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Posts posted by Dai

  1. I remember a petition going around. I think it only needed a few hundred more signatures.

    Edit: In other news, I just remembered that I managed to pick up Cobi's Journey at a local game store. Now my GBC collection is finally complete after a decade. =D

  2. Decided to actually train up Calill and Marcia in Geoffrey's chapter. Calill also maxed out Fire Magic, and got an A rank in Thunder. I had Danved serve as a shield for Calill, softening up some enemies and making sure she wouldn't be attacked. Granted, she dodged pretty much everything thrown at her anyway. She also pulled off a Gamble and got a successful critical on the first strike. Calill became an Archsage, and Marcia is getting my Master Crown.

  3. Yeah, I kind of wish more games had third-tiers. Naturally, I understand that this might mean that game would need to be longer in order to do so. I also kind of like the idea of playing in both sides, more or less.

    Edit: I took my sweet time with this chapter. That, and I was eating. Anyway, I mostly used Soren this time, although it seems as if the flaming boulders were magnetically attracted to him.

  4. I fought him, but Ike was no match for him. XD Well, fight's the wrong word. More like, try and have Ike forge his way through a bunch of insane halberdiers, only to take more than half his health in damge from a ranged Alondite strike, and then have Haar carry him faaar away. It was turn twelve anyway.

  5. I'm actually not using Micaiah as much as I'd like to be in this chapter. Granted, she's doing a lot of healing, but yeah. Sothe's getting more use, but only because I'm just having him do a little clean-up.

    Edit: Easy Mode feels more like a harder difficulty to me sometimes. XD But man...I just got lucky with Micaiah pulling off Vantage, Resolve, AND a Critical all at once. She almost got killed by a tiger after being ravaged by three other felines beforehand.

    Double Edit: I am so glad that the battle ended as abruptly as it did. XD I thought for sure that I was going to lose Nolan and Volug, if not Edward, too.

  6. True, I could've done that, but that kind of thing slips my mind after work. Not to mention, I think it's marginally okay to do so in a topic you've made yourself? Probably. I'll try not to do that again, though.

    Also, I'm actually kind of stunned. Even though I was expecting it, it's still a bit of a blow to find out that I'm controlling Micaiah and attempting to wipe out the Laguz. Wasn't quite expecting her to be a bit of a Camus archetype. That is the archetype, right?

  7. Oscar's a Silver Knight, now. I managed to get Haar to level 19, too(only six points away from leveling again, no less. Friggin' tease of a game. Some BEXP will remedy that, at least.). However, they were not the MVP. Heather was, in that I used her to pluck a few good riches from the fleeing senators, and some weapons before the turn limit was up.

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