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Everything posted by Diabeasty

  1. The only 2nd characters that can get Aether are female characters, Aggressor is better from the back than it is from the front. I don't see why that would be a waste at all. You still get two attacks with your aether-user in the front. And if you pair male morgan with Lucy you can have nuke morgan with 100% dual strike.
  2. What skill should I pass down from Henry to Nah? I'm assuming wrath, it seems like it would be the most useful skill for her in general since her class set is magically inclined.
  3. I've decided to use Virion!Severa as a Sniper and Gregor!Yarne as an Assassin. Pairing them together gets me 100% DS and I don't really lose out on anything so I think it's a reasonable trade to make. Frederick goes to Inigo, and Ricken now goes to Laurent. Owain still gets Libra, but I could switch back to Ricken!Owain. Using Laurent as a nuke sounds like fun so I'll probably pair him with Cynthia or Morgan. Alternatively, I COULD have him marry Lucina, and have Robin marry Cynthia instead. I would get the same Morgan, just Robin wouldn't get that sweet 100% DS unless I make him a Sniper or give Cynthia AS+2 over Bowfaire. This really comes down to who I want Ricken!Laurent to end up with since I get the same Morgan either way.
  4. I'm thinking about switching to Frederick!Inigo, going to use him as a Wyvern Lord with Axefaire. My plan was to pair him up with Gaius!Noire, who will be an assassin. Inigo can reach 69 speed with that setup, so it should be pretty good in theory. Has anyone else messed with Fred!Inigo?
  5. I like the color scheme on the Cherche palette. Cordelia looks very nice as well. Personally I'd have to wait until there are screenshots from the front to really decide which one I would use. Robin's palette with the white and red looks nice, as does the blue palette.
  6. I've realized that if I make Virion!Yarne (married to Hero Vaike!Severa) a Sniper and pair sniper/assassin Gerome with sniper/assassin Morgan I can have 100% dual strike with both pairs. My only question is really... Is it worth it for me to do that? I feel like I'd be losing out on a lot of power that way, and I'd have to move some of my pairings around. I would probably need to switch Inigo(Who is currently married to Morgan) to Frederick!Inigo to pair him with Donnel!Kjelle, or just have Kjelle as a Bride.
  7. I feel like the outrealms are more like pocket dimensions, where locations and heroes of the past are manifested. Obviously the enemy units aren't one and the same as the actual people they represent, I don't see why the locations couldn't be the same way. That's just how I would rationalize it though. I could be completely wrong but really, for me it's more of a "Wouldn't it be cool if this happened?" thing rather than "This is how this happened" Edit: Actually, I think I'm wrong about the locations, but they could still simply be parallel universes. Another world doesn't necessarily mean a completely different world. The Aversa in the storylines of the DLC isn't the same Aversa as the main game, and she is described as "from another world." And if you think about it, Lucina and all the children are also from another world as well.
  8. It doesn't mean they can't be, though. Another world could just mean another continent. Regardless, it's just something that I feel would be cool.
  9. I personally like the idea that all the Fire Emblem universes are in the same world, just different continents. It makes it pretty interesting to me to consider that all the legends of the other continents were passed down through the ages, since awakening would be the most recent one chronologically. So I also like the idea that perhaps the Taguel are some kind of distant relative of the Laguz.
  10. Alright, just want to see if I can get some more opinions on my setup, I've changed a few things around. (+Skl/-Def)Robin@Berserker x Sumia!Lucina@Great Lord Sumia!Lucina!Morgan@Dark Flier x Ricken!Inigo@Sage Chrom!Cynthia@Dark Flier x Libra!Owain@Sage Lon'Qu!Brady@Sage x Henry!Nah@Valkyrie Donnel!Kjelle@Assassin x Stahl!Gerome@Warrior Vaike!Severa@Hero x Virion!Yarne@Berserker Gaius!Noire@Assassin x Gregor!Laurent@Berserker Is there any way I can possibly improve on this? Father/child combinations, pairings, class setups or otherwise. I'm liking magical Inigo and Nah, but I'm not really sure if I would get more use out of them or Frederick!Inigo, supported by Vaike!Nah. If I went with that I could give Henry to Brady and Ricken to Owain. I'm also thinking about the benefits of using Stahl!Severa and Vaike!Gerome instead of Vaike!Severa and Stahl!Gerome, just because both are pretty viable. Also, on Robin's Flaw/Asset, would +Spd/-Def be better than +Skl/-Def for what I'm doing? Morgan would lose 2 skill but gain 4 speed. She would also lose 2 Str but I won't be using that anyway. It would probably hurt Robin a bit, since he's going physical hard support but would the extra speed on Morgan be worth it?
  11. Probably swordbreaker since Yarne is going to be using axes.
  12. Yeah, that's more or less what I was trying to say. When I said middle ground I meant "good, but not the definitive best." Really should have worded it better, my bad.
  13. Chrom!Inigo is literally the exact same thing but he trades 1 str for 1 spd. Freddy!Inigo has higher skill and Wyvern Lord, but is slow. Henry!Inigo has awesome stats and vengeance. Libra!Inigo can still run physical, his Str is only 1 less than his Mag. Inigo has a lot of options that are almost all equally good, he doesn't really need Stahl more than any other kid in my opinion.
  14. He's the middle ground for a lot of children. Almost every single one has a superior option to him. Gerome definitely makes the best use of his inheritance.
