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The Geek

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Everything posted by The Geek

  1. Hey. When a girl with a small chest hugs you, she's holding you closer to her heart. Remember that next time.
  2. I mostly marry for support log completion. As for my faves: Stahl because HNNNG that confession CG. Henry because he is Henry. There need be no other reason. Sumia because, again HNNNG confession CG (Remind me why she and Stahl can't marry?) Tharja because Avatar/Tharja is totally canon.
  3. Your image doesn't show, you have to upload it to Imgur first.
  4. I had a short lived FE4 LP on another forum where I did something similar.
  5. Just so you know, guys, I'm totally stealing your Sumia/Virion idea for my fan support thread. This shameless plug is a courtesy of Geek Industries
  6. Looks kinda like Warhammer 40K.
  7. THE EPIC FINALE IS HERE! Tharja/Chrom S Chrom: *glaring* ... Tharja. Tharja: *blushing* Oh! Um... hello. Chrom: You've been following me ever since we had that discussion that one day. Tharja: *cringing* *blushing* Oh. Sorry, I'll just be going then. Chrom: No! Stop! Tharja: What? Chrom: *blushing* Tharja... Talking to you has given me a better view of this whole catastrophe, and made me better than I was. Tharja: What are you saying? Chrom: *cringing* Well, I... Tharja, I love you and I want you to marry me! Tharja: ...What? Chrom: I need you. The fallout from this war will be more than I can handle alone. Join me and we can make sure that neither Ylisse nor Plegia need to suffer. Take this, and marry me please. Tharja: A royal signet ring of Ylisse. Chrom: Will you? Tharja: *smiling* *blushing* Well... I do rather like you, and Queen Tharja does have a nice ring to it. Yes, Chrom, I will. Chrom: *smiling* *blushing* Thank you, Tharja. I will devote myself to you just as much as I am to my kingdom. Tharja: Good. If you hadn't, things could've gotten... ugly. Hee hee hee. Chrom: *frowning* Um, Tharja? Dear?
  8. Holy crap, I forgot that this was a thing. I'll have to write some supports up tomorrow.
  9. Just some vanilla F!Avatar X Henry. Some FE4 shenanigans: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44614380 And an Eirika.
  10. Used to, but hasn't happened to me since 2006. What used to happen was that I could only play for 1 hour a day (on consoles). But since a couple of years ago, I can play for however long I want.
  11. It's good for people who want to enjoy the games but aren't good enough to play it vanilla. Hell, I know people who can't even beat Sacred Stones.
  12. Path of Radiance comic: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44556635 Radiant Dawn comic: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44557050 Also, Cordelia fans should prepare for an enormous influx of art.
  13. Ballisticians are ridiculously OP if you forge their ballistae to have better accuracy.
  14. XL has a far longer battery life, and the larger screen makes games like Kid Icarus Uprising, Ocarina of Time, and Link Between Worlds really look good.
  15. I used them when I played FE6 in order to arena abuse. I've been meaning to replay FE6 without doing that, but haven't gotten around to it because I hate using a keyboard to play FE and I don't have a USB controller. Like many people have stated above, I also used them in FE4 as a mid-chapter save aside from the "save every turn" option. Honestly, I think save states screwed me over in FE4 way more than they helped me.
  16. A series of Chrom/F!Avatar images: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44451021 Me? Posting an image of Olivia? What a concept. FE8 comic starring the Jehanna crew: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44461000
  17. I think the issue of unit uniqueness in relation to Shadow Dragon vs. Awakening has a lot more to do with how the story is written. Many of the characters in Shadow Dragon don't actually have any character. Shadow Dragon's cast only has a very few characters, but to make up for it, I personally think they're well written.
  18. FE9/10 style weapon/item inventory split. Reliable 1-2 range swords.
  19. The sprites are more detailed versions of the sprites from the SNES Fire Emblem games. I myself prefer the cartoony-ness of the GBA sprites, but I have no problem with the hyper-detailed sprites in Shadow Dragon.
  20. Personal as opposed to class-based skills. It makes each character more unique and gives them some character beyond just the writing of the plot.
  21. A bunch of Kieran/Marcia pictures: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44398520
  22. The only reclassing I ever did in Shadow Dragon was between Bishop and Sage. Stats are relatively the same, it just gives a boost to Lena/Elice's Tome rank. This is good because weapon ranks in Shadow Dragon grow ridiculously slowly. Also, yeah. No dodging ever happens. Hardly anybody crits either.
  23. Oh, something I forgot: FE11 has hands down my favorite soundtrack out of the entire series. Except maybe FE12, but that has mostly the same music with a few new ones added. Also: Clash of Two Virtues >>>>> Tearing Shadows.
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