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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. If a character gets fatigue over their HP in battle they don't get penalties You should try to capture enemies when its safe and if you can you should catch the sword armors if you can cause swords are pretty rare in this game and those indoor maps. (I hate those) Yes repair staff is the only way to repair broken weapons or staffs. Other things you should know. Keep your staff users and thieves alive you need them since doors are common in this game and status effects don't go away in this game till you use restore. Make sure you raise staff users staff level to C at least Sidequests you should probably do are: 4X (you might be past that) and 19x (Imo) And finally try to capture as much enemies with Restore , Rescue, or Warp Staff. I think that's it (if I remember)
  2. I hate Maria. (kinda funny though cause I went to kill her and my bro saw me play and he said that's messed up killing little kids) hmm Sylvia (was that stated?)
  3. Are there still those cheap Real live cutscenes?
  4. @ Sirius Ok finished the last level of Thracia 776. People Deployed Leaf Havan Olwen Carrion Othin Bryton Fin Fergus Lifis Asvel Linoan Delmud Nanna Safy Mareeta Homer Shiva (didn't trained) Dean (didn't trained) People that survived the map,master weapons,lolzerkers/wrath,and fenwryyyyy assaults Leaf Othin Carrion Bryton Fin Fergus Lifis Linoan Safy Mareeta Homer Shiva (damn this game is hard..)
  5. She can support Brighton but Mareeta is better.
  6. What about Xavier? I might try to get him next time
  7. yeah but the problem is keeping Lifis alive since he can only survive one Fenrir with holy water. I don't have another thief to use to get the doors, yeah I can capture those dark mages for the door keys but I have to bring a person to be able to swap the captured person and release it.
  8. I decide to do that later First try after your advice but the game froze when I clicked on the reinforcements hero. Second time I tried to manipulate the position but that didn't work too well. So yeah the problem is that Nanna has a D in staff and dies to one Fenrir so does Lionan since I neglected her.
  9. Yes Asvel and Grafcalibur is great.
  10. Passed Chapter 5 of FE5 (make sure you have staff users at C rank and keep all your thieves alive.)
  11. Garcia(Journeymen) Growths HP:80% Strength:65% Skill:45% Speed:22% Luck:65% Def:28% Res:20% Bases Lvl:4 HP:22 Strength:6 Skill:5 Speed:4 Luck:3 Def:4 Res:1 Con:11 Franz(Recruit) Growths HP:80% Strength:50% Skill:40% Speed:62% Luck:50% Def:35% Res:40% Bases Lvl:1 HP:13 Strength:5 Skill:3 Speed:3 Luck:2 Def:6 Res:2 Con:8 Lute(Pupil) Growths HP:45% Magic:65% skill:40% Speed:45% Luck:65% Def:20% Res:30% Bases Lvl:1 HP:11 Magic:4 Skill:1 Speed:2 Luck:8 Def:3 Res:4 Con:8 Saleh(Pupil) Growths HP:60% Magic:40% Skill:35% Speed:50% Luck:65% Defense:30% Res:25% Bases Lvl:1 HP:23 Magic:12 Skill:14 Speed:11 Luck:11 Def:5 Res:13 Con:6
  12. C (with a darkened C behind it)
  13. I ran out of Knight Crest sadly.
  14. Question (one of those should I restart ones): So I'm on the last level of Thracia 776 I'm struggling and this video is my current team. My team (elite mode) should I restart the game over again? (I don't have Cyas or Sety cause for some reason they didn't pop up in that one chapter only Cyas did but no Cyas and Sety conversation.) and yes this is my first time in thracia 776.
  15. I thought it was funny fighting clones of Harolds.
  16. Lalum she dies too easy if you placed her in a range of a range weapon enemy and it happens...
  17. Probably hitted the post reply button at the same time as Lux.
  18. Who would agree that this guy. pops up on every level past level 3 in FE4.
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