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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. https://www.yomzansi.com/2017/05/22/london-based-startup-is-selling-adult-cereals-which-are-deliciously-inappropriate/
  2. A very strong metal. U is for Undertale.
  3. Oh Fernand please xD Cute idea.
  4. Jim Carrey probably won't be in it again if it flops for sure... Should there be a Smash anime made?
  5. It will still be terribad and I feel so sorry for him. Why do so many people not google their question before asking it on forums?
  6. In my honest opinion if you can't google to find this like I did then people are going to call you too lazy to make a hack. I tried romhacking before and failed at it. But my advice is please search google before asking questions. You're gonna have to do leg work and find things yourself.
  7. Only if the judge has played Phoenix Wright. Why did Satan say "let's put the alphabet in math"?
  8. This is a good theory, I like it. Is it ever said why Xane doesn't transform into a dragon, but other units? Do any other dragons have this ability? There needs to be more male manaketes in the series for sure.
  9. Call it creative license. I was informed of an inaccuracy in my most recent entry by Ana. I said Zelda had always been good with magic, and I hadn't seen the memory scene where it said she had to really practice and study. But it is not a big deal.
  10. Yes, but it also works on the beasts and birds so I didn't consider it a "dragon" illness.
  11. I thought it was a side effect of the dragons having to create human forms and become manaketes when it was no longer acceptable to have large magic reptiles just strolling through towns minding their own business. Somewhere down the line, humans became wary, even scared of them. The dragons, being powerful magicians, created human forms to use. And some got this side effect. Tellius dragon laguz do not have this. And Morva did kinda go mad, but I think it was the Demon King's doing.
  12. Well, consider what Shob told me once regarding a Xenoblade entry. Having not played it, he didn't know Colonel Vangarre is totally the type to ignore the signs of a stroke and refuse medical tests, and thus end up having a stroke that proves fatal. So it looked like bad or lazy writing, having a character suddenly drop dead. Because the characterization I gave was all he had to work with. Having multiple people write for the same setting can be a blessing or a curse. On one hand, you know the setting and characters are well known and can be judged accurately. On the other hand, it's kind of fierce competition.
  13. Where you live doesn't allow roosters, right, I remember. Rehoming is the kinder option. The cruel option would be to have chicken dinner. While delicious, I would feel guilty if it were me lol.
  14. If Mia turns out to be a rooster she can be Zihark instead.
  15. They give you a booger that some kid left on the table. I've been standing in this Burger King bathroom for an hour and no employee has come to wash my hands. What gives?
  16. Post porn and get it locked. The proper way to watch Youtube videos is...
  17. I like adding the masks to Young Link but taking the bombs and boomerang away is too much. Why not have the masks operate like Monado Arts instead? Hold B and then push a direction to pick a mask. The final smash you added for Chrom is funny but also unserious sounding so I think it's better left for memes.
  18. Well, the story is solid...but fyi, Eclipse told me when I asked for permission to link to fanfics with sexual content hosted off site that it was unallowed, and to cut those parts and ask for PMs if people wanted to read more, and send it to them that way. This is straight from this: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/14901-forum-rules/ I was going to link to it. And you have posted it here directly... It's unfortunate that you posted a lot of it already and if it were up to me, the tags and warnings would suffice, but it is not up to me.
  19. I aimed to imply the Old Man made that pillar fall, but yeah, didn't really work.
  20. Because some monkeys didn't want to evolve so they held everstones. What would happen if the smurfs met the oompa loompas?
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