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Everything posted by Blacknight9

  1. only eceptions are levin swords and ballista sd they stand no chance of use other wise
  2. only round 1 qwill have the rules on Braves and forges
  3. it is this is just who you are fighting right away
  4. http://s734.photobucket.com/albums/ww348/Blacknight9_01/ this should be it, sorry i can't make it bigger, Also peopel who join after this is posted i will tell you what number you are on the sign up sheet so you know what to look for. actaly i will tell you as well if you an't see it Catua vs (Player 6 who has yet to join) (? loki of 7 person who has yet to join) vs 3 (third person who has yet to join) Cheeze person vs 4(you get teh number now right?) Blacknight9 Vs Cloudx128 Sirius Vs 2 5 vs 1 Specctral archer vs Zath the sword
  5. i have Decided on a tourny date, do to the roster filling up i have decided to make the date SUNDAY JUNE 21 at 5PM pasific, 8PM eastern US time, if you have an issue with the time post it and i will see wht i can do. WE will meet here http://s4.zetaboards.com/Shadow_Stars/pages/chat/ in the Tournament chatbox we have. there is a brawl tourny we are hosting after that you are allowed to be in if you wish(no sign ups nessacary) i excpect the tournament to last 20 minuites a round, i will be posting brackets shortly.
  6. player 1 can block teh exits or player 2 and have p2 waste there turn
  7. NOOOOOOO REALY i never knew, but some people like to make the game harder for more fun so the use the crappy units
  8. they gave them those names because they suck and if you lost those units unintentionaly it also means you suck
  9. true but against a poor team they are harder as the missions are diffrent, but easier like you said becasue your units being Gods
  10. um people i think it would be a good idea to temember on tiers that at the end of the game the chapters become longer and harder. which is what can make them more important. i say Neph>Zihark at the end she will be doubling almost anyone and str will be high as well. Zihark migh have more STr but it might be way to much overkill which doesn't matter if they both kill there target, ALso her defense is suburb at this point and several units may not be able to damage her that she can't double shich means he would win by default agaisnt SM's Soren>Geof Ok Geoffry is USLESS on mountain level being a pali. and also you already might have several good palis Titania, Oscar, Keirnan how many do you honestly need. Soren at this point will be doubling everything (except mabey swordmasters) in which case he deals damage that will either 1HKO them or severly weaken them, if you look ath the end of the game the units take in sorens 25+Mag(say level10 sage) plus (Tornado ) which is 9mt i beleve, which is at least 30 damage on anything not magical, and magic untis pale to him with his Resistance they shouldn't be able to hurt him. ALso even if he shouldn't kill them he has a good evade chance. and it isn't like we are putting him on front lines anyway,
  11. if you do what sirus suggests your really going to want a Forged Longbow as well
  12. the only thing you will want a lance unit as is a pali, Generals suck and Dracomights and Faclon nihgts have fairly low stat caps. Palis make good scouts and Defense max is the same as a General, the have good scouts and good all around stat caps. if your consernedd about water scouters its ok just use a beserker, adn if sdgar is going to be anyting make him a horseman or beseker.
  13. no the forge limit is on braves is is because thats one brave a chracter becasue Mages don't have braves, it makes 4, it would be unfair to me (horse man for example becasue we know generals suck) if you can have Brave bows and brave swords on umbra due to some people will only have one or teh other if they are making new teams,. Stages, in the rules i said 1st stage must be random but can be done again if both players veto, but looking back i din't say you couldn't pick stage three for a counter pick , whick would be extremelu unfair to player 2. STAGE 3 is BANNED, if you pick it by accidnet you surrender and start over.thank you for bringing this to my attention Sirius
  14. Soren becomeing so beefed up in ch4 that he became a tannk and i used him as a melee unit, pricleesssssssss, the vvery air you breath will kill you
  15. Nephenee, people get her to sentinel and look at how much she actauly wears, Mia, elincia, michah(last ones an idoit though)
  16. http://s4.zetaboards.com/Shadow_Stars/pages/chat/ here people this is were we will be discussing the tourny, feel free to drop by
  17. the optional rules are a little game types are confusing, but Sylvans right, they are a little broken
  18. thanks dynamic grwoth rates always confussed my until now [No problem, but you don't need to quote me ^^]
  19. Like i said they were optional a Standard rout was always a option,
  20. If this be the case i would like to offer an addtional type matches designed to test players ability to adapt to situation Game types allowed Game 1 must still be a rout gametype rounds 2 and 3 can be any as long as BOTH PLAYERS AGREE, this is just for fun if you want, all matches may be rout. :#1standard rout, the one you always do (default one done) #2 Regicide now this will be unfair for high level marths but i think it could work since few good players use him Rules: kill other players marth FOW is on Card is on stages 1,2,4 only (3 is cheap and the otherse are too big.) , as said before kill the other players marth, since Marth is medicre a brave weapons will most lily klll him in one round anyway, *this is unfair if you have a good marth #3 capture the cell, Map 4 only. FOW is is optional Card on, WARP STAFFS ARE BANNED it would be too easy to get to a wall and then just warp SHould player one get Cell first, they must hold there own base for Player 2 turn, since Player 1 would then have had a turn advantage, : Claim victory you need to go to chat and say so. alothoug oppenent may alraedy know. WE will be using my clans war/tourny chat for this event. the opposing player has three turns to verify victory, should the "win" player attack the confirming unti, the offensive player loses automaticaly. you must get into your oppenents cell with 2 doors on map 4, similar to Capture the flag however there isn't that game type in this game. this is designead to show tactical skill in assulting and defending a location. : if both teams get cell on same turn it becomes a rout match. these are juse suggestions, feel free to try them before tourny, THe standard Rout is always an option so don't flame me for suggesting other game types when both players have to argee to do a diffrent game type. Also if you have your own game type lets here it, this tourny is for you guys so make the most out of it
  21. this is defienetly excecpt able, you haven't capped your resistance a team tht has RNG'd to this point is completly acceptable and is encouraged,
  22. any team well suck ro RNg, there are a few reasons why it was banned 1.I cannot prove you didn't hack it 2. I people may want new teams for tourny 3 if you have maxed out stats and have all brave weapons forged you are almost impossible to beat unless by someon else like you , otherwise you just got got owned for having no strategy 4.Students do't alwasy have time with studing to do this. If you guys wish for RNG to be Allowed i will put it in, however if this being the case your stats of your team MUST be posted on here so i know you didn't hack, If you have max stats in all i will believe you hacked since it is almost impossible. Are you content with hese changes i will be resonable, put if you haave totaly outgarges stats like maxed out stats in 4 or more catogories (excluding HP) please get a new team, i am giving you at least 2 weeks to do this if you RNG this is defienetly enough time for you
  23. please post if you are going to enter
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