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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Medieval art was wack... https://spyro.fandom.com/wiki/Claude
  2. Great prompt! I have an idea and IT IS A FANDOM I HAVEN'T DONE YET yay!
  3. @AnonymousSpeed I saw that, but I wasn't sure whether it was a game or a story about a game. Like how Hunger Games is about, well, a game. A game that people die in. But yeah, that was my train of thought.
  4. Skittles! WYR listen to covers of English songs sung in other languages or songs that were originally in another language? I recall @Shoblongoo mentioning that this happens and he's a lawyer. It's more like if someone's accused of something that warrants checking their devices, for whatever reason, if they find that stuff they have to report it. Also if you're a computer tech/repair person and you find kiddy porn or terror threats you are legally required to report it. If you see something, and the person goes on to rape and murder a kid or shoot up a school etc, and the authorities find out you saw it and didn't report it, you get in a lot of trouble.
  5. Hey thanks! I was afraid nobody really cared enough to comment much. Unfortunately nothing was for sale at the con itself. I bought the burger and some candy at a shop across the street.
  6. "Fertilize". What can that mean? xD Be an anti vaxxer, you'll also piss off a sizeable number of people off the internet. The proper way to use library computers is...
  7. Idk about violence, but film producers will often sneak mild sexual innuendo in so the parents who watch the movie with their kids aren't bored the whole time, and have something only they get. It's been done as far back as the 90s, perhaps the 80s too. https://www.wowamazing.com/trending/sexual-innuendos-in-disney-movie/ They are mild and non graphic...mostly, but it's definitely not something you'd see in an R rated movie (PG 13 at the most), and if imagery is there it's hidden very carefully so you pretty much have to know it's there and look for it.
  8. Be male, or have functioning male reproductive organs, and...well whatever floats your boat, you have a carpeted floor fetish, you do you. There is much worse. The proper way to mail your sibling a potato is...
  9. Completely focus on what I'm doing. WYR be an intern at Youtube and your job is to look for and remove those bizarre nightmare fuel things starring children's cartoon characters, or be an intern at a law firm and your job is to search the devices and cloud storage of accused criminals for kiddy porn and terror threats?
  10. I've been gifted it once. Loved it, but only used the "use emotes from anywhere" feature.
  11. Is this a game to be played or a written story? If game: either or, depending on your level of technical skill/ability to program in multiple pairs. If story: fixed pair.
  12. I think you heard of that part on Discord? Yep. I also started doing the Song of Storms and no it did not rain.
  13. My brain, let's mind control my enemies! Shouldn't Miss Piggy be dating Fonzie Bear instead of Kermit? Bears and pigs could possibly work as a mated pair in a fantasy setting because they're both mammals, but frogs are amphibians.
  14. I don't have a car, so pet is my only option...but let's turn him into...not a cat first. And reverse his neuter WYR watch an old cartoon from the 80s or an old live action movie from the 80s?
  15. I never actually saw it but the first dog I had was named Gizmoe. My mom didn't know the correct spelling and he was there before I was born. And he looked like Gizmo, I guess.
