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Posts posted by Flamy

  1. I want Samurais, just that, make the Swordmasters more arab-stylized, and give us Samurais, they could have I dunno, specialized attributes such as the use of bows or lances/naginatas maybe.

    So Samurai have higher Def/Str, less Speed/Res, no Crit bonus, and can use Bows?

    Sounds good. Oh, and I guess Swdmstrs can have better mobility in Desert terrain? What else...

  2. I'd first like to see magic types being more meaningful, and having major differences, like physical weapons.

    But enough of that. I've mentioned this one before, but...

    Class: Wyvern Fighter

    Weapons: Lance, Sword

    Skill: Charge

    An experienced rider of wyverns that soars through the air with deadly grace, but with less defenses than their Wyvern Lord counterparts.

  3. Retsuya started to get a bit serious now, asking about what happened at the rooftop. Yuu didn't know the exact details, but he figured he might as well tell him about it.

    Unfotunately, before Yuu could tell of the incident, Clayton came back. The tale could be told at another time.

    "Well, I gotta go now. Business gets heavy at around this time. We should meet again sometime." With that, the student smiled and left.

  4. After all that was finished, Clayton seemed a bit worse for wear, but he offered Yuu to join him and Retsuya for a bit of food.

    "Sure thing. Work doesn't get-" Then Clayton left for the bathroom.

    "I think we spooked him out, Retsuya," Yuu pointed out. "Did you really have to say all that?"

  5. Wait, what? Did the janitor just... Yuu's face was that of confusion, but only so a moment; his expression changed to a more serious one. He seriously needed to stop playing Crest of Flame, even if CoF: when was amazing. That series was old as heck. Who even played that stuff anymore? Yuu was pretty sure people nowadays played stuff like Otherworldy Sword Tales Cross, or Ultimate Illusion XV.

    "A while after Kinzo fell, the organization pretty much went ballistic. Stuff began to blow up, like it was a fireworks show or something," his head drooped a bit, and he clenched his teeth for a bit before continuing, albeit in a hushed voice, so only Retsuya and Clayton could hear. "I... couldn't keep her safe. I'm sorry, Retsuya. There were so many of them, and I... ran away from Osaka like a... coward."

  6. Yuu didn't think too much about fate or all that nonsense, but he began to regret tempting fate's unsatiable hunger for royally screwing things over when the janitor recognized him.

    "Uh..." Come now, Yuu, you can do better than that. "Y-yeah, I work here part-time. Helps with keeping war funds at an acceptable level."

    The other guy with him introduced himself as Clayton Kochran, and identified the janitor as Retsuya. It wouldn't be polite to not introduce himself now, seeing as names were being thrown around.

    "M-my name's Yuu Fukui," the young man nodded. "It's pretty cool to uh... see you here."

  7. With a slight humming of a most awesome song, Yuu did his best to enjoy himself while he was on the job. The young man also found out the name of the guy who saved that girl, her name being Akane according to the sources, from that one fatarse: Ken, or something.

    And then two very certain peeps walked in.

    Oh forks, Yuu thought, a bit of sweat on his forehead now. They'll know who I am! ... No, calm down, Yuu. There's nothing to be afraid about. They're faculty. They've got better things to do than remember the one face of a bystander in a specific incident.

    With that, he put on a grin and a pair of shades. They wouldn't block out his majestic green eyes, but they definitely made him cooler.

  8. I had an Ike with 13 str in PoR after promotion once. Yeah...I abandoned that file later. xP

    A str-screwed Ike doesn't even make sense at all lol. He's supposed to be very strong physically. :P

    Capping RES of all stats though, that's not something you usually see in an Ike.

    Anna decides who's buff and who isn't. Despite the similarity of your name to the RNG Goddess, you are not Anna, Ana.

    You're just Ana... cybele.

  9. At last, school was over for the day! The rest of the day would be relegated to completing assignments given, and working at Chevalier. Though the ratio wasn't clear right now, mixtures had indefinite ratios, or else they'd be compounds.

    Hopefully, someone new dropped by. That always broke the monotony of working.

  10. The janitor dropped by, and everyone got the boot. Darn, and it was just when things were about to get fun. Some peeps wanted to go to the rooftop, but the janitor appeared to save the day from something awkward/bad explanations happening. That guy was an Almighty Janitor, in every sense of the word.

    "No, I don't think anybody saw who did it, but anybody could see it was a mess up there," Yuu answered casually. It was the truth... for him, that is.

  11. while Eirika and Lucina are there is kinda bleh. :(


    You dislike that Eirika and Lucina, female leads in their games, are in this art. You show a desire to have Ephraim, Chrom, and Robin in the art, characters who are male, or in Robin's case, commonly depicted as male in the games. Therefore...

    You dislike Elinicia, and pretend you like Elinicia X Ike, just to be contrarian. You actually like Ranulf X Ike X Soren, a ship so ridiculous, you have disregarded the fact that you dislike Ranulf x Ike and Soren x Ike.

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