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Posts posted by Dai

  1. Brawl's was definitely far better, because you had more options. Platforms, lava, and cannons just ISN'T enough. It truly isn't. The problem is that this version just plain lacks variety with stage builder. I would've loved to have treadmills or whatever they're called. A Metal Man stage would've been cool to make. Can't have that. Mushrooms? Nope. Ladders? Nope. Like, seriously?

  2. I need to look up a bunch of breeding mechanics (mostly regarding passing on a HA via breeding), but I MIGHT be able to do it. It'll take a while, though.

    I can wait. ^_^ I'm just planning on running a set that has Leaf Storm and White Herb, and I need an Unburden for it.

  3. If no one else can help and you don't mind the wait, I can get you one eventually.

    I'll keep this in mind.

    Edit: Finally managed to get one off the GTS. Ran into someone who wanted a Torchic for it and traded over one of my spare speed boosters.

  4. Does anyone have a Togepi? I need one with Serene Grace for my team, but I'm having a hard time getting one from Wonder Trade, and when I go back to the GPS to get it with something I have, the Togepi is gone and the others want Diancie and Latias. Just...blarg.

  5. Oh. I never found him there. I was in every house...

    He's in the bottom-right house on the second level. Alternatively, check your Secret Base and look for an item called "Proclamation" in your Secret Base's PC.

  6. I'm taking my sweet time going through this game. >.> So I only have half of the gym badges.

    I'm having a hard time deciding on my team. :\ Originally, I was gonna have a Mega Sceptile, but then I bred Zell, my Combusken, and he's just amazing (Named after Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII). This game's making it hard for me to decide what I want. XD Probably gonna at least have my Greninja and a Togekiss, though. Also, I really like the Secret Bases streetpass.

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