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The Geek

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Everything posted by The Geek

  1. Interceptor, as much as I like Awakening as well, you're really grasping at straws to try and prove it's better than the other games in the series.
  2. Fave kid pairs: Lucina/Inigo (though I also like Gerome and M!Morgan) Cynthia/Gerome Severa/Owain Nah/Yarne Brady/Noire Laurent/F!Morgan Kjelle doesn't deserve love is strong woman who don't need no man.
  3. The younger sister of one of our anime club's members actually asked him to do the confession scene with her at Sakura Con.
  4. That Leif comic is pretty great. Quick! Shine the SOC Signal!
  5. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=43943766 F!AvatarXStahl comic.
  6. Vaike is Owain's father. It makes too much sense.
  7. One thing that bugged me about Awakening was that it really lacked in the non-romantic support department. I think most are in agreement that 9 times out of 10 the non-romantic supports were far superior to their romantic counterparts. On top of this, there were only three possible pairs of siblings (Chrom and Lissa, Lucina and her sibling, and F!Morgan and her sibling) which most games usually had more of. I dunno, that's just something that kinda bugged me.
  8. Some people would like to play it with a controller.
  9. Chrom and Olivia's marriage is to help forge stronger political ties between Ylisse and Regna Ferox.
  10. In my experience with the idea of the "outdated" FEs, I think FE4 is as far back as I'll go. I tried to play FE3, but good god, the interface is horrendous.
  11. Good characters. Excellent voice acting. Nice art style. Good interface. Much faster gameplay than previous titles. Pretty good music even if most of it is just remixes of two songs. Excellent DLC. And nigh infinite pairing options to give countless replays to those who care to do so.
  12. It largely depends. There are great dubs like the Gurren Lagann dub There a shit dubs like the DiC Sailor Moon dub. There are dubs that are part great and part shit. This category is where most dubs fit, where some of the characters have great voices and others are annoying. Then there are cases where the dub is mostly good but the translators do something really dumb. For instance, I know this is really stupid, but I hate hate hate hate HATE the dub of the 2006 Fate/Stay Night anime because they ruined the Unlimited Blade Works chant. IT WAS ALREADY IN ENGLISH, YOU DIDN'T NEED TO CHANGE IT! *sigh* At least it was fixed in the 2010 movie.
  13. Not everyone is suited to Fire Emblem. I have a friend who's really good at a lot of games, but he can't beat Sacred Stones. On Easy mode. I know for a fact that there are plenty of people who stay away from Fire Emblem because of its notoriety. Hell, I deliberated for about a year before getting my first FE game because I wasn't sure about the whole perma death, but here I am and I've played about half the games in the series, and beaten all but one of those.
  14. What do you guys think the FE fandom would be like if the games had been released in the west from the very beginning? Would FE1 be considered a classic RPG alongside Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy I? Would FE3 and 4 be considered masterpieces alongside Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI? Would Gaiden be hated? Would people have different opinions of the later games? What do you guys think?
  15. You're okay. You can dislike it, just don't try to point out to us why we shouldn't like it. Posterity: God I really do sound like an asshole.
  16. Uh, I don't think Awakening is the best, check that little thing under my avatar that says "Favorite Fire Emblem Game" I just think people give it way too much of a hard time on issues that aren't actually issues. Awakening is outclassed by several other games in the series in several aspects. Story? Mystery of the Emblem had a story so good that every game since has ripped off something from it. Characters? Nothing beats the tight-knit group feel of the Sacred Stones cast. Gameplay? Radiant Dawn's mechanics blow it out of the water.
  17. I can't stand haters. Sometimes I'm overzealous. Deal with it.
  18. I always related Einherjar to the concept of Heroic Spirits (Legendary Souls in the Aksys translation) from the Fate/ series where the souls of important figures from history and legend are recorded and can be summoned by certain magic users under certain circumstances.
  19. Maybe have one of the countries be more Middle East inspired? I think they kind of tried to do that with Plegia, but the lack of world building in Awakening killed that.
  20. Okay, I thought you were one of the "grr Awakening no good common denominator weeb shit" crowd. Sorry about that.
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