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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Team: Sharena/Ursula/Felicia/Selena 3/28 Score: 4,088 Rank: 15,107 3/29 Score: 4,114 Rank: 28,227 3/30 Score: 4,176 Rank: 44,027 3/31 Score: 4,292 Rank: 38,669 4/1 Score: 4,364 Rank: 29,781 Finally managed to get a deathless run, quite happy about it.
  2. Thank you Sask, hope things will be better for you as well.
  3. Ah, things have been getting a little bit better? I'm doing so-so as well.
  4. That's so lovely, congrats Rey and Belinda.
  5. Team: Sharena/Ursula/Felicia/Selena 3/28: Score: 4,088 Rank: 15,107 3/29: Score: 4,114 Rank: 28,227 3/30 Score: 4,176 Rank: 44,027 3/31 Score: 4,292 Rank: 38,669 Had a pretty nice run besides two deaths, I'm hoping I can stay in the 30-50K range but probably seems unlikely with 3 days remaining in the season.
  6. @Vaximillian Ah, glad to be of some assistance I'm posting on a computer ATM. @VincentASM Nice trivia!
  7. Next question is up, "Which of the following games in the series did not have a secret shop?" Thracia 776 Blazing Sword Path of Radiance Mystery of the Emblem I believe the answer is Path of Radiance
  8. Yes definitely, I feel the same, some of my favorite JP VAs: Rie Tanaka, Atsuko Tanaka, Kana Ueda, Ayako Kawasumi, and Miyuki Sawashiro perform really well at what you listed and are also capable of doing some unexpected roles as well. I would like to geek out more about JP VAs but I probably shouldn't flood this topic too much, I'm hoping that they'll get some roles in FEH as well. The same with me and Felicia's lines
  9. Ah alright, thanks. Definitely, hoping to get her on the upcoming banner even if she's not so good ATM. I hope they decide to revive the Archanea FE Anime one day It's like you read my mind, I have the same thought as well, I had to hear that line a couple of times because of how great it is. Indeed.
  10. I'm using the JP voices since I like them, so I'm not sure how the dialogue goes in the ENG translation. I also like the choices for the characters Sayori Hayami for Shiida, Kaori Mizuhashi for Ursula and Eirika and Mai Nakahara for Sanaki. Even some of the minor VAs like Ari Ozawa and Toa Yukinari are great as well, and I would like to hear Miyuki Sawashiro perform more roles in this game besides F.Robin and Camilla. Anyways, my favorites lines are: Felicia: "I keep practicing on making tea, but I keep failing..." 「紅茶を入れる練習、失敗続きです。。。」 She just sounds so disappointed, and could use a hug. "I want to be of use to you, even though I'm very clumsy I'll do my best to serve you." 「私、あなたのお役に立ちたいなってと思うです。ドジもしまいですけどいっぱい頑張りますわね。」So sweet and cute Selena: "The Order's uniform is so cute, I want one!" 「特務機関のお洋服、可愛いわね!あたしも欲しーい! 」 I just love how she says the last part. "I-It's not like I'm interested in you or anything like that!" 「 べ、別にあんたが気に入ったとかじゃないけど…! 」 Tsunderes are great Lissa's mission start quote is great as well "I'm gonna fight as well!" 「あたしも戦うもーう!」 I just like how she says it I hope I got these right
  11. Team: Sharena/Ursula/Felicia/Selena 3/28: Score: 4,088 Rank: 15,107 3/29: Score: 4,114 Rank: 28,227 3/30 Score: 4,176 Rank: 44,027 Managed to improve my score by a little bit, was hoping to get a deathless run but I lost three people which sucks, fought a lot of teams with mages in it and Felicia put in a lot of work.
  12. Probably going to try with Sharena, Selena, Cecilia, and maybe Abel or Lissa. I'm hoping a 3* Cecilia is capable of handling those Thieves (Maybe Poison Dagger+ on them again) and the Archer.. I'd like to roll for Shiida and Kagero though not sure if I want to spend most of my orbs for them.
  13. @Suzuranao B Tome Breaker is great if you want to kill Linde in one round since it'll allow Felicia to double her and it might help against the upcoming Bunny Lucina if she turns out to be a speedy Blue Mage as well. Yes I agree with Mr. Smokestack that you should keep the Silver on her, though there is this simulator if you want to see how she'll do with the Poison. I think Moonbow would be great for Nowi and Sharena.
  14. Yeah I think you're right, 4 days left and my score of 4,114 puts me at 43,537 ATM.
  15. I have 4 characters ATM: Pulled: Camilla and Abel Promoted: Sharena and Felicia
  16. ^I think you should be good for at least top 50k Silith. Team: Sharena/Ursula/Felicia/Selena 3/28: Score: 4,088 Rank: 15,107 3/29: Score: 4,114 Rank: 28,227 Managed to improve my score a little bit which is good, hoping to improve it further but doubtful. Got my defense win today (254), maybe I ruined someone's deathless streak or their party was made up of magic users since Felicia handles them pretty well.
  17. Makes sense, thank you both for the answer.
  18. Team: Sharena/Ursula/Felicia/Selena 3/28: Score: 4,088 Rank: 15,107 Some matches were really rough which resulted in multiple deaths which sucked. Even at 3* Selena is pretty great at melting greens, takes minimal damage from Hector and melts him in one round, despite that it was pretty fun trying new stuff. I'm expecting the usual 50,000+ rank at the end. Also, if anyone can answer a question regarding the AI, do they prioritize max damage over self preservation? I had Sharena and Ursula in Takumi's range but he went for Ursula instead of just attacking Sharena. Would he do the same if I had equipped Ursula with a Raven tome? If so that would make it a lot easier fighting team (well for me it would)
  19. ^I'm guessing he wants to know what it is. I think it's saying: On 3/30 we are introducing the Super Heroes! These Heroes will have special outfits, even if it's just a silhouette you would probably know who they are. Have fun with the cute looking Heroes. (It might be an alternate skin or a different version of a character)
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