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Everything posted by Hirotune

  1. I like Priestess of Dawn the most, but i could see nintendo making her title Maiden of Dawn. Personally, i think when she gets added to heroes "Priestess of Dawn, Micaiah" would sound better than "Maiden of Dawn, Micaiah"
  2. Um.... you did see Mia's A skill right? That's the speed version of Heavy Blade.
  3. Yee yee yee? Yee yee yeeeeee! p.s. are we sponsor man or something
  4. Fiona is better, i always put effort into her. What i do is i make sure Laura has a bunch of heal staffs, and i just have her attack the boss over and over again on the one map where you free the Daein soldiers.
  5. damn, that sucks... I was hoping they'd throw Anna in there at the last minute. Sadly, i guess not. Still looks like a lot of fun!
  6. Alright, so i remember ShadowofChaos doing some sort of video about using a QR code to apply a code to your game. For Example, The one i'm curious about is the code that gives all active units all skills. If you do it while in the overworld map, all of the characters you recruited will have access to all skills + the lunatic+ skills. Sadly, I believe that you have to be in the 9.X firmware otherwise it won't work. My question is, has it been updated at all, preferably to the 11.3.0-36 firmware? I haven't updated my 3ds in a long time because I've been having trouble figuring out how to install homebrew and the other stuff to extract my fates save to do things with it. Any help here would be much appreciated.
  7. Well, seeing as the limited edition sprites are being confirmed one after the other... My next guess is that they're going to reveal Anna (And maybe Azura) the next time they show footage. Anna will obviously be a bow user thanks to the sprite given on the box and Azura will be a lance user. My question is... why not more axe users? Assuming Freddy is only a boss unit, That would leave Camilla and Lissa left. They have 3 spear users, 4 magic users, 2 bow users and the rest are sword users. Really not helping the whole "trying to not have everyone use swords" deal when almost 60% of your current cast use them. They could have totally given one of the new lords an axe and the other a lance.
  8. I'm assuming that this question i have is fine to post in general. Does anyone in here with bluestack have trouble playing since the new update? When i click on it, it acts like it's loading and then it'll close out and go back to the app page. Any help here could be useful
  9. I love this hack, i've almost beaten it in 3 days. Im at chapter 22 and almost all my characters are maxed. (I may have done a little arena abuse on the chapter with the arena because i felt like all of my units were behind, so i did it until i promoted my main 14 units.) I will have to sum up this hack with a special moment on chapter 21 with 2 words.... Best thing i've ever seen. Any hack that has these will get a thumbs up from me. You don't see too many people throw them into hacks anymore and it's sad.
  10. For me, Melissa Fahn will always be known as the voice of Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia. A little weird hearing her voice for Tana but i'll deal. Out of all the characters i say i like Innes the least and Amelia the most. For this banner, (AFTER i get my stupid summer corrin) i'm going to shoot for Amelia, Seth and Tana. Don't care for Innes, as i never liked him in Sacred Stones.
  11. Managed to pull a 5* alm (Which im still livid about right now, got rid of my friggen 4% pull for 5* focus) when there was 3 reds and 2 colorless, and i just HAPPEN to pick the one he's in. Still shooting for Summer Corrin, and maybe if im having to summon from another red, a 4* Eirika (SHE WILL NOT SHOW UP FOR ME, and my friggen friend pulled a 5* of her when he didn't even want her)
  12. 5 people really come to mind when i think of new characters. Mia, Zelgius, Flora, Kaze, and Edward My favorite characters from Fates and Radiant Dawn that I REALLY want added
  13. Indeedly do good sir. Probably one of my favorite series.
  14. I got both versions :D. After the female one comes in the mail, I'll have every Smash Fire emblem Amiibo
  15. See, since they did a summer banner and a easter banner, my next gut feeling is they'll do a Halloween banner. If you could choose 4 heroes, who would you want to see dressed up? 2 males and 2 females of course, since that's what they do. For males, i'd say Ike and Zelgius For females: Eirika and Flora
  16. Sadly, i do only have olivia, so im S.o.l there and i only have a 4* nino. As for the "healer" the game has completely f'd me over in that turn as chrom is my only falchion user and is also 4*. With my slow ass way of getting feathers, it'll take forever. and say what you will about Ignis, but if you were to use it + fury, she'd be a monster. If the game would actually give me marth or lucina from a summon for once, MAYBE i'd have better luck there.
  17. I do have other back up teams, they're just ones that i have lvl 40. I have 11 5* units (3 of which i used feathers to get to 5*) and only 3 of them aren't lvl 40, i have maybe one or two decent 4* units but other than that, it's all i got. Since i got Summer Tiki, im not going to restart since i doubt with my luck i'll even pull her again, let alone her AND summer robin (Who i'm still trying to go for atm) if you want, i'll list my 5* units Katarina Minerva Sharena Fir Klein Clarisse Summer Tiki Jeorge Non Lv. 40 5*'s Seliph Young Tiki Sanaki Right now, im working on getting another 20k feathers to try to get Camus or Xander to 5* cause i heard they're good units and the fact they have distant counter built into their weapons.
  18. Alright, so i've got to the point in chain challenge (Lunatic of course, others are easy AF) to where no matter what i do, i can't complete them with my measly F2P team. My current team consists of Lv. 40 Minerva Skills A. Iote's Shield B. Renewal 2 C. Threaten Attack 3 Combat Art: Ignis Assist Skill: Rally Res Lv. 40 Sharena Skills A. Speed +3 B. Seal Speed 3 C. Fortify Def 3 Combat Art: Dragon Fang Assist Skill: Rally Attack Lv. 40 Prescilla Skills A. nothing B. Renewal 3 C. Spur Def 2 Combat Art: Imbue Assist Skill: Rehabilitation Lv. 40 Katarina Skills A. Swift Sparrow 2 B. Vantage 3 C. Atk Plo 3 And at this point when i do the "All in a row" stages i get to about stage 7/10 before shit hits the fan. Any idea on what i should do?
  19. Well, to be fair, i did get Katarina, but i was wanting Athena... So all in all, I'm happy with her, since she's my first 5* in like 2 months
  20. First summon of this banner and i get this beauty... I know people think Athena is bad, but she's kinda not... She's better than a lot of the A tier sword users
  21. No..... Just... No, never even give them that idea. The fidget spinner is one of the stupidest things mankind has come up with.
  22. Take it kinda slow, that's what i did. If you have one of your villagers as an archer, along with python and leon and Atlus (If you made him a Bow knight too) and just keep trying to hit Jedah. After the 3rd time he cancels your attack, he'll be weakened to where that 4th person who attacks will injure him. After that, take care of the witches that spawn more witches with your bow knights. Then if you have silence on Mae, try Silencing the medusa guy and take him out and hope that whoever took care of them can survive a hit from Duma. If you can, take your tankest perk and Alm and try putting Duma in a Corner, it makes it so he can't spawn monster and as long as you keep them at fullish health, it should be pretty easy
  23. I'd say it'd have a 90% chance for it to happen. Think about it, Echoes of course started it, but they did state in the latest scan of Fire Emblem Warriors that it'd have full voice acting as well. So with this in mind, and how well it was received by the community for Echoes, it'd be foolish for them NOT to include it from now on.
  24. So i was wondering, is it possible to get both Sonya and Deen in a single playthrough? Cause i though i heard in gaiden either one would join you later, but if not, then whatever
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