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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. FE1-FE2 (Never played those) FE3 Pros: Great game and had more inventory space Cons: (probably just me) a lot of trail and error guesses on what turn reinforcements will appear. FE4 Pros: Great story, Excellent soundtrack (probably the best) and skills for characters Cons: Maps can be way too large and also a lot of Trial and Error events (like taking Macbeth's castle and if you don't have moved Levin away from the forest area) FE5 Pros: Great AI, Great difficulty for FE fans, the ability to capture enemies, and an attempt by IS at realism (fatique) Cons: Can be way too difficult, (Chapter 22), more trial and error on reinforcement appearance without a guide, and unfinished FE6 Pros: Basic, had Sprites, decent difficulty, and had support conversation Cons: No skills for characters FE7 Pros: Balanced and easy game (considering it was the first game for FE in the USA) Cons: Long turn waits for some characters support conversations and too easy for a FE fan that played all the other FE FE8 Pros: World Map and branches of promotion for people Cons: Way too easy and the story is not great for most of the people FE9-FE10 (haven't played them only read or saw the cutscenes of them) FEDS Pros: Reclassing, Wifi, and H5 mode for the FE fans Cons: No support conversation, since it's staying to the original means no rescue option and horrible prepromotes (Arran) and for most people the story is horrible.
  2. hmm so how far you in the game right now?
  3. Does it look any better and does it have better sound quality? (HDTV also has better sound qualities right?)
  4. National Geographic Channel if you feel like watching a documentary. Does Urbandictionary. count? yeah its editable but it might help in finding the words that you wont find in a normal dictionary that people use.
  5. Has two topics that has over 9000 posts in them.
  6. I guess Sage Marcus cause he can heal and not take exp from others and that 45%magic growth dosen't look too bad.. and how did you calculate these? did you take their default class growth and subtract them from the FE6 class growth?
  7. Had posted this funny picture that I don't know what it means on page 477
  8. Thracia 776, Fire Emblem DS (H4-H5)mode, Resident Evil 4 (Pro Mode and the mercenaries mini game) and Fire Emblem7 and 6 (Hard mode and Hector Hard Mode)
  9. Dieck is better good stat growth and ends up good and good supports and excellent join time. Oujay he joins late and needs to be fed kills before he can catch up. Echidna is a solid unit and can be used to weaken people.
  10. Would probably prefer having Ishtar playable.
  11. Hmm forget what i just posted the chance for status inflicting swords are status-inflicting swords is (30 - attacked unit's RES)%. that's what an old post said.
  12. I think its just has to hit the person and chance for it to happen.
  13. Alec: Ah! So you're Sylvia... Pardon me for sayin' so, but you are fine! Sylvia: Well, it's about time someone appreciates my beauty! I tell ya... Alec: Good thing I showed up, huh? Sure glad I found you in all this mess. Sylvia: Me too! Alec: You wanna hang out sometime? Sylvia: You bet! I can show ya my special dance! I ain't shown it to no one yet. Let's just say it's, ah... V-E-R-Y special! Alec: W, whoa! That I want to see!
  14. @ Lux Sylvia: Eeee!! It's Sir Sigurd! Sigurd: Er... are you a dancer? You certainlly don't belong out here. Now get back to the castle. Sylvia: Sir, don'cha ya know who I am? I'm Sylvia. Call me Sylvie if ya like. Sigurd: Look, I don't have time for this. Now be a good little girl and run on back to the castle. Sylvia: Good little gi... You ever see a little girl with THESE before!? Grr... what a moron. Sigurd: Enough already! Sylvia: Sigh... I'm just a lone flower upon the battleground. Beauty entrapped by adversity... Sigurd: Now what's she... Geez... I'm never going to get rid of her!
  15. @ G-Dragon your talking about this part right?
  16. @ G-Dragon I think it's this one Conversation 1 ( I think its been a while since I played FE4)
  17. Well I want to say that since this is the First FE game that came out in the USA so they wanted it easy for the American people to play the +1 gains in everything is not too bad its just that they made this game quite easy on normal mode, so if they had their FE6 promotion gains it might've been way too easy FE6 had those great promotion gains for its harder than FE7. So yeah they probably thought if they made FE7 like FE6 hard Americans that wanted to try this series might be put off by it. But yeah I do hate that warriors don't gain speed on promotion and shamans don't get magic on promotion. (just my opinion)
  18. Best: Lyon the infinite uses on his book is great Worst: Selena her stats are horrible at max level.
  19. Thank you for adding me to your friends list.

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