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Posts posted by Flamy

  1. Got to the Prep on time, went through the new classes, met old faces, met new ones, ate lunch... Still nothing exciting happening. Well, except for that fatarse molesting that girl, but that was all he heard about it. Some other guy averted it. Yuu needed to go give some praise to that dude.

    Now that he had some free time, Yuu decided to go run off to some corner of Torodara to see if anything good was going on. The roof seemed like a good place to go. Destiny compelled the young man to be there!

    ... All things considered, by the time he got there, all the fun was soaked up by everyone else. Hands behind head, Yuu decided to lean against a wall near the way back down, smile on his face. Might as well stick around, if anything fun happens.

  2. A... quiz!? Oh no, this won't end well. Though it needed to be done, Eques told himself. With a sigh, he pulled out the quiz and pencil, and began the quiz...

    The first detail he noticed was the mathematical and grammatical/spelling problems. A fine sweat appeared on the boy's forehead. Knights of Crimea weren't taught to know these things. Such subjects were oft left to the duties of Mages, who would more likely than not need this information anyway.

    [spoiler=Nice work.. for a Lance Knight.]What are the definitions of these flight terms?

    Jet stream

    ... Huh? This is... what? Argh, I'll get back to this later. It won't harm me now if I don't take it on right now. Basic combat.

    Answer: __________


    Um... darn, I should know this. It's...

    Answer: __________

    No wait, I don't.


    I've heard this somewhere... it was from that Bow Knight. What was their name? Midails? Astra? Bah, it's not important right now.

    Answer: something that slows down an arrow's flight things that fly


    Kinda simple. Reminds me of that one time Hector went to the Port of Badon to get a ship to the Dread Isles, and fought off Fargus's most elite corsairs. They said Fargus's crew were blessed by the Goddess Anna, a truer goddess than Ashera or Yune. (Anna be praised!)

    Answer: a location where ships drop off or pick up things


    Eques, you know this. You've heard the tales of Ephraim when he was aboard the Phantom Ship, or the tales of the three Lords fighting off the Black Fang at sea.

    A: the left-hand side of a ship when facing the same direction as its sails


    8+6(10/2)-4= ?

    ... Anna be with me!

    A: 128

    Wait, isn't Astra the legendary technique of a peerless swordswoman?


    x = ?

    Blast, another overly complicated problem. Erm...

    A: 7

    Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.

    You quizzes and your overly complicated problems for a Knight of Crimea.

    A: 32

    If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?

    Anna have mercy upon my- No, wait, this is kinda simple... I guess? Just subtract 25 from 150, 'till I haven't any more Gold to buy Vulneraries. But only an amateur would do that, but this doesn't take that into account.

    A: 6

    Correct all the errors in this paragraph.

    bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

    A: Bob went to the market. He bought milk eggs and meat. He saw his friend Steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

    All things considered, he wasn't even sure any of these were the right answers.

    "I have completed the task, ma'am," the writing instrument dull from the battle of wits, and quiz in hand, Eques gave the paper to Lady Riela.

  3. Recruit Condition: Pay Scarlet 9001 Gold

    [spoiler=Everything has a price...]Scarlet: I, the Scarlet Flame, am the greatest swordfighter in all of [world]!

    Scarlet: Hire me, and victory will surely be by your side! For 9001 Gold, that is.

    >Hire this unit for over 9000 Gold?


    Scarlet: Of course, I wouldn't make you pay. I need no greater reward than JUSTICE!

    Scarlet: Come, my friend! We shall ride... together!


    Scarlet: There is no need to pay me. Justice must be sent upon those fiends, Gold or not!

    Scarlet: We'll talk about my pay later. Let us be comrades, now!

    [spoiler=Scarlet joins the battle!]Class: Swordmaster . . . Level: 14

    HP: 35 . . . Str: 23 . . . Mag: 14 . . . Skl: 28 . . .

    Spd: 30 . . . Def: 12 . . . Res: 8 . . . Lck: 17


    HP: 35% . . . Str: 30% . . . Mag: 20% . . . Skl: 40% . . . Spd: 25% . . . Def: 35% . . . Res: 20% . . . Lck: 15%

  4. "I-I'm here, ma'am!" Eques declared, as he walked in the classroom. Leaving Michalis in the Student Stables didn't take too long, and the North Hall was conveniently right by it.

    With that, he sat in a desk. Nothing else to do, save for awaiting further instructions and nervously fidgeting around. It wasn't so different from knight training, after all.

  5. Nononono, I've got it now.

    • Roy slashes the screen, catching anything in it...
    • Sue lets loose a load of arrows from Murgleis
    • Shanna, Thite, and Juno, with Shanna at the lead, swarm the enemy in a Triangle Attack
    • While the opponents are launched upwards, an Aircalibur from Cecilia spikes them right down.
    • Sophia uses Apocalypse, consuming everything in a void of dark hell.
    • Lilina casts Forblaze, raining down FIRE!
    • Lalum dances for Roy, allowing him to crit with the SoS.

    There. Better than just using a Critical Hit, right?

  6. Lemming... he seemed to be a fairly nice person. Judging by him having his father's wyvern, he must have strong bonds with his family. If only Eques had such a thing with his own... In any case, the two would definitely be good friends.

    Vyse then spoke to the young boy, believing that he had some big dreams. The notion of being a Lance Knight of Crimea didn't have the same sense of adventure as being a Wyvern Rider would be. That, the child supposed, was a dream to follow: To become a Wyvern Rider of Begnion. He just hoped that he'd never meet his family again, if there was a war or something between the two countries...

    "I-I... suppose so-" Eques agreed, before being interrupted by Riela, who was, according to Cerai and Leo, the twins' mother.

    "Attention students: class will begin in ten minutes in the north hall. Please make sure you're there on time. There is room for the wyverns and pegasi outside the building."

    "Let's go, Michalis. We shouldn't be late today," the boy started to mount the wyvern, but stopped before he got on the steed's back, and turned to Raymond, who probably knew this place moreso than the others. "U-um... where's the north hall?"

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