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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Would probably laugh at his reasons for why Shadow Dragon sucked for him.
  2. I had Mareeta miss a 99% twice on an enemy dragon knight that captured one of my units.
  3. We need Olwen fanart. Does this count?
  4. Is Daim Thunder a bad spell? It lets you hit twice and does huge damage and has 60 uses but it weighs alot.
  5. Has interest in a video game where you die in one hit and enemies play their gameboys when you die.
  6. Is there even a reason he hates Olwen so much? or is just because he was Khempf? and just want to role play as him
  7. Thinking about (for my team) .Cain Cav--->Sniper .Abel Cav--->Sniper .Sheeda Mage--->Sage .Merric Curate--->Sage .Cord Hunter--->Horsemen .Oguma Mercenary---> Hero .Barst Fighter----> Warrior or Berserker .Wolf and Sedgar--->Generals .Catria Pegasus---->Sniper .Wendell .Lena .Athena .Julian and for the endgame are you going to do the one turn strategy or try to do it normally?
  8. Question What class swaps would be best for H5? (only done H4 about to do H5) and do you recommend going to gaiden chapters for H5 mode?
  9. This? and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtw7qW7Vcw and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0j0lO7uQBo? and does Darth Vader's No count?
  10. @ Ninji (if no one solved why you got 68 on your power rank) Power: Chances are you have entirely the wrong idea about this if you haven't been told how it works. It has *NOTHING* to do with the number of enemy units you destroy over the course of the mission. Instead, it has to do with the number of enemy units you destroy *in a single turn*. If you destroy at least 10% of the total enemy units in one turn, you get full points here. (That's rounded up - if there are 21 enemies total, you need to destroy three in one turn.) (for dual strike)
  11. I haven't went far in campaign but I think theres at least two or three comm towers in campaign mode. On each map after when you learn about comm towers.
  12. I think they increase fire power if I recall correctly Javier benefits from comm towers the most.
  13. Another question in the support bonus page on FE5 http://serenesforest.net/fe5/support.html it says Reinhardt supports Olwen does she gain support from him being on that one map? or did they wanted to include Reinhardt as a playable character before everything got finalized?
  14. Sometimes creepy stuff have humor value in them, and yes I like Welch's drinks also.
  15. (Minor stuff) In the FAQ section for FE4 http://serenesforest.net/fe4/faq.html the links to the translated script of the epilogue are broken.
  16. Is from where the game company Rare is.
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