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Posts posted by Flamy

  1. [spoiler=textwall]Garm is the Sacred Twin black axe of Grado. Garm is S-Ranked, meaning a unit must have an S-Rank in axes to use it. Due to the fact that a unit can only one S-Rank, a, say, a Warrior must choose between S-Ranking Bows or S-Ranking Axes. However, I slightly lied. Lyon can S-Rank both Dark Magic and Staves. In Fire Emblem 6: Fuuin no Tsurugi, a unit can S-Rank all possible weapons it can use. Therefore, a FE6 unit, to be specific, a FE6 Paladin, the best of which is Zealot, could use Garm, Audhulma, and Vidofnir. I'm sorry, I slightly lied again. A FE6 unit could not use Fire Emblem 8: The Sacred Stones weapons. However, it can use FE6 weapons. Therefore, it can use the Armads, Durandal, and Malte. However, it can not use all three at once, unless the game has been significantly altered and the Paladin has three arms. But that's slightly off-topic, I digress. We are talking about FE8 because we are on the FE8 board. The possible wielders of Garm are, in order of appearance, Gilliam, Franz, Garcia, Ross, Kyle, Forde, Amelia, Duessel, Gerik, Dozla, Caellach, and Fado. Quite a large portion of FE8's cast can use Garm. However, many of these units can only use axes post-promotion, therefore increasing the difficulty of getting them an S-Rank in axes. It can be done easier, however, if you use the Devil Axe. The Devil Axe gives 8 times as much axe weapon experience as most other axes or most other weapons. However, the Devil Axe is very heavy and very innaccurate. Also, it can backfire and do damage to the user equal to the damage it would've done to the opponent. The Devil Axe is risky but it has a good potential benefit for the user. Garm gives a +5 bonus to Speed. This is good because many of the potential Garm wielders could benefit from the boost. In appearance of order, I mean order of appearance, they are Garcia, Ross, Kyle, Duessel, Dozla, Caellach and Fado. None of them have good Speed. The stereotypical axe user often lacks Speed. A notable exception to this is Dart from Fire Emblem 7: Rekka no Ken. Dart has an impressive Speed stat, so giving Dart the Garm axe would increase his Speed to make it quite high. I'm sorry, I slightly lied again. Please punish me in a kinky way. Back to what I was saying. Dart cannot use Garm, despite the fact that the only weapon type he can use, let alone S-Rank, is axes. Why, you ask? Garm does nto, I mean, not, exist in FE7. However, Basilikos does. Basilikos could be considered an inferior version of Garm. I'm sorry, but I am digressing from the point I am trying to make. Please reprimand me if I do this again. Garm is acquired upon completing Eirika's Chapter 15: Scorched Sand or Ephraim's Chapter 14: Father and Son. Interestingly, the son does not appear during the Chapter. I'm sorry, i, I mean I, slightly lied again. The son, Lyon, appears in conversation scenes before and after the main conflict in Father and Son. However, I am slightly digressing. Upon completion of said Chapter(s), Garm, along with Gleipnir, are added to the main character's inventory. However, something interesting happens when the main character's inventory is full. I am sorry, what happens isn't very interesting. Something truly interesting does happen when the main character's inventory and the Supply convoy is full. In the first instance, you will have to send two of the main character's items to Supply, and you will have to discard two of the main character's items in the latter circumstance. This creates the interesting paradox where the sacred relics of Grado can be simply discarded. This is interesting because such powerful items, two of the eight used to defeat the feared Demon King, are merely thrown away. I'm sorry, I slightly lied again. SMACK MY ASS BABY! DO IT NOW! Only seven of those items can be used against the Demon King. Latona, the Holy Staff of Rausten, cannot be used against the Demon King because it is a staff that heals all of your units except the one who uses it. However, it has little strategic use because getting one of your units to S-Rank Staves is worthless. I'm sorry, I digressed yet again. Please discipline me, Master.

    It was obligatory, okay?

  2. talent...

    [Radio edit] talent. If you learn spriting, talent is meaningless. Sure, if you're talented at something, it means you have a step up than most, but in the end, the folks what worked for their abilities in a certain field will probably be at the same level as the talented ones.
  3. Here I come! The Battle-loving Peacemaker, Scarlet!

    [spoiler=I say things. And then a lot of things.]Event Tiles

    • "Hm... but what if...? And then..."(exp)
    • "No time like now to train. This is war."(weapon exp)
    • "Ooh ooh, something's on the ground!"(item drop)
    Relationship Event Tiles

    Asking - Normal

    • "So what's with the smile? C'mon, tell me." (happy)
    • "You. Me. On the battlefield. Now." (team up)
    • "So, what d'ye think of when yer not thinking of war?" (dreams)
    • "Say, got any hobbies? S'good to know this stuff." (free time)
    Replying - Normal
    • "This is my game face. I just finished training." (happy)
    • "Challenge accepted! Ya wanna train afterwards?" (team up)
    • "Improving my skills with my sword is all the dreams I need." (dreams)
    • "I've been practicing cooking, but there's a lot to know about it." (free time)
    Asking - Child
    • "Hey, kid. Wanna spar with yer ol' man?" (train)
    • "Kid, I don't wanna see ya die out there. Got that?" (concern)
    • "What ya got there, kid? C'mon, show me." (gift)
    • "Bluehair says that the future was grim. Tell me about it." (story)
    Replying - Child
    • "It's on, kid! We gonna train now, or later?" (train)
    • "Don't sweat it, kid. This ol' man's tougher'n his future self." (concern)
    • "Heh, ya caught me there. Here. Ain't much, but..." (gift)
    • "Alright, kiddo. Sit down, and I'll tell you about..." (story)
    Asking - Married
    • "Hey uh, don't do anythin' silly out there, alright? Promise me ya won't." (promise)
    • "Um... y-you pretty today... Sorry, I can't think much when I'm around you."(compliment)
    • "I know I've said this before, but... I love you." (love)
    • "Huh? What do you have there?"(gift)
    Replying - Married
    • "I promise... and I don't break promises."(promise)
    • (compliment)
    • (love)
    • (gift)
    Level Up
    • "I can feel the power flowing through me! (6-7 stats up)
    • "I've still got a ways to go." (4-5 stats up)
    • "There's a lot of ways I can improve." (2-3 stats up)
    • "Still a long way to go." (0-1 stat up)
    • "Now to place myself to the test! "(0-1 stat up, most stats capped)
    Class Change

    "Change is good, but do these things really hafta change my clothes?"


