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Posts posted by Dai

  1. I've looked a bit into Earthbound. It just doesn't interest me. I've some interest in playing some other titles someday, but I still haven't gained enough to buy them.

    I had little interest in it outside of a couple LPs towards the beginning, but I wound up buying it because it IS a genuinely good game, and I've genuinely enjoyed it thus far. Honestly, I would BUY the game for you, just so you can see why Mother is so well recieved. Though, I'd prefer you get Mother 3, however sending you that legitimitely is impossible.

    As an added note, I myself quite like Ike as a character. A commoner who fights for what's right, asking for little else other than what he's promised in compensation (the monetary gain solely when what he's doing is something he was hired to do?) A man that learns and rectifies his faults as soon as he's able to? (Such as when he first called Ranulf a Sub-Human) He's a simple man, with a fairly complex family backstory, and I like that. And aesthetically, he looks quite cool and handsome. Dashing, really, as most heroes are.

    But I do not think he's the absolute best.

  2. I'm late to the party! I blame accidentally wiping the operating system on my really old laptop, so I'll just type this from my Wii U.

    Okay, so! My opinions!

    The video itself: okay, I'd been hoping for the past while that, if they DID announce a new rep for Fire Emblem, they would use the animation style for Awakening's cutscenes. Since they did, I am very, very happy. My only disappointment is that I was hoping that they would show the newcomer(s) fighting Marth and Ike in that beautiful style. However, unveiling Captain Falcon's return in that style was honestly pretty cool, so it makes up for it.

    Lucina: I honestly wasn't expecting her, truly. Admittedly, I was hoping for Chrom, not because of Gematsu, but because I just wanted him if they'd been able to make a moveset for him. Lucina, however, is great by me. Hell, her being a clone (semi or otherwise) is okay too because she's still a bit different, and she DID at times try to emulate him in Awakening. I just hope that her Final Smash is something different, but I doubt it.

    Robin: I expected them even less than Lucina, but their inclusion makes me very happy indeed, and they represented them rather perfectly in my opinion, even if Nosferatu kind of threw me off a little bit, sensible enough though it might be. I do hope that their tomes regenerate over time, though. I like to think that Chrom lent Robin the convoy for Smash, hence how they can carry all this stuff.

  3. I did it. After all these years, I finally beat Radiant Dawn.

    And you know what? It's amazing. It may not be the best written, but I loved most everything about it.

    The only thing I didn't like was having to make the counter for the goddeses' awakening rise to eighty. I think it should've been halved. All the tension I felt in that chapter was gone after forty, and it just seemed to drag on forever.

    If this game had been better written and the characters fleshed out more maybe it could've sold better. As it stands, I'm glad that my Dad got me my copy.

    I intend to start Normal Mode on my clear data. That won't be for a little while, though.

  4. I kind of gave up buying gear in Dragon Quest V because I always felt inclined to buy the best possible gear for everyone I was currently battling with. I do pretty well with some basic stuff anyway. I buy only when I feel like it.

  5. 4-E-3, you bless them by the beginning of said chapter. Be sure to equip the best weapon for each unit. Don't bless staves like I did once

    Herp. I didn't read that sentence right at all. Wow.

    I've pretty much selected what units I'm going to use. Since I've got work for the next while, I'm probably not going to be able to actually beat this until Sunday or the day after. It's funny. This was the hardest and longest time I've had and spent trying to figure out what I was going to do for this end game. In ten years of playing this series, I have never, ever had this difficult a time doing so, especially not on the easiest difficulty setting.

  6. All right, so I'm at Endgame. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very long, very exhausting chapter, filled with multiple parts. I have a lot of really good units, and they are all very powerful. (And yes, Easymodo, but I have had some trouble along the way.)

    At any point once I enter the tower am I going to be able to re-access the convoy?

  7. I got it on 3DS and it was the first game that I managed to beat in under 2 hours with "100%"(Though, yes, I did use Restore Points. Sue me.). I liked it a lot, to be honest. It was a lot of fun, even if it was an odd game in my opinion.

  8. Don't get me wrong. The game is quite good but the amount of crypticness and item hunting and the insane amount of grinding needed to just be able to survive some bosses gets ridiculous really quickly. Then there's the fact that you stop getting job points once you hit a certain level until a certain point in the game so grinding too much can get you into hot water.

    There was actually a spell in that game that allowed you to continue to gain job points without gaining exp in battle. I think it was some sort of spell that sent the enemy away, rather than actually slaying them.

  9. About Geoffrey, while he isnt great by the time you get him back, (Titania is likely outclassing him) hes still usable. Hes likely third tier before he vanishes anyway.

    Wait, he doesn't start as a Silver Knight? Wow, I forgot all about him getting to third-tier, too. Huh.

  10. If they remade Majora's Mask for 3DS, I'd appreciate it if they went ahead and included a full-on Master Quest mode. None of the other games in the series have ever had one quite like Ocarina of Time (aside from the original Zelda's Second Quest, but still)

  11. Micaiah will always reach a third tier class. Hers is forced. The only dumb thing is that she doesn't get it until late in Part 4. >_>

    Yes, but it's always better to get her as high as possible in levels so her third-tier promotion isn't completely gimped. It's a lot more satisfying for a unit to undergo a forced promotion when a unit is maxed out in level (And stats) than it is to see them promote early.

  12. I say yes. That counts too, then. And I got Reyson, Skrimir, Janaff, and Ranulf to Tier 3 (With bexp).

    Really, this game just requires better resource management, I find. I managed mine fairly shoddily, in my opinion, but I still managed to raise most of my units up well. Granted, easymodo, but still. Manage your resources well, like all FEs, and you'll do fine.

  13. I managed to get Nolan and Edward to Tier 3 without much trouble. Aran and Laura, on the other hand, I wasn't quite able to do, though I did try. Edward and Nolan just managed to get better on that front. I also managed to get Micaiah to 40/20. Sothe as well. There's also Calill and Marcia. And I scarcely used as much BEXP as one might expect. I believe I used it more on the Herons, Ranulf, and Skrimir, with a level or two here and there.

    I liked to funnel battles towards people. Oh, and I also got Tauroneo to promote into Marshall as well.

  14. If Skrimir dies in the Endgame of Part III, is he gone for good?

    Edit: Nevermind. I just decided to redo the whole chapter anyway. Whoever decided that eighty units had to die in this chapter before you could progress is a moron. The intended tension wore off around forty.

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