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Posts posted by Dai

  1. The x hours only counts while the battles go which should be easy by doing an endless timing match by having all 4 difficulty 7+ comps duke it out overnight while you sleep. Makes Mewtwo easy to get in Melee this way.

    Another problem is that the matches actually need to be completed, I believe. 'Cuz I've had five ten-hour matches, but they don't count because some of them I quit halfway through to do something else. (They were set to go for like a whole day.)

  2. I think, when they made the 50 hours playtime achievement, they didn't have in mind that people should leave their game on overnight to get it.

    The problem I have is that I was repeatedly told that it didn't matter how many non-human players there were. The time was multiplied by the number of players. So at twenty hours of normal play time, I should have about eighty, due to the fact that I had a player character and three CPUs. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.

  3. Well, I didn't bother with the phone version (Mostly because I lack anything better than a classy old flip-phone). It runs pretty fine on 3DS...particularly due to the fact that it has, you know. Buttons.

  4. Oh, I see! It doesn't really look like my kind of game though, unfortunately. :P

    That's what I thought too, at first, but then I had an open mind about the game and gave it a try. Blew me away. Particularly the music. And Duck. Duck is the best thing ever.

  5. omg Gunman Clive!

    Someone gets it! =D

    I don't know who those characters are, but the Ms. Johnson Mii looks awesome. lol

    http://www.gunmanclive.com/ There's a short trailer for the game here. Basically, it's a standard hero saves girl, set in the Wild West. It's pretty dang good for how short it is. Its sequel is one of the games I'm looking forward to most this year. It's cheap as hell on 3DS. Like, $1.99, I think?

  6. The problem was that the trailer depicted all her amazing custom movesets which falsely led us to believe it was her normal movesets. Which the majority of us were kind of not aware of until it was kind of shown off in the closed media meeting. This gave most fans the general first impression of her amazing abilities. Unfortunately, her default specials are pretty bad. Having reflect and counter at the same time is a weird awkward combination to have. Not to mention her up+b doesn't damage anyone and auto-reticule neutral+b is pretty mediocre in general.

    If at least 1 or two of her custom moves were part of her default movesets, she would at least be slightly more viable.

    She becomes particularly more useful in tournaments when customs are allowed, at least.

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