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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Yeah doing a cross examination on the parrot was hilarious, but yeah case4 is great.

  2. I don't know if this article should belong on this page. Sarah Palin signed Xbox360 costs 1million
  3. Charlie you remind me of the time when I thought I saw Guy Fieri from Food Network at Costco, but it was just an imitator doing a joke. (though for your case it might be her)
  4. Used Space Pirate battle theme soundtrack for his arena gauntlet video.
  5. I dont suppose anyone remember these commercials? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW7Vm77H4zs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnQf3QEu938 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzymdWIz7vI&NR=1
  6. First playthrough I'll refer to this site to see which characters are good or not, mostly looking at tier lists and average stats Second playthrough I'll use different characters and favorite characters and see how they end up.
  7. Boss abuse No I don't do boss abuse they take a while to do. Arena abuse Yes if it's FE4 but I try not to use arenas on the other games. Stat boosters Depends if I care about rankings and I usually save them up for later so I can use it on the people that needs it. Reset on level ups I have no idea how to manipulate level ups. Online/Secret shops I use secret shops but not online shops because I'm playing FEDS on an emulator.
  8. Rebecca might be better because she can double often than Wil though I kinda prefer Wil because he might get higher strength than Rebecca though his speed is quite low, it's up to you if you want a unit with faster speed or unit that does more damage but pretty low speed, or both if you want two archers on your team.
  9. @ Dark Legend Ninja Probably haven't played SC4 yet. (you'll be disappointed with the create a character in SC4 it's so limiting) @ Ein Silver Rose.
  10. Probably played and cleared Metal Slug when it used to be in the arcades.
  11. Portcullis, (fun times especially when Lifis keeps getting pwned by the ballistas..)
  12. Posted my generic intro to every new member.
  13. Best: Swordmaster (second attack) Worst: Can't decide between sniper or Warrior (bow critical)
  14. Either referenced an Abriged series or one of Mage Knight 404 video.
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