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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Society is nasty. I hate nasty weather. WYR have a pet elephant or tiger?
  2. I headcanon pink hair is like calico cats, males are rare and sterile. Lol but seriously Makalov probably wouldn't be a good father anyway. Because cheese is awesome. Why are people using the Smash stage builder to draw penises?
  3. You can, but if you use Shulk and Fiora's kids and their gang...ask me first. Ricky and Vio actually have some buddies in their homeworld their age or close because of course the band of seven heroes...well, once there was peace and it was safe, after a dangerous war, there's bound to be a baby boom. To add something, I'm thinking of adding a Link kid. Female. She'll be quite young in the current timeline, like too young to fight, but eventually I can do a situation like Lucina's time travel. She's fascinated by any advanced tech...and finds nerds adorable, so she kinda crushes on Rickson a bit. It's not just his nerdiness that she finds cute, she also likes his stormy gray eyes and small rounded homs ears. Add some drama there because of course she can't have him. Rules against crossworld romances and crossworld crossbreeding.
  4. Go ahead. Also, I'm thinking we should be able to start even if I haven't put all the profiles up. I can come up with an opener in a few days.
  5. Another example I can think of is how in OoT it's said gerudo look for hylian "boyfriends". We all know that means they take guys home and bow chicka bow wow, and the carpenters in jail imply they can be pushy. But the way it's shown keeps it at an E rating. Long story short, the presence of a few swears shouldn't mean M rating, F bombs or no.
  6. You never said they were your rules, but... Honestly I feel like the way you put things can be easily misinterpreted as arguing or trying to start fights. Remember that this is behind a screen, so even if you're sarcastic, there's a chance it will be taken as the complete opposite. While yes, it was between you and Shob, and we won't deny that your ratings are stricter, Ana has gotten bans for doing the exact same thing you're doing. Just fyi.
  7. Can we let Anon decide what's M and what's not? Also the rules just say no smut. Other R rated stuff should be fine.
  8. Sharpies. WYR live in Hyrule during the Calamity or 100 years after it but you're a random civilian with no combat skill?
  9. https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Fire_Emblem:_Radiant_Dawn#Rebirth_.281.29_Crash See if this helps?
  10. I should be able to do some stuff this week
  11. Picture BotW Link visiting Shulk's home and trying to tame a ponio
  12. A posh royal sounding name. C is for Cyrus.
  13. That was exactly the video I was thinking lol. A jedi master Yoda is. Z is for zigzagoon.
  14. Because your parents were horny one night. Who were the people under Patrick's rock?
  15. Because he was asserting male dominance. Why do the villagers' in SoV map sprites look like they're wearing pajamas?
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