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Posts posted by Flamy

  1. [spoiler=A rather long post.]

    More lords with axes, bows, tomes, and staves.

    I would like to see a cross between a taguel and a manakete. Beast stone + Dragon stone.

    A cross between a dread fighter and a bride.

    Fire mage, lighting mage, wind mage.

    A cross between a cleric and general. Defensive healer tank.

    A joke character like Bad Box Art Mega Man or Dan.

    I would like to see a red mage.

    More status ailments.

    Non-sword lords: ... Acceptable.

    Shapeshifters: No.

    About Brides and DFs: This makes absolutely no sense. Elaborate. Immediately.

    Mages: I think you're around three games late, dude.

    Defensive healer tanks: This is a forum for the Fire Emblem series made by Nintendo, not the online game made by the people of FETO.

    Joke characters: Didn't you have enough of those in 13?

    Red mages: Now you're just outright disregarding the Tactician class line. Unless you're not considering that. If not, then you're eight games late.

    Moar ailments: Again, elaborate.

    I also want to see male dancers. Shota and muscular ones. No bards.

    The correct answer to this question is... Inigo.

    I also want to see a thieving tank, dancing tank, and a flying tank.

    An unholy monk or cleric, very dark and twisted. Likes seeing people bleed and hurt, became a healer just so he could see people get hurt again. He would rather see someone suffer than die.

    An extremely buff female, any class. Girls with big muscles.

    More ugly faced characters, not viewed as attractive.

    More fat characters in general, even though overweight soldiers would most likely die quick in a realistic setting. Especially a fat female character.

    A character who would rather fight unarmed but is always scolded about it by a tsundere protective older female character, older sister.

    A healer that attacks with his stave, not during gameplay, but during the scene you recruit him/her he is getting attacked and manages to give the attacker one damage.

    An old lady character, we've seen old men already.

    More dark skinned characters.

    A pink, purple, orange, brown, black, haired lord.

    *Warlock Punches Rabbattack*

    More commando/chameleon units.

    A healer with high attack.

    Mage with high defense and low magic.

    *Falcon Kicks Rabbattack*

    I would like to see a perverted character that always gets scolded by an tsundere girl by getting dragged away by the ears like Misty and Brock. Virion and Cherche didn't satisfy me at all.

    I would also like to see a chapter where a village or town is being attacked and the local kids, deliquent gang, come in with sticks and extremely low stats, you have to kill the enemies before the kids get too close to the enemy. The leader of the gang isn't a little kid, but instead a young adult or teenager who takes care of them. He serves as a their role model. He could be a trickster or theif. Food is too expensive for them sometimes so they steal what they need and bring it back to their hideout. Alternatively this person could be a female theif. They have a bad reputation. At the end of the chapter she/he leaves the kids under the care of someone else and joins the main protagonist on his quest to return peace to the land.

    I would like to see a recruitable monster, this monster is different than the others and hates violence.

    I would like to see another vegetarian character.

    I would like to see an athiest character who despises religion and has a hatred for the gods, could work well with the nonreligious priest.

    A dark skinned character with a hair color other than black, brown, or blonde. Blue, green, red, purple, orange, and pink are mandatory.

    *casts Apocalypse on Rabbattack*

    I would like to see a group of non generic characters, a seperate army with characters that fight as your allies, but they can't join you. They each have their own personalities and names, but they can't join you.

    I would like to see mage who never wanted to learn magic. When he was young he always dreamed of becoming a swordsman, but his rich parents forced him to enroll in the royal school of magic.

    I would also like to see a squirrel, rabbit, kangaroo, fish, bear, dog, cat, and turtle laguz.

    I would also like to see a whole family join the main protagonists army. Mother, father, sister, and brother. It'd be really interesting.

    *attacks with Hauteclere*

    A gloomy character that is always sad, really sad. Never happy.

    A general that can use tomes.

    A character without legs or is missing a leg.

    A character without arms or is missing an atm.

    More tsunderes, lolis, semi-furries, and shotas.

    A character who has a huge appetite but actually gets fat from eating.

    ...... Is it over ye-

    A child character who is actually a kid. This character is not a 1000 year old manakete, he or she is an actual child fighting in a war. The kid would most likely be an extremely talented mage, although a little kid mercenary could work. Using his or hers childish appearance she or he could lure his or hers enemies into a false sense of security.

    *stabs Rabbattack*
  2. Can't believe I did not know about this forum. Been a fan of fire emblem since the sacred stones. Also play a little bit of guitar, watch animes and play video games. Nice to meet you all!

    Legato? Never woulda thought you'd have come here. *poses*

    I am the everlasting frost,

    a boundless tundra,

    and an unwavering glacier...


  3. Strategy

    Fire Emblem is about tactics. If you so desire to play a game about strategy, Advance Wars is more in your favor.

    Moving on, though, welcome to the Forest! We hope that you will have a fun and justice-abiding time here at the Forest!

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