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Blaze The Great

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Everything posted by Blaze The Great

  1. I'm pretty sure most of his support is coming from people who just want to see how far DONALD FREAKING TRUMP can go in a presidential election as a joke. Any Republican who supports him is a disgrace to their party, IMO.
  2. They're called weapons of mass destruction for a reason. Potential for damage to civilians or civil infrastructure is much higher. Worse. Yes, I am calling Stalin a worse leader than Hitler. No, there is no reason for you to be shocked.
  3. Well it does involve a third party. But the American military also has a primary job of protecting American people. They have to follow their duty/orders, even if some other factor says they shouldn't.
  4. Umm, I'm not sure how a situation would work when in wartime you have to choose between saving your innocent civilians and saving those of your enemy. There would almost have to be soldiers involved somewhere in the dilemma. If civilians are getting tangled up with each other, then they likely aren't acting like "innocent civilians" regardless. It is more likely in that scenario that the foreign civilians are spying or carrying out some other secret military operation in your territory if that is happening. But the statement still stands. Morally, saving x amount of lives is always better than saving x-100 lives. However, from a ruler's standpoint, when you are bound to protect your own people, you should always try to do what is best for your own before doing what is best for others.
  5. Again, one has to use common sense there. Sacrificing 1000 to save 10 is somewhat ridiculous, but a ruler is duty-bound to their people. That's why they were (hopefully) elected as the ruler of their country. A ruler isn't just any ordinary person. They are chosen because they have desirable traits which would make them a good leader for a country. They are supposed to defend their people, and if they don't do that, they are a failure as a ruler. Also, that is correct that your compatriots are not intrinsically more valuable than your enemies. However, if they are your compatriots, then you should help them, without worrying about your enemies as much. If you don't have to kill your enemies, that's a good thing, but protecting compatriots is more important, in my mind.
  6. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-surges-gop-tanks-public-113000554.html Hey everybody, act surprised! From the article: There’s no way to draw a straight line between the rise of Donald Trump and the fact that a Pew Research Center poll found that public opinion of the Republican Party is at is lowest level in the history of the poll, which stretches back to 1992. This is why liberals love that Trump is surging and conservatives hate it.
  7. A ruler's duty is to their own people, not to others. First and foremost, they must protect their people, and if that means sacrificing lives from their enemy's ranks, then so be it. Harsh, but realistic. Ok. As a general rule, I don't think we should use chemical warfare. However, if it comes down to use chemical warfare or fail some huge objective such as taking a huge enemy base, then yes I think it is justified. Really it all comes down to common sense in most scenarios. Indiscriminate, rampant use of chemical weapons is not ok.
  8. That question has so many possible answers for so many different situations. Please be more specific, because I can't give just one answer.
  9. Sometimes an emperor has to make such tough decisions for the good of his country. Your view has merit, but the opposite is true. If he wasn't able to sacrifice a few for the good of the many, he wouldn't be fit to be emperor.
  10. Summons a firing squad to distract you and takes the orb as you flee.
  11. Half the time water, half the time the others. Gen 1: Bulbasaur Gen 2: Cyndaquil Gen 3: Mudkip Gen 4: Turtwig Gen 5: Oshawott Gen 6: Froakie
  12. Shocker. A thread in Serious Discussion got derailed. So, this is now our topic for discussing the morality of war. I'm not sure of a solid jumping-off point, so given the breadth of this topic, so I'll allow someone to bring up a somewhat specific issue.
  13. Welcome to the Forest and enjoy your stay.
  14. Oh. I thought you missed 7x. Either I spaced when you were playing Chapter 7 or you didn't include visiting all the houses. Also, that was some really special luck right there.
  15. That's almost worse. They just took it directly from IntSys.
  16. Ok. Take scientific laws such as Einstein's mass-energy equivalence. People aren't able to observe energy or the speed of light, but they exist regardless.
  17. I acknowledged that war crimes were oftentimes a way for the victor to get back against their enemy. However, my main point is that when war crimes are brought up, they are often justified simply because of the nature of war. Most militaries have committed war crimes, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
  18. There are some new features that may seem...disturbing, to the people like us who appreciate FE for what it was, but it's far from dying off. AFAIK, this new game is one of the most difficult and darkest yet, so I think there is still hope for hardcore fans.
  19. There should be an underlying, major objective that makes the bombing of civilians acceptable. The bombing of Dresden served no real purpose besides lowering morale by bombing civilians, and therefore it was unjustified. I never said the bombing of Dresden was justified in the first place. That's my point. Just because it's a kinda silly idea, it is justified. When crimes in war are committed, they need to be punished, just like crimes in the homeland.
  20. And this is just more proof of my vast information overall. Good grief.
  21. Pulls out a hax forge silver lance and activates Lethality, instantly killing you and taking the orb.
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