    (buying)"For me? That's cool."

    (selling)"Wonder how much Gold we'll get outta this..."

    (forging)"Here's to hoping it's awesome!"



    (misc)"Huh. Not a single place to get /that/. Aw..."



    (morning)"Mornin'! Up fer a spar or two?"

    (midday)"Okay, so then... Oh, hey there, Tactician [Avatar@!"

    (evening)"As the day ends, we look back upon the events that happened that day."

    (night)"Still planning out tactics?"

    (birthday)"Many happy birthdays to Tactician Avatar!"


    Airheaded and ditzy are but a few words to describe this young fool of a man. His dedication to training and disgustingly positive attitude has led many under the impression of an unflappable fool. The most likely to smile at rainbows. Born on July 4.

    Help Description

    A cheerful youth on a journey of self-improvement.

    Final Chapter Quotes

    (Quote before final chapter, when Robin is almost defeated by Grima)"Hey, no slacking on the job, Tactician Avatar! Get up!"

    (Quote when Chrom kills Grima)"We sealed Grima... but at what cost?

    (Reassuring Robin for their choice to not sacrifice themself)"What's done is done. If your kids are around when he's comes back, maybe they'll do what we couldn't."

    (After Robin sacrifices themselves to kill Grima)"... We'll miss ya, Avatar."

    DLC Pre-Battle

    >The Golden Gaffe Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"This shiny stuff has got to go! Into my hands, of course. We need that money."

    >EXPonential Growth Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"Hm... these things are tough stuff. All the better for training!"

    >Infinite Regalia Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"Relics of the past, now up for grabs... Alright then, let's cut our way through these fools!"

    >Death's Embrace Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"This place... the dead should stay dead. I can't forgive that arsewiper."

    >Five-Anna Firefight Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"Man, this place makes Plegia look like the Hotrealms! Better get to rescuing those Annas."

    >Roster Rescue Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"Huh? Some otherworldly force kept tabs on me? That's nice. I'd better not let these things keep it, though."

    >Summer Scramble Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"My memory of this Outrealm compels me to purge you brigands from this place! Prepare!"

    >Hot-Spring Scramble Pre-Battle

    (Pre-Battle)"Oh boy, the Bathrealms! Ah, this is the stuff, I tell ya! ...But these things have gotta go."


    >Dual Support

    "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"

    "Wonder how this will pan out..."

    "I wanna see a good battle happen!"

    "Let the fun begin."

    "Bring it on!"

    "Don't fear, I'm here!"

    "Hey, don't rush."

    "No pain, no gain!"

    "Is this all they've got?

    "No holding back."

    >Dual Strike

    "Watch me roll 'em."

    "Can't run from me."

    "Fear this unexpected strike!"

    "But not quite!"

    "Don't leave /me/ out!"

    >Dual Guard

    "Happy I'm here?"

    "Don't die on me!"


    "You're outta luck."

    "I'm really feeling it!"

    "Anna... is with me!"

    "This'll be a quick one."

    "Watch closely, everyone!"

    >Defeated Enemy


    "One more point for me."

    "Another battle under my belt!"

    "That coulda gone sour."

    "And that's all there is to it."

    >Partner Defeated Enemy

    "Let's fight together s'more, yeah?"

    "Aw, that was my kill!"

    "Ya got 'em there."

    "We should be training buddies!"

    >Defeated By Enemy

    (Quote)"Guh!? Gah..."

    >Death/Retreat Quotes

    (Retreat)"Argh, wish I didn't hafta hold back... See y'all later..."

    (Death)"And so ends... my story..."

  4. Vyse was... actually really right, Eques noted. If the students did not open up to each other, it could end quite badly for them all. The boy kept this in mind, along with the question about those darn math problems. Not much sooner than that, and the bell rang, signalling for students to move to the Arena for aerial combat practice, if the twins could be trusted.

    With that, he left the mess hall for the stables. If this was practice for aerial combat, then it would be likely that they would need their mounts.

  5. Whatever, challenge accepted. May Anna be with me.

    [spoiler=Insanely Awesome Archsage of Ferox]Name: Scarlet (I'd use my real name, but uh... no.)

    Gender: Male

    Build/Face: 1/1

    Voice: Male 1

    Hairstyle/Hair Color: 2/5

    Asset/Flaw: +Mag/-Res

    Classes: Priest, Dread Fighter, and Fighter

    Skills: Tomefaire, Renewal, Sol, Aggressor, and Counter

    Final Class: Sage

    Weapon: Guiding Wind[Celica's Gale](+5 Mt, +15 Hit)

    Get ready, you lot.

  6. She's a double agent, serving both sides, while she's actually working for another nation, one that will crush both nations under their heel.

    In the third route, Nohr and Hoshido form a temporary truce because of the two royals under the other's possession, and combat this third nation. Of course, this doesn't stop a war from breaking out between the two after Kamui dies.

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