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Posts posted by Dai

  1. I'm wondering though about the rumor. Maybe the Inkling could be a Smash DLC character and the amiibo is actually part of the Smash Bros. line? Who knows?

    That would be kind of cool. In fact, it'd kind of be like a Roy thing, where they promote the game through Smash.

  2. I don't really think it even looks very innovative. The first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer for it was paint ball. It looks extremely similar, only it focuses on covering the area with ink rather than each other. Yet, you can still blast each other with the ink just like in paint ball. So really, this game is just paint ball with a small twist. That's how I look at it, anyway.

    Well, you know, you COULD always just not have posted the rumor to begin with. Why try spreading a rumor for game you don't even like, anyway?

  3. Because my "ew" comment wasn't meant to be taken in a literal sense. As in, I wasn't literally trying to say the game is gross. That just sounds silly.

    Also, what did you expect me to say about a rumor that I don't like? I wanted to voice my simple opinion, that's all. If you guys don't agree with it, fine, but that doesn't give you the right to bash me for it. I'm not going to lie and say the game looks omg incredible.

    You two are interested in the game, I feel it looks like a waste of money. Deal with it.

    Jave: "Why wouldn't I want an Amiibo line for Splatoon?" Uh, because I feel there are much better games Nintendo could be using their Amiibo resources for. Why else?

    I'm not going to say Splatoon is as high on my list as other games are, but I'm interested in it because it looks ACTUALLY innovative, compared to most shooters that are pretty much the EXACT SAME THING with just a bell or a whistle added in occasionally.

    But it does seem that you don't want an Amiibo line for it. I'd like one, and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo starts churning out Amiibos for most of their big titles. Smash Bros. and Mario party are good examples, particularly the former since there's so many.

  4. Donkey Kong on the Game Boy is a surprisingly excellent game for fans of Mario and Donkey Kong alike. If you loved the original Donkey Kong, this version will blow your mind into small, bite-sized pieces. If you have $4 on your 3DS eShop account or 150 coins on your Club Nintendo account, I highly recommend you download this classic right now.

    It is. It's on my wish list right now. I might get it myself just to round off the rows on my GB file on my XL.

  5. I followed that thing to a T. The only successful transfer appeared to be my Mii stuff, and my NNID.

    Edit: Apparently, just my NNID and my Miis, along with my streetpasses and puzzle pieces, I guess.

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