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Everything posted by Hirotune

  1. Hmm, i have a small request. Can i get a Fallen Klein? Normal Idle stance like in the home screen, but red eyes, the fell flames and holding skadi would be all i would need. Would be amazing if someone could do it.
  2. Alright, so first off, i've always wondered about the mechanics of bond units. I know you and the person you're creating them with have to have swapped cards and given each other at least one accessory before you can start making them, but i still have several questions 1) Does anyone know specifically how many times one has to give the other an accessory in order to make the bond unit? 2) How are the bond unit's looks generated? I know the gender is predetermined by the personal skill, but when it comes to looks, i feel like it's up in the air. For example, if i have the default corrin hair, and the other person has the short corrin hair, is it 50/50 between both hairs? or just completely random? 3) Do other bond units made by someone else, when you recruit them, act like normal einharjar cards when their special goes off and are silent? or are like normal and actually say something? Also, does the voice for bond units also default to the default option, or can it be random?
  3. Honestly. There is a bit of a list when it comes to units i want, but mainly it's awakening/fates/tellius Tellius: Heather (Favorite unit hands down), Edward, Aran, Fiona, Tormod, Ilyana, and Greil Awakening: Aversa, Priam, Sword Anna alt, and Gregor Fates: Flora, Bow Anna alt, Ophelia, Silas, Sophie, Midori and Nyx
  4. Alright, i've been thinking about this for a while. Could we get a Fates and an Awakening Anna? Fates Anna wielding her Anna's Bow and Awakening Anna as her trickster class wielding a Leif's sword (aka a light brand) both in a normal Bow and Sword idle?
  5. "Guess my lucks.... run out. Shame it.... ends so... soon. I'm... sorry... everyone..." Whole idea around my character is he's lucky whenever he's close to death, so when he finally does get killed, his luck fails him.
  6. All i needed was a dancer and my +7 soleil with DC. Soleil is a GOD
  7. If it makes you feel any better, we'll have it sometime this month, as the date for release in the E-shop is 3/31/18. But that's just a placeholder date, so it could be at anytime this month
  8. I've noticed, around the same time everyday, a good 2-4 spam bots just come in and start posting spam topics and I'm wondering..... Would there be anyway to stop these spam bots from posting? If not, i will diligently report each post to help out the mods.
  9. All right, i got another easy and hard request. First, the easy request is Soleil, holding Audhulma like this. Second request is slight harder. Can i get a short haired, dark brown hair colored Corrin with green eyes, on a black horse, with Camus's armor and horse armor, but the cloth is black with dark green trim, holding Audhulma. If any questions on it, feel free to dm me about it.
  10. Well, if you think about it... Faye uses bows in Heroes, and IS didn't care if she used them or not, and gave her bows anyways. So she could literally have anything at this point
  11. Yes i wanted to sprites, the only issue i have is kinda with Greil, although that might be on my end for not being clear enough. I was think like how the normal idle pose for the black knight looks for his weapon, only slightly titled more downward. I couldn't get a side image of greil in battle, as that would require me to hack him into PoR and take a picture that way.
  12. just to refresh my requests, is a Tormod Sprite with Shigure's active battle idle and a Greil with Urvan and Ragnell holding like he holds his sword in PoR.(Can give a reference picture if need be for Greil)
  13. If i check my profile, it'll tell me where i posted and at what time. Thing is, Anything regarding that page has completely vanished, from my notifications button and from my profile
  14. Huh, i guess i was too engrossed in playing not to notice it... neat. I guess a mod can close this thread since my question was answered
  15. Uhh, i was having fun playing warriors earlier today, and i noticed that Guardian Knight Frederick has a FREAKING CAPE... And i could have sworn when i remember playing him last, he didn't have a cape. Did they change it to where he has a cape in the v1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 versions?
  16. So i noticed i stopped getting notifications for that page, and i look through my notifications, and noticed that the page as completely disappeared! Which kinda sucks since i had like 3 requests pending for it that will now go unfilled since it's gone.
  17. If anna is the most popular, does that mean we'll get a cool version of Anna some time down the road? Like Bow anna from fates or Sword Anna from Awakening?
  18. The only thing i could think of is, did you talk to the villagers in the town before it? I think one of them triggers the flag telling you that Zeke is only fighting because his lover is being held captive. If that doesn't work, idk what to tell ya, bud.
  19. Im just here to ask a simple question. If you give the Wind Blessing to someone else, does the afterimage appear green? or is it a different color?
  20. I have a decent amount of Units, but i'll just post my captain, and my 2 vice captains of each Category that i have as of right now. (Will definitely change with time probs) Hp- Not very many units with high HP but that's fine Hector, With his 56 HP (He's +hp that's why.) My Second Runner is Alm with 54 HP ( he has Hp+5 and +3 seal, mainly used as my falchion healer) Finally, Amelia with 50 HP (Hp+) and could change with weapon refinement Attack- OH boy, i have at least 10 units here with ties so... Captains are Ike and Male Corrin, both with 55 Attack both are merged +1 and with +atk natures. M Corrin has fury, so he'd fall into 2nd place without it 2nd place runners are quite big. Ayra, Ryoma, Bike, Hector, and Minerva (With LaD3) all with 52 attack. (If most of these were +atk, they'd be in first) 3rd place has 5 people. Mia, BK, BRoy, Sanaki, and Rhajat are all tied with 51 Attack Speed- probably the most normal of my units My captain being Ayra of course, with 46 speed 2nd place is Mia with 44 speed (Both her and Ayra are +spd) and finally, Soleil, with 43 speed (she has a +spd nature with a +spd weapon refine) Defense- Only 2nd and 3rd place have ties Captain Hector reporting for duty with 38 defense 2nd runners are Bike and Xander, with 37 defense 3rd place is a tie with 5 units again. Selena, BK, Adult Tiki, and Amelia all with 35 Defense and Finally Resistance My captains are Katarina, Fjorm +2, Mathilda, Felicia and Priscilla. Quite a few, all with 35 resistance. 2nd place is Neko Sakura, with 34 resistance 3rd place is Joshua with 33 resistance Welp, i have quite a few, but those are all of mine
  21. Marisa, Mia, and Ayra are all my favorites. Anytime i used them, they were absolute powerhouses and couldn't be stopped no matter how hard they tried. Marisa for Heroes when?
  22. While that may be the case, who's to say they can't change that? Seals may be based on the skills in the game, but things change with every update. Who knows, maybe they'll add an Attack and Def 3 skill into the game. I doubt it, at least right now, but it could happen in the future. If enough feedback is given saying they'd want this, they would be more inclined to actually put it in the game.
  23. I'm personally sad about the lack of Lance using lords in Fire Emblem. For me, My absolute favorite weapon is a Lance and my Second favorite is a Bow/Sword. That's why i tend to choose cavalier as my class for fates/awakening because i like having good mobility and being able to use lances and swords. I though it would be cool with the next game if they brought back PoR style paladin changes. Where you'd be a base Sword/Lance/Axe/Bow cav, and once promoted, could choose your 2nd weapon. In PoR, Whenever my cavs promoted i gave them bows because of how useful they were in the game (Cept Astrid since she comes with it, usually gave her swords because they're more accurate). If you give me a list of classes in a MMORPG and a Lancer is in there, You better bet your ass I'm choosing it.
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