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Everything posted by momogeek2141

  1. Wrt Laura: I don't think she's that bad. It's just that the pace of the game is very anti-healer, especially in the Dawn Brigade. I still use her in Part three tier one.
  2. Shanan 13 Machua 10 Shiva 13 Mareeta 10 Shanam 14 Eyvel 13 Rutger 19 Fir 11 Karel 14 Joshua 14 Mia 13 Zihark 9 Lucia 10 Edward 10 Navarre 6 Athena 11 Samto 9 Lon'qu 11 Say'ri 11 Lol
  3. Ch 3: 8 turns Really surprised about the turncount, much lower than I expected. Devil Axe!Barst was crutch to this strategy because he kept devil backfiring . Caeda approached the bandits and Lena and Julian ran like hell. Marth visited the village on turn 2 and Barst got the devil axe. The others began to set up a trade chain for Navarre's killing edge. On turn 3, Cain used the first save point,and Barst, Jagen and Ogma held a line formation, chipping the three bandits. Jagen, Ogma, and Barst got those kills with Gordin helping chip one. I sacrificed Cain to protect Gordin from the hunters. I had Jagen burn another silver on the hunter (2 uses) and Ogma killed it. The other one went to Gordin after a Devil!chip. Caeda recruited Navarre, who was trapped in the mountains between bandits, and he gave the KE to her. Caeda's trade chain got it to Ogma on the next turn. Playing efficiently, Marth lured the two bandits by Hyman. Gordin+Barst got one of them, and Ogma critted the other. Bosskill was Ogma KE crit+Devil!Barst finish. The only deaths were Cain (stated above) and Castor, who went to the bottom left corner of the map to give me time to kill the boss and seize before the bandits came. Navarre also died to stall the bandits from going to Castor. [spoiler=Stats] Marth: 3.31/20HP/6Str/0Mag/3Skl/9Spd/9Lck/7Def/0Res Jagen: 3.42/22HP/7Str/1Mag/12Skl/8Spd/2Lck/9Def/6Res Caeda: 3.61/16HP/4Str/1Mag/7Skl/13Spd/10Lck/7Def/6Res (She's so getting benched soon) Gordin: 4.34/20HP/5Str/0Mag/4Skl/5Spd/6Lck/7Def/0Res Wrys: 3.89/16HP/0Str/2Mag/6Skl/6Spd/3Lck/3Def/7Res Ogma: 6.69/23HP/7Str/0Mag/13Skl/12Spd/4Lck/6Def/0Res Barst: 5.97/25HP/12Str/0Mag/6Skl/10Spd/5Lck/8Def/0Res
  4. ...Something's not right. It should have ended.
  5. Oh my god, I read the topic and...gave me incentive to NOT make a fire emblem hack. It's too bad this hack doesn't have a Marf Santangelo sprite stolen, I doubt Mig64 would have cared.
  6. I meant in general. Nephenee used to double SMs too, but Oscar and Titania are starting to have trouble doubling Halbs (though they're almost at third tier.) Soren can't double anything pretty much. Rolf doesn't double snipers and warriors anymore with capped speed.I'm using a lot of the GMs of you couldn't tell, and as of now only Haar is third tier. I'm slowly injecting them with BEXP so that the others will get there too.
  7. Even on NM the GMs start having trouble doubling things towards 3-8. Mia will double them all, which is part of the reason she's so good. Jill can fly and kill stuff more easily, especially with her great growths. Nolan's are good too but he can't fly, and flyers can do a lot to salvage a situation.
  8. Okay, never mind, THAT was the shortest update you've ever had.
  9. Told Charlie "Hey! Listen!" Charlie proceeded to...
  10. Damn, Ayra died already. Shanan 13 Machua 10 Shiva 13 Mareeta 10 Shanam 15 Eyvel 14 Rutger 17 Fir 11 Karel 14 Joshua 14 Mia 13 Zihark 9 Lucia 10 Edward 10 Navarre 6 Athena 9 Samto 9 Lon'qu 11 Say'ri 11
  11. He's the only one who makes decisions rationally, be it because of Sephiran or not. Also, many of Micaiah's chapters are about how the BK saved her ass. He's also the only one who was written well.
  12. Changes every time. Basically Lana with Scathach or Serlis, Lakche with Joha or Shanan, Fee with Arthur (although if you leave her alone she pairs with Oifaye, wut) Patty with either Shanan or Serlis, Nanna with Leaf, Tinny with Sety, Leen with Aless.
  13. IMO, 1 was pretty decent; 2 was AMAZING, it's too bad it wasn't longer; 3 was pretty good on Ike's side of the story but Miccy's was...ehhhhhh; 4 is just literally finding random conversations to include since it's literally just "Lala lets o to the tower and not die". Plus there are gaping plotholes like Oliver and how the few selected somehow were the units the player was using (though I cannot blame that on the plot, how many of you would become enraged if Ike turned to stone); endgame was just "let's take every other npc that hasn't taken a side yet and give them an allegiance"
  14. "But I don't get a chocolate factory!" Then the fairy dust...
  15. I guess the generic EP battle theme.
  16. Giving extra turns is their point, it can do a lot. Especially if they give 4. If you are unable to protect them despite that then you probably just shouldn't use them at all, but many others use them as they make your life easier.
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