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Everything posted by Logience

  1. I set up artillery at Vladivistok and Khabarovsk, and send 1200 troops to Aswan. I have also had 130 other troops surround your school.
  2. I stage a hostile takeover. You now lose all your water.
  3. Still mongering for a communist dictatorship.
  4. Wrong reaction. You're supposed to shriek like you just saw a dead body.
  5. You wanna hear something funny?
  6. New random question that's easily answered: Are Ballisticians catchable? Because I was thinking of doing a pacifist run of Chapter 10 for shits and giggles.
  7. I take one step into /v/, and boom: a million people declaring primary and secondary colors to be rulers of the world. Can someone please explain to me what's going on, because I'm Free 2 Play.
  8. 4: For Whose Sake, The Last Holy War 5: Mother and Child. Best combination of gameplay and story in the series. 6: Retaking the Capital, The Sword Of Seals 7: Crazed Beast 8: Hamill Canyon 9: Crimea Marches, Defending Talrega 10: Geoffrey's Charge 11: Clash in Macedon. I guess I just love Dracoknights. 12: The Beginning (Satellaview Chapter 4), Soulful Bridge, Battle of the Pass 13: The Conqueror, The Sword or the Knee
  9. Wouldn't it just be easier to let mounted units' stats be unaffected by mount status beyond build?
  10. Okay, what about Yuria? Is she also -5 with everyone? I know that's how she is with Celice, but the wiki just says 0+0 for everyone but him.
  11. I'm really conservative about staves that don't heal. You should know how that feels.
  12. Ana, Ike is in the middle of a bunch of bog tiles. It's a foolproof shield from any enemy engagement. Additionally, 17 part 3 is ankle-deep in the part of the game where all your longterm units are promoted. How anyone could have trouble with it is beyond me. Chapter 19? Just throw Jill or Marcia in range of Naesela's Vortex with a Full Guard equipped, have Janaff talk to him, then make sure Reyson is in his movement range. 2 turns, no effort.
  13. Because those mage growths and tendency to max out magic and resistance while every other stat he has stays at base seems really familiar...
  14. Angelic Robe or Dracoshield used at any point?
  15. https://www.youtube.com/user/dowolf Easier, and doesn't require you to listen to amateurs making fools of themselves in a headset.
  16. Hey, TheEnd, you mind finding someone willing and able to patch or translate stuff and teach them how?
  17. Maybe, but I was more taking offense to the fact that Lara still levels up speed even after capping it.
  18. No one in the thread said that we think you're assuming FE13 is racist. What we ARE assuming, however, is that you are oversensitive and are purposely trying to find something to take offense at in everything you possibly can. Look at the image posted here: http://perezstart.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/level3-300x255.gif Does it look like a swastika? Yes. Is it harming anyone? No. Then there's the weapon from FE4, called the Swanchika. Does it sound like swastika? Yes. Is it harming anyone by being called that? No. Then there's this little image here: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/e/e7/Spr_4d_379.png Yes, it looks like a Nazi salute. But it's not. It's just an unlucky coincidence. The only people who could possibly be harmed by them are people who deliberately TRY to take offense at it. Hell, I would have never noticed the similarity if the internet didn't take notice. And now that I do, I actually make even less of a deal over it. It's just a pose. Overzealous persons like you who take offense to every little aspect of everything are the reason why racism and prejudices exist. Just ignore it, and no one will get hurt. You know what I see in Ignis' symbol? A cool spiral. You know what I see in their prep animation? A cool handwave. Nothing more. I don't need to think about it. Nothing is telling me to. LET. IT. GO.
  19. FE5, Chapter 19. How the hell am I supposed to recruit Amalda while keeping her mooks alive?
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