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Posts posted by Dai

  1. I finally beat Part 1. I'm just kind of miffed that Micaiah wasn't promoted sooner.

    Micaiah was promoted at level 20, Aran at twenty-one, Nolan at twenty-one, Edward at twenty-one, Laura at twenty-one. Sothe is at level sixteen, and Tormod saw some use, enough to put him at level twenty-seven. Now to drop these guys for Crimea.

  2. Okay, so, for Christmas one year back in '08, I think it was, I got two games: Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. I loved Path of Radiance, so naturally, you'd think I'd want to beat Radiant Dawn, ASAP, right? Well, wrong. For some reason, even though I like this game (and trust me, I do), I just have a hard time finishing it, though I have beat Sacred Stones once. In fact, after about six years, I've only gotten as far as part 1, chapter 8. So, I decided to get some motivation for myself and just write a little log about what and how I'm doing. I'll take suggestions, but generally, if I like someone..I'm just gonna stick with them. Just being frank, here.

    All right, by chapter eight I've promoted Edward, Nolan, Aran, and Laura. Micaiah is at level 20. Most everyone else is fairly unused. Sothe is seeing some use only because I want him at level 20 before he gets promoted to a Whisper.

  3. Well yeah, if you make it into a video like THAT, of course it's annoying. :/

    I believe I need to play the actual game.

    The video only enhances the annoyingness, really. She's still just as annoying in the game when this happens.

    The game itself is my favorite Mario Kart, though. Namely because me and my brother had more fun working together rather than destroying each other.

    Edit: May as well say something ON topic. I'm personally interested in the customization of moves. Honestly, if they all are roughly along the lines of speeding up attacks in an exchange of speed/defense/etc. and the reverse, then I may just go for something like taking a slower character, buffing up their speed, and then giving the some power-boosting items.

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