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Everything posted by Logience

  1. Mareeta, then. Oh, one more nitpick about the game itself: I'm all for keeping flaws intact for the sake of retro, but a cap of 20 on everything is bad enough, especially with the whole "conjoining magic and resistance into one stat" thing. You didn't have to make it worse by letting stats continue to level up fruitlessly after hitting the cap, IS. I thought you were working with the FE4 engine here.
  2. Regardless, someone should probably update the wiki on how releasing him on 2x doesn't matter in regards to his recruitment in 7. Also, Shiva or Mareeta. Who should I promote?
  3. Ah. Just clarifying if he still had it as class skill in Chapter 5.
  4. Kay. But can someone tell me how the Grandbell forums ended up with that as a finished product? I know the patcher went to college, according to the readme, but...
  5. All this conflicting info is just tells me that no one has done any thorough work on catalogueing FE5 further than reinforcement count. Also, we really need a new patch. Everything but the necessities are gibberish, the names of locations and people are in heated conflict with FE4's translations (Nova? Meeds? Freaking LIBO?), and the scene where Cyas teleports off with Mareeta isreplaced by a Safy placeholder.
  6. Okay, I didn't release Galzus in 6, instead I just had Felgus leave carrying him. Also, turns out you're all wrong about Shiva. I can see him plain as day in 7, Killing Edge and all.
  7. Hero. That guy deserves to be chucking axes with the overpowered CON he's given. Plus the only other nominees for Hero are Garcia, with no speed and not enough defense, and Ross, with low con and low skill.
  8. Vylon doesn't have Pursuit? But isn't he a Master Knight?
  9. Wow, you're ridiculously sensitive. I bet you'd probably be unconfortable with FF's Holy being called Holy instead of Pearl.
  10. Dracoknight sounds the coolest. Especially when HoS translated Minerva's nickname into "Crimson Dracoknight"
  11. Which reminds me: Why haven't I seen a single MGR quote on this entire forum?
  12. This. The whole thing about TPP is that the run itself, being a bunch of Twitch psychos screaming directions and letters into a chat board, is inherently lame and falls off in about 5 minutes. The real appeal came from the drawfags making artwork and memes on Reddit and Tumblr. If it weren't for out-of-context stuff like Bird Jesus and Helix Fossil, TPP would've never been anything but background noise like the TF2 and Dota matches they usually broadcast.
  13. Irsya was just giving an idea of how to make Ashnard a better villain, saying that it would be more believable if his motives were racism instead of "LOL Fist Of The North Star anarchy".
  14. Can you get the "everyone gets double XP" cheat right on startup? And if so, how?
  15. Play however you feel, OP. Just remember that 1: Fiona and Meg are untrainable, 2: Volug is crap when halfshifted, and 3: 3-6 has infinite reinforcements, and at the top-right corner will Lethe and Mordecai ready to ORKO anyone who comes within range.
  16. How about this: Just have a run where you pair Chrom and yourself. Don't think about it, just do it. Also, skip all the cutscenes so you don't have to think about your choices until after Chapter 11. I guarantee that regardless of how insane your husbandoism is, you'll still feel like Lucina is your daughteru.
  17. Hacking the game to get a Morgan confession. Just trolling. Stahl's and Sumia's. Shame that all the confessions are lackluster.
  18. >Unironically liking Mustafa Get the music out of your head, because like it or not, you're going to be bombarded with a lot of mocking laughter in the near future.
  19. You literally just get a prompt at the end of Chapter 4 whether you want to keep the look or not. Just say "Yes" and you go back to your last hairstyle.
  20. It used to sound like this: http://serenesforest.net/media/fe3sm/19%20-%20Holy%20War.mp3 So I'm pretty sure it's purely a coincidence. Plus, it's just trying to put it and the Legend of the Divine God theme in a darker context.
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