus the ending of the Palla/Est supports....And here I thought IS had forgot how to write a complex character, especially with her follow-ups being Mahnya 2.shit and the ara ara checklist that is Cherche.
  22. Hopefully my title is self-explanatory enough. I wouldn't know how to say it in better detail.
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