  16. A Link To A Hobby After meandering around a bit, it is finally time for the cosplay presentation! It is held downstairs in that events building. Quill greets me right away. She is cosplaying as BotW Link in the champion's outfit. Deku, her coworker, is waiting for her mom to show up. No she is not a deku scrub, she is Deku from My Hero Academia. Mighty Mom shows up, and the presentation begins! They talk about what wigs are best quality but feel free to practice on cheaper ones if you have to style them. Arda is the wig brand they recommend. They discuss that "casual" cosplay is a thing and perfectly acceptable, and don't listen to the naysayers. An example given by Deku: she once did Naruto in a hoodie, just chilling. Never listen to the naysayers, as a matter of fact. If someone tells you "you can't do that you don't have the right body type" or similar, ignore them. Full costumes can be bought, but sometimes they come with pieces that aren't good so you have to alter them or make them yourself. Quill's BotW Link came with "horrendous" gauntlets, so she made her own. She also added the wig that she styled herself. They talk about going to cons, and how you should always ask before taking pictures of cosplayers because they might not want pictures or they might not have all of their costume ready yet. Quill had this experience, where she was a complicated character, a tiefling, and people would not leave her alone wanting pictures and she still had to put contacts in and other bits and pieces of her costume. I introduce myself to Deku, probably quite awkwardly because that's just me, but she takes it well. I tell her she's lucky to have a mom who's so supportive of this hobby because my mom is more like "Get out of your apartment, stop being a hermit, work, better yourself, don't spend your money on that". It is what it is, but I will never stop envying people with parents into nerd culture like Mighty Mom. A question and answer segment follows. When asked how characters are picked, Deku says she picks characters she relates to the most. She loves this character she's doing now because he's hyper, energetic, and adorable and he brings out that side of her. When asked how they got into cosplay, Quill says she has always been an artist (it's true, her drawings make mine look like a drunk kindergartner made them) and it is an art form at its core. Deku says she enjoyed costumes as a kid and all of a sudden growing up and it's no longer acceptable is well, unacceptable, so cosplay is a way to continue. Cosplay is for all ages, as shown by Dinosaur. Dinosaur goes to cons as Dr. Harding from Jurassic Park frequently and sometimes he sees young kids as the same character and it always makes him happy. Good for him! I mention seeing a photo of an older lady cosplaying as the grandma from the Tweety Bird cartoons and both Quill and Deku seem to remember seeing it too. I get home and Quill calls me asking where I went. I forgot to tell her I was leaving, oops...but she's coming over today in the afternoon! And this is where my story ends...for now. In the not so distant future...stay tuned...
  17. Another split that takes place if the Links fail in Triforce Heroes. The great evil that will make people be unfashionable forever also forces them to dance constantly. Why do they drive boats in Spongebob instead of submarines? And did I ask this before
  18. The Adventure Begins The event was held in one building on Main Street. It's a small events center of sorts that also houses a few shops, including the cafe Quill and Deku work at. A Wonder Woman cosplayer approaches and addresses me by name. I do not recognize her. After a brief exchange, I find that she is the secretary at the Vocational Rehab office that I attend for job seeking/employment services. I had no idea she had any interest in things like this. My attention turns to a table that looks like this: No that is not my drink...maybe I should have asked the lady to move it but meh. Sitting at the table is a guy clearly cosplaying, but in a very simple and minimalist fashion. He is carrying a wooden staff and has a ragged cloak draped over his shoulders. I ask him if this DnD stuff is being sold. He says it's being raffled off, and to enter, I simply write down my name, email address, and "a monster I'd like to fight", which will be made into a stats/reference card if I win. A small face with painted whiskers and attached cat ears pops up beside Wizard. "Orbeez monster!" The little girl must be some relation. She rambles on about her monster idea in typical energetic kid fashion. I have heard of orbeez before, I believe I saw them advertised on TV, they are these things: Little bead things you put in water, make stuff out of them. I guess. I enter the raffle (my chosen monster is a lightning dragon), and Wizard asks if I ever played DnD before. I say I'd love to but can never find anyone to play it with, is there a local group? There is in Scottsbluff, which has the nearest Walmart and is 30 minutes away, but a frequent destination for most people in Ye Olde Torrington including me. My grandparents live in Mitchell, one of the towns on the way there. Unfortunately Wizard does not have the contact info for this DnD group. Suggests I check facebook and I will. Grub and Pub I arrived an hour and a half before Quill and Deku's presentation, so I decide to eat. The nearest restaurant is a Mexican place. I go in, see the menu, but nothing on there looks good. I'm not much for Mexican food and the burgers at these places are never very good. The Broncho Bar and Grill is also on this street and I have eaten there before, so I go there instead. I order this meal: The burger was a tad greasy and not overly great but it worked and I got free refills on my diet pepsi, and a side of mayo for dipping when I asked for it. Broncho was very prompt about refills when I needed them, I filled it up three times. There was so much ice in that cup...that there wasn't much room for the pop, you see. The only others in the restaurant were a couple with two babies, one in a car seat carrier and one being held. At one point Broncho almost gave me a cup of ice tea intended for the family's table but realized his mistake right away. A slightly interesting thing: When asked about it (because I guess I'm nosy sometimes), Broncho explained that the kitchen had no air conditioning and metal walls and was small, so pizza baking made it feel like an oven in there. Yikes. Don't blame them one bit. (This is as far as I'll write right now because I'm starting to lose steam, I'll edit the rest in soon!)
  19. Original: These were done on my phone and my phone's draw on photos thing does this glow effect so yeah. Have fun!
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