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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Wii-U is our only hope for that. =]

    Please put them in that game, Sakurai. Please. He's already tested them in the Wii-U version and he said that they're working to perfection in it!

    I wouldn't get your hopes up on that. If memory serves, he said there would be no roster differences between the 3DS and Wii U version. I imagine they might be implemented as DLC after the new 3DS and XL are released if it can handle them.

  2. I like all five characters but have the most fun as Link (who is the best he's been outside of project M) and Megaman who takes some time to adjust to but if your a Megaman player will adapt to faster.

    Link is so freakin' amazing to me. => All because of that jump special, mostly. Though I did spike a dude down into the bottom of the arena for the first time with him.

    Started rolling the circle pad to do the Mega Upper now, so better-adjusted indeed.

  3. If it did have to be limited, perhaps limit it based on your Assets and Flaws. Like...I wager Tactician would always be required, but have it so like, having a magic asset makes it more likely to get magic classes, or perhaps more speed gets you thief and myrmidon, or something. For me though, Knight and Cavalier. For Aegis and Pavise.

  4. Oh. Now that I didn't know. I guess I'll still play as SS Zelda when I get her then. I find her to be so freaking cute.

    Speaking of, you still have the rapier and whatever else she winds up using as well.

  5. Using a musical instrument is fine variety. I just find giving Zelda one she never had instead of the one she DID have to be dumb. Now I don't want to play SS Zelda anymore because I hated TWW. Sigh...

    Zelda in HW was already seen using a baton to begin with, so having an alternate costume use the same baton makes more sense than making an alternate costume have entirely different animations to use an item they've been shown to have in their original game. It's just a costume.

  6. Bland? I didn't feel so. She has some depth to her, I believe. Coming from a ruined future has opened up so much possibilities, such as wanting to experience things she couldn't (like genuine family moments and shopping with her mother), and her naïvety is at times adorable. She has a lot to endure and live up to, but she still wants to be normal.

  7. Where in the Zelda timeline does this game take place?

    Since Ruto and Darunia are here, I'm kind of hoping we get Saria and Nabooru as well. I also hope that Darunia gets some of Darmani's skills, and that Ruto might perhaps have Mikau's? Who knows, though. I also hope that Ganondorf is playable for whatever reason.

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