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Posts posted by Flamy

  1. Of course Anna's gonna be there. Hoshido needs to pull a superweapon? Just ask her nicely in one of her many shrines shops, and she'll give you it, if you've the right amount of Gold.

    But really, her being a double agent sort of thing would be awesome.

  2. Here's a theory.

    Kamui decides to overthrow Garon, eliminate the instigators of the war, as a One-Man Army. Though some units from both sides join him, he is operating alone most if the time, with increased stats coming from embracing his Kirin self.

  3. Is there a SINGLE real man in this game other than them (that isn't possibly a minor character)? Seriously.

    Real men...

    [spoiler=WARNING! Minor NSFW]-run around walls for no reason

    -endure black holes

    -hang out with ladies

    -stand on top of a pillar like a real man would

    -watch clowns run circles around them, and love every moment of it

    -ride green streams of semen

    -beat up helpless children

    -talk like a man

    -beat up helpless children




    -befriend a helpless child

    -destroy test tube babies


    -kick your ass!

    -trick the enemy

    -use the same move over and over

    -make things up

    -use sarcasm to beat their opponents

  4. I hope Ryouma doesn't stay Ryouma in the localization, I think it's a silly name for a man. Even a Japanese one. He'll probably be given a fairly similar name in English though, as that's the case for a majority of FE characters. I can see him being Ryan, perhaps. Or maybe Roark. I'd love for him to have that name, as he'd share his name with one of my favorite Pokemon gym leaders. ^^

    That sucker never saw the Rain Brigade coming in... like a wave.

    But really, keep the Ryouma. That is one kicking name, plus he haz teh thund3rsword.

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