  15. I'm not really saying Gerome is bad, more that he is typically lower priority than other children in most people's eyes. Thankfully Stahl is pretty low-demand and is literally perfect for him. I would say give Henry to Owain and Libra to Inigo. Inigo doesn't get Tomefaire by default and Libra gives him Sage access so you might get more out of that. Stahl!Gerome is pretty sweet, I've been using him as of late. He has a bunch of options, pretty much everything but 'Zerk really, so you can probably find something that works.
  16. Inigo and Kjelle both can also go swordfaire Assassin, so that's something to consider. I personally really like the assassin class but if I remember right you already have a lot of them. Have you considered making Inigo a Hero? I think that would definitely be a viable option as well. Hero has some nice stats, and their pair up bonuses are pretty good. (Speed and Skill)
  17. Quick question, Berserker or Assassin for Gregor!Laurent supporting Sniper Gaius!Noire? I like the skl assassin gives but I doubt I can reach 100% DS with that pair, so the extra oomph from 'Zerker sounds nice. Plus Laurent gets anathema and hex(though i won't be using it) to alleviate Berserker's hit issues.
  18. Inigo naturally has access to Berserker, which would give you some extra speed and alleviate the need for AS+2 over astra. It's worth considering in my opinion. I'm not really sure how having a 'zerk as a lead plays out as I've never really done it outside of maingame. Another potential option is to make him a Hero I suppose.
  19. I would pair Lucy with Owain personally. Owain has less Skl than Brady so Lucy's DS+ will mean more to Owain than it would to Brady. That's the only real difference between the two pairings since Chrom!Cynthia is Sumia!Lucina but without Lord access and thus no DS+.
  20. Virion!Severa is fine, she has slightly worse stats than LQ!Severa but she gets sage and sniper access, while still keeping Wyvern lord. She's more versatile, basically. In my opinion LQ!Brady is one best Bradies. All Brady really needs is stats, and sometimes Vengeance. Lon'Qu has some sweet stats, and doesn't hurt his Mag at all. He has better Spd and Skl than Virion!Brady while only taking a hit in Res. You might do well to give Ricken to Laurent and Lon'Qu to Brady, it would be worth trying at the least. Vaike!Nah is excellent, to say the least. Vaike passes down Knight and Mercenary to her, which I believe no other female character can take full benefit of. If she had Galeforce she'd literally be perfect. Easily one of the best pairings for Nah.
  21. On the subject of male Robin, How would Berserker Robin x Great Lord (or any physical class she has access to, really) Sumia!Lucina be? I was thinking about using this simply because having a bunch of Sage x DF pairs is kinda boring. +Skl Robin (which i am using) also has 2 str over mag which kinda adds up if he's hitting from the back.
  22. Morgan is automatically better than everyone, that's a given. Hard supports are very good in their own right. Why else do you think people pair Severa with Gerome? Severa is easily one of the best kids, while Gerome is usually at the bottom of the totem pole. Male Robin being able to support literally any female character with whatever class they made need most is a huge boon, in my opinion.
  23. First thing that comes to mind for me is that he's a superb support for a galeforce user. He has all class selection and good stats making him extremely versatile in that regard, so regardless of what kind of pairing you're going for he'll make the most of it. And, as said above, there are a lot more good female characters than good male characters.
  24. There's something I really have to say about this game's story. I feel like for the most part it's pretty good, but I think the one thing that holds it back is none other than the middle half of the game, the Valm arc. Now don't get me wrong, I liked the Valm arc if you were to separate it and look at it on its own. It's just, it felt so... far removed from everything else. It didn't really tie in at all to the rest of the game. If it had been some kind of sidequest, it would have been excellent. Even worse is that nothing important that happened in Valm couldn't have happened elsewhere. The worst part to me, though is that afterward they make a desperate attempt to tie the Valm arc into everything by saying Walhart was attempting to unite the world against Grima. OH YOU SNEAKY VALIDAR, YOU SURE GOT US THIS TIME. They could have spent those chapters telling us more about the world that matters, the conflict between Ylisse and Plegia. We maybe could have gotten more backstory to Validar other than "well hes yer dad" because I honestly left wondering about him. Gangrel was a great character honestly, but they could have done more with him too. The game's story had a ton of moments that made me smile or made me sad, and honestly I felt like most of the characters were pretty likable. There are just a few things they could have done better.
  25. Alright, I'd just like to get just a little more feedback on my team as a whole before I tie any more knots. I just married Gerome to Kjelle, so that one is set in stone. May as well get the boring stuff out of the way first. Chrom@Bow Knight x Sumia@Dark Flier (+Skl/-Def)Robin@Sage X Sumia!Lucina@Dark Flier I'm not too sure about these three. I think Owain x Cynthia makes sense here, however I'm mostly not too sure about the last two pairings. I feel like I potentially might get a little more mileage by switching them around. - Libra!Owain@Sage x Chrom!Cynthia@Dark Flier - Ricken!Inigo@Sage x Lucina!Morgan@Dark Flier - Lon'Qu!Brady@Sage x Henry!Nah@Valkyrie I'm using assassin for now. Kjelle has so many options that I can switch around easily if I find something else might work better. - Donny!Kjelle@Assassin x Stahl!Gerome@Warrior Not much to say here. I'm liking the Severa though. (aside from her hair color... ugh...) - Vaike!Severa@Hero x Virion!Yarne@Berserker I'm going with a physical Laurent entirely because I want to take advantage of Noire's Bowfaire. Also because Gregor!Laurent's physical options aren't too shabby, really. - Gaius!Noire@Sniper x Gregor!Laurent@Assassin I'll have to do skillsets and such after I finalize everything, but that's the easy part. I don't know if I've said it or not, but I really want to thank everyone who has given me advice on my team. I have a lot of fun doing things like this, and getting input from other people just makes it even better.
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