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Everything posted by Pride

  1. me? please, im the picture of purity avatar of wholesomeness deacon of decency poobah of piety head honcho of honor you have no evidence to the contrary this too
  2. yeah duh like hit the gym? visit a park and walk around? get you a tv that was made sometime this century so you can enjoy videogames? sheesh now i know why youre known as lewdy around here
  3. well i cant blame you considering im not over there thatd give you something to do
  4. Maybe there's some part of you that feels the need to dooooo something maybe
  5. sounds like excuses not to catch this work n.gin labs/sewer speedway/hot air skyway ALL DAY
  6. right after you beat me in crash team racing
  7. gotcha breh look out for that add from shahenzan its impossible for me to screw up, because IM THE BEST Am I soiled now, Mak? My purity compromised?
  8. It's doing alright, I can do everything I used to be able to do, the only problem is that I think with the implant the leg is either longer or shorter than the other. Messes up my foot when I try to jog, or do leg workouts at the gym, takes days to recover. I probably need a sole in my shoe that supports it right, gotta see the doc about it. Whats the steam name? I'll buy melty if people are playing.
  9. glad to hear it its all good in my life dude, as usual I have a steam but no melty thats a comical name for a restaurant i dont think i could go to a steaknshake without chuckling but great news, glad to hear you can start getting your life in order yes its all true whats up with you rei rei aint spoken to you in a DOGS AGE
  10. Shiiiiiet really? That's great where at and doing what?
  11. im feelin it now kirei Sask! whats up amigo hows things
  12. wow you payasos making it out like im going to get hitched im just taking a relaxing vacation to the eastern united states, and conveniently within range of letoose c-o-n-v-e-n-i-e-n-t-l-y about 1700 american dollars in this scenario Ya boy changed, Mak. Life sucker punched me hard enough to make me reconsider what I'm doing with myself, and the conclusion is that my lifestyle of casual hedonism isn't actually sustainable. Thus, a [spoiler=hang on, dry heaving here]committed relationship is no longer an idea that is anathema to me.
  13. both them new characters are looking good nelson + king of dinosaurs + geese incoming too bad about athena's face though
  14. if that means im the most beautiful then im ok with that not even the language barrier can prevent him from expressing his hopes and dreams what a man
  15. not me amigo im positively mad max-culine
  16. this street fighter v brazil stage is genius replace cristo redentor with....
  17. haha man crash had ugly as fuck looking lip-things didnt he i vote for 2 too
  18. If you're all discussing whether features attributed to the Judeo-Christian God are contradictory, the answer is obviously yes. But what's the point of asking that? All you've done is say that something that shouldn't exist, doesn't exist. Does this make any other godlike figure across religions fair game for being acceptable in "logical" discussion, so long as I can prove there isn't anything contradictory in its known nature? If that's the case, I can imagine a God right now who demands a specific set of moral values, doesn't contradict them, and then bring it in as valid endorsement for said morals in "serious" talks, right? "Does God exist?" Obviously God only exists if I say it does.
  19. watched jurassic world re: weather its HUMID AS FUCK out here and its aggravating me i live in the desert not in florida arghhhh
  20. duuuuuude i have to say this episode was really weak so much off-model, terrible pacing the thing with the opening was slick but everything else is like WHERE DID THE BUDGET GO
  21. Theres a kon pun for every occasion isnt there
  22. dont blame you i couldnt bring myself to finish it after chapter 4 did the thing
  23. very smooth way to request attention letoose almost got me
  24. well then problem solved right letoose except the whole sweating bullets thing get that checked out dude
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