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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. At Ninji not sure if you can do this but if you can use one side and have it build infantry and stick them together meteor strike only targets the densest units.
  2. I hate that level so much and the fact that you have to use Andy... and GL with those meteors that Sturm does..
  3. Daddy screamed REALLLLL GOOD before he died.
  4. Changed his name probably due to how fast he can ninja people on this topic.
  5. Lyn: 8/10 She has good stats besides defense and resistance she will dodge well in normal mode but in EHM or HHM she has a bit harder time dodging enemies. Sain: 8/10 Excellent strength though he lacks a bit in skills. Kent: 7/10 He's pretty average in stats but he has low luck Florina: 7/10 She has great growth rate and ends up great but the problem is her low con so she will be stuck with a slim lance for a while. Wil: 7/10 He's pretty good but he wont be able to double much due to how he's average Dorcas: 6/10 Good strength though he has only 20% speed growth which will hurt him in the EHM and HHM Serra: 8/10 She's ends up good though she has low con 5 movement which may be a hinder your strategy, and has to wait really long before she supports anyone. Erk: 7/10 He's a decent character and a pretty good mage. Rath: 8/10 He's good for the Exp rank and has pretty good stats except he rejoins pretty late in the game which is bad if you are playing EHM or HHM Matthew: 6/10 He will max out speed but his strength is low he's mostly used for utility than fighting. Nils/Ninian: 9/10 Good dodge rate and can survive at least one hit and also good growths and also the extra move for a character might help your strategy. Lucius: 8/10 Good speed, resistance and magic the only problem is his low luck and defense. Wallace: 5/10 He's inferior to Oswin and to recruit him you have to underlevel your lords to a pretty difficult chapter he is decent if you took his knight crest away and promoted him at 16 or 20. Eliwood: 7/10 He's the average lord he might excel in one stat or blunder in a couple of stat he takes a while but will turn out okay. Marcus: 7/10 Marcus is a decent paladin he wont max out or excel in anything sometimes he does have low speed though Lowen: 7/10 Lowen is average he excels in hp and defense (though not as much as oswin) and average in other stats he makes a pretty good mobile tank and his support options are pretty good. Rebecca: 8/10 Rebecca has great stats and end up great though her problem is she needs to be fed some kills before her potential comes out and she might have low strength. Bartre: 7/10 He excels in strength and HP though his base speed is low though he has 20% more speed growth than Dorcas Hector: 9/10 Hector is a great lord He has great strength, hp, defense, he has average speed and skill but he also has good support options. Oswin:9/10 Oswin is the best in this game has excellent hp and defense and good strength and skill though he lacks in resistance and speed. Guy: 7/10 Guy excels in speed, hp, and skills though his problem is his pretty low strength. Priscilla: 8/10 Priscilla has great speed,luck, magic, and movement, though she like serra is fragile if put in a bad spot. Raven: 9/10 A great mercenary he excels in almost all stats except in luck though he takes a while to support other characters besides lucius and priscilla. Canas: 8/10 A great dark magic user he has excellent magic, great skill, great resistance, and average speed though his luck is quite low 20%. Dart: 8/10 Probably the best axe user in the game has great speed, strength, and hp though he has quite low skill and will cost you one star in funds ranking, even if you find one in Hector's mode (I think) Fiora: 8/10 More durable than Florina and better con though she wont end up as maxed out as Florina she's good if you have not used Florina or want to add another pegasus knight to your strategy. Legault: 7/10 He will have better strength than Matthew he will end up as a good assassin than Matthew and have higher con though using a fel contract will cost you one star in fundings rank, and also his supports take a while too. Isadora: 6/10 Her durability is pretty weak, her strength is quite low, and her con is bad she will lose speed on any weapon besides iron sword though she will max out speed and have decent stats. Heath: 7/10 He's a good flyer if you feed him some kills he is better than Vaida though his join time might be a problem. Hawkeye: 6/10 He excels in HP and has good strength and average of the other stats though his speed is low. Geitz: 8/10 Geitz is a pretty good prepromote he wont excel anything but he starts with a B in bows and axes and he ends up pretty well rounded and makes a good bow user. Pent: 8/10 Pent is great he has great stats and ended up great and starts out with an A in anima magic and staves which is good. Louise: 8/10 She is a good bow user she wont excel in anything but she has well rounded stats. Karel: 8/10 Good bases though he has pretty low strength for his class. Harken: 8/10 Like Karel has good bases but I prefer Harken due to him starting with a brave sword and can use two types of weapons. Nino: 9/10 She ends up excellent though her problem is she's an est archtype with a hard join time and low con she will need protection and someone to weaken enemy units before she can take care of her self. Jaffar: 8/10 Jaffar is a great assassin he will be able to use silencer on the bosses if he gets lucky though the only other problem is his class's low strength cap (20) Vaida: 6/10 She only has okay growth rate but she does have high defense. Farina: 8/10 She like Fiora is also a great Pegasus Knight and if you're a fan of the triangle attack get her though she does take one star off your funds rank. Karla: 5/10 She has okay growth though her problem is her horrendous join time and pretty average bases for her level. (she does have a possibility of turning out great if you are lucky) Renault: 5/10 Renault's problem is his base magic only 12 magic his growth rate is okay except for magic though he does have a good con and comes with a divine book and fortify staff. Athos: 9/10 He's there to help out those with bad leveled units and gives a chance to beat the last the level he has S rank in everything (staves dark,light, and anima magic) and with the book luna he will do great on the last chapter. (just my opinion)
  6. Has videos about FE DS H5 playthrough.
  7. Whose favorite game has a scene in my sig.
  8. How about play tunnel rats a game that not only sucks but it's based on a Uwe Boll movie. (the only game that's from a Uwe Boll movie..)
  9. Hello there and enjoy the forums.
  10. Is it possible for you to do the FE10 cutscene The Escape?
  11. Has a picture of Tiger Wood's Signature pose
  12. Thank you for the new Emoticons. (Chainey is credit to team)

  13. Whoose sig has one unplayable FE character.
  14. I can't believe I lost to this Scum!!!!
  15. The gamefacts guildes are probably better since they might have more reliable information than Nintendo Power and Prima games... (I remember seeing a prima game guide for pokemon stadium and that guide sure suck cause it didnt tell you how to proceed and stuff just only a short information.)
  16. @Lux the video your video is okay now.
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