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Chocolate Kitty

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Everything posted by Chocolate Kitty

  1. yeah my b; should have clarified in the initial post
  2. yeah watch the video before coming to that conclusion; if sigurd's weapon did not have an absurd 30 might, prayer skill, and +10 spd/skl(which are ignored in the video), there's no way that he beats alm, horse or not
  3. but this is a dumb comparison fe4 legendary weapons are entirely too powerful to compare to literally any other game; using their raw stats and skills pretty much will always have them win
  4. Prologue -> Ch12 (Part 1 and Part 2) 3 Gaidens ~17 Total
  5. Might just be you guys, I've never had any phone issue; nor do I know anyone who has complained of one
  6. I started reading this as a result of that point brought up. Apparently Elibe dragons are never called manaketes(although the same applies to fates), but instead store their abilities in stones as a result of Ending Winter. The only true dragon in elibe with a dragonstone is Fae; Ninian's transformation has nothing to do with a stone. I don't consider Idoun and the war dragons in the same category due to being created artificially and or tainted(in the case of Idoun). So I have no idea if Roy would be able to inherit any draconic abilities. Eliwood technically has no canon wife(Ninian is assumed), and Elibe dragon abilities seem inconsistent with other dragons.
  7. give them to me jeez they're just going to waste at this point :(
  8. It's also good on units that utilize movement B skills, like drag back and hit and run. Drag back gives a weaker unit the chance to use their mobility to move the foe in an unfavorable spot, while hit and run is good for a free hit and get out of the spot you attacked from. Lunge and knockback imo are not very good so not really a need to mention them.
  9. What exactly would you say are your strong points/What have you done so far? (it seems like you're basically applying for a job, so listing your skills would make the most sense, like a resume)
  10. Thank you for the help!

  11. idk maybe the translation patch messed up and no one noticed
  12. or repeat the exact same line the only thing the game checks for when loading existing pc units is their loading location
  13. I started this but I remembered I don't sprite pretty early on next time I guess
  14. Well, I was planning on presenting these topics to the public here, which is why I wanted topics that were interesting to the public IE suggestions.
  15. No, pretty much everything is open outside; as long as it fits in the forum guidelines. I know relatively nothing about this, so good first suggestion I say
  16. There are a lot of "chapters" you could overwrite to create your own gaiden chapter, or you could expand the chapter table to have more slots and do the same thing. But yeah, very possible.
  17. I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I'm looking for general(or specific) topics to research & present to the people. Not any particular reason other than I'm bored and want to learn new stuff that I would never think of looking up. In a perfect world I'd present one of these a week (in this topic I guess), and the topic would just be a suggestion in the topic that piques my interested. Okay that's it, thanks
  18. no not fe5 and it's a non-issue due to not actually being part of the playable map
  19. Chocolate Kitty


    maps dunno where my last topic is
  20. oh rey what took you so long to notice that ;D I'll get around to it if I remember to, you're welcome to do the fix though
  21. ensure you also have everything needed to play(.net, xna, etc) hm I'm not sure, I'd have to check that version and see what's going on truthfully, with the rehaul in progress I don't know if it's going to exist in the advent of the new version(since no one reported this problem before). A shitty response, I know. However, you can join the beta testing group and try out the newest version(or can just join the server to see what's going on)
  22. hm I have no idea honestly, do you have all of the .net frameworks and such installed? not sure if troll but fe4 it's not a hack, you just run the program
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