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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Did...did...did I...did I seriously just get one rupee...?

    "1 rupee"

    wut ._.

    edit: from my Marth amiibo


    Okay, you are like, the third frikkin' person that I've read has gotten a single Rupee from their Marth Amiibo. What gives? XD

  2. [spoiler=I just noticed the Brand in her left eye...how could I have been clueless for all of these months?]QEc2OdB.jpg

    Sakurai actually mentioned that they'd put in that little detail, even though most would never see it in actual combat, let alone through other means unless they went looking for it.

  3. Then it already has to have everything needed in the custom stage builder.

    Whilst lacking functioning spikes, ladders, ferris wheels, and various other goodies?

    Well that's a load of BS. How was Sakurai able to put unlockable stage builder pieces in Brawl, but not this game? Did he fill it up with too much music and trophies or something? >_>

    It's almost as if the stage builder was like, the last thing they added in, and only did so as an afterthought.

  4. And yeah the thing about projectiles is absolutely true I got beat bad by a Duck Hunt player of all people.

    I beat a Duck Hunter player with Ike. He mostly just stuck to dodge-rolling and projectile spamming. Eventually I just started knocking that exploding can back into his face.

  5. Going with Alpha Sapphire because I prefer a blue color scheme over a red one, and I love Kyogre more than I do Groudon.

    Going with Treeko because he was my original starter (though I did get Mudkip during the demo back when they had the kiosk at GameStop), and I already have the Speed Boost Torchic. Now if I can just figure out what I want my team to be.

  6. Oh my god, I hope not. If that's the case, I'm DEFINITELY not getting this DLC. I don't want Tingle infecting my game, even if it's just his clothes. I hate him. >.>

    But this is a TP pack and Tingle didn't appear in that game, so...



    Granted, you are right, but this is still funny because of this guy.

    "Purlo was made to resemble Tingle, as his green clothes, his blue clock, and parts of his personality suggest."

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