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Posts posted by momogeek2141

  1. Chapter 4: 8 Turns

    I can already feel the pains of not being Abel to draft a horse unit. Marth charged left. Jagen+Gordin+Ogma killed the Thief, with Ogma getting a perfect level! (minus res and mag but who cares)Lena, Julian, Darros and Trim stood in the corner to delay the Axefighters. On Turn 3, Jav!Jagen+Devil!Barst killed one of the cavs, and the rest stood in a line formation. Unil bought some steel lances on turn two after filling his inventory with stuff. 3 of the cavs (including Matt) died on EP. Wrys healed Marth and he visited the village. Gordin+Ogma and Caeda killed remaining cavs. Barst baited out a horseman with a hand axe. Unil deposited his stuff in the convoy before dying to the Steel bow archers. Ogma+Gordin killed one and Jagen+Caeda+Barst killed the other. I couldn't kill the armor this turn without someone dying, so I had Gordin chip one of the Horseman on EP, and the other goes to attack Marth. Next turn, Barst moves out of the way to miss the horseman and Wrys heals Marth, allowing him to kill the armor. Ogma critted one of the horsemen and Caeda speared the other. Bosskill on turn 8 was Caeda crit or Caeda hit and Devil!Barst finish (I ended up doing the latter.) I rigged a decent level for him using the save point.


    Marth: 4.21/21HP/6Str/0Mag/3Skl/10Spd/9Lck/7Def/0Res


    Jagen: Same as last

    Gordin: 5.51/21HP/5Str/0Mag/4Skl/6Spd/6Lck/7Def/0Res

    Wrys: 4.72/16HP/0Str/2Mag/7Skl/6Spd/3Lck/3Def/8Res

    Ogma: 8.26/25HP/8Str/0Mag/14Skl/14Spd/5Lck/7Def/0Res

    Barst: 7.12/27HP/14Str/0Mag/6Skl/12Spd/6Lck/6Def/0Res

  2. They're all really good. FE4 has amazing map and boss music (especially Alvis.) FE5 has pretty good map themes (victory is near and Leaf come to mind). GBA ones were meh except for things like Fire dragon's theme and Tough bosses. PoR and RD tracks were pretty damn good (RD better for sure.) I don't like FE11's that much, but FE12 had some pretty great ones (DARK EMPEROR HARDIN). Overall, based on my tastes, I have to give the title of favorite to...RD. The Devoted and March of the Lion King are just too good. Second is FE4.

  3. Thank you, Anna, for sparing this poor Arcanine (and most likely the rest of the team) a horrible death.

    Just watch, Anna will not spare Shuuda in the next battle. Actually, Shuuda seems to have lost at least one pokemon on EVERY OTHER GYM BATTLE (ignore Faulkner. Actually, that's still technically every other gym). How absurd is that?

  4. FE5 isn't that hard. Unless you're playing blind or are a beginner without those strategy guides. Thracia is VERY unforgiving if you screw up, and if you don't train staff users, heh, GOOD LUCK. If you have experience though it isn't too tough.

    That said, Go FE12 H4. Besides the BS "screw you enemies attack first" it's by far the most fair hardest mode out there, besides FE11 H5 which is easier even disregarding the enemy attack first thing. I dunno much about FE13, but my impression is that L+ is only tough because enemies have a bunch of OP skills early on and you need to restart until you get lucky with those skills. Of course, it's my impression, I've no idea.

  5. I can play with you but:

    -3 skills per character max

    -3 rings per character max

    -skills and rings have to be possible in game (for example: no 9 speed rings and 3 luna)

    -No immortal Finn, aware Trewd, hot Nannna and OP Galzus with his daughter

    I need someone to host this battle! I need you!

    Edit: and no holsety

    Just FYI I have a team ready. Are we still going to do this?
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