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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Been a while since I played that map but I'm pretty sure the paladin boss only charges at you when you get close to the pirates in the middle of the map, you could use Oswin or Marcus and bait them and hope he dosen't critical.
  2. You can avoid the paladin boss by going North edge of the map then head west and then south to Fargus or if you really wanted to kill them I guess you have to bait them.
  3. Your username isn't bad better than mines which is just my name.
  4. Sig contains a game I should probably try.
  5. Sig contains a link to a user named Raocow on youtube.
  6. Actually the video was supposed to be for the people who saw this argument cause the person in the comments said Dew>Sigurd and yeah... not that it matters for you. (Ninja'd)
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