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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Boyd and Rolf and laguz. That is all. Jill and Haar too.
  2. Kurt Vonnegut. If I ran with the bulls I would surely end up in the hospital. WYR have Miracle Whip or regular mayonnaise on your sandwich?
  3. That and if they were too easy they'd be boring. Why is it called "ninjaing" when somebody posts at the same time as you?
  4. Rectangles are similar to squares. Where did I put my keys?
  5. Because the Spongebob fandom is nuts. Holy crap that is the most surprising thing I've heard all week. Speaking of Spongebob, why is his last name Squarepants when his parents are round sponges?
  6. Thanks. I was just discouraged because they were nitpicking and saying "there's no connection, just a coincidence" like we were arguing over the word I used. I do want to get into game design too.
  7. Game critics don't know what they're talking about I guess. Where did the baby shark song come from?
  8. JRPG. WYR be Grumpy Cat or Philosoraptor?
  9. Because the narrator's best friend turns into a dragon. Why does life give people lemons instead of say, peaches or strawberries?
  10. Translate and bring over the Evangelion games. They have to be better than Candy Crush. WYR go into a pyramid for the treasure inside with the risk that the pharoah buried there will curse you, or cross a crocodile infested river to a city of paradise?
  11. Twilight kinda ruined Edward for me lol. The Dawn Brigade myrmidon has always been Eddie to me because it fits him better. If/when I eventually meet my soul mate, I hope he's okay with a son named Drake. As in dragon, not male duck lol. A daughter could be Stella but I'm more willing to compromise with another girl name. I just really want a little dragon boy dammit. For OCs I tend to just name them whatever sounds good and I use name generators and Behind the Name a lot.
  12. They find a nice bar to eat at but oh no! Zombies attack! They combine their strengths to defeat the zombies and decide that they have chemistry and go back for a second date later. Wreck It Ralph and Vanellope Von Sweetz in Game Central Station eating cherries.
  13. I only get robo calls and they are so fricking annoying omg.
  14. *sigh* Okay then. I found a coincidence.
  15. Maybe not intentionally, but it's still there.
  16. Multiple times. *suddenly has an eye patch and a peg leg* What if Pinocchio says "my nose will grow"? If I already asked this I swear to God...
  17. I guess the console because I can't afford a new phone and I can't be without a phone. WYR have a smartphone that might explode or a crappy old flip phone from the 90s?
  18. Because all baby animals that are cared for by their parents have to be adorable so the parents will love them and raise them. Like flies lay their eggs and leave them and maggots are NOT cute, but dogs take care of their puppies and puppies are cute. If Popeye the sailor man lived in a garbage can, why did he never get help to buy a proper house?
  19. Maybe? Idk. Why do 12 year old boys that play CoD insist on telling everybody they're gay and they slept with their mom last night?
  20. Eliwood. Wolt is like decades younger holy shit. And Lyn isn't a goddess so you can't do the Lunala/Matthew thing. WYR live next door to a meth lab or a brothel?
  21. I guess that too. But in FE they have to be a certain race. In Dragalia they don't, they just have to be someone that can enter a pact or an ally of said person. I do wonder about the nitty gritty of how the shapeshifting works though and how they're automatically super skilled with any dragon. Realistically it should take practice.
  22. I figured this deserved its own topic. I found a small connection, feel free to discuss or whatever. Characters in Dragalia Lost have elements that operate on a rock paper scissors system. Fire beats wind. Wind beats water. Water beats fire. Not counting characters you get by summoning here, in the main story you get: Euden: fire Elisanne: water Ranzal: wind Now let's look at their weapons. Euden: sword Elisanne: lance Ranzal: axe See the connection yet? Here you go: Sword/fire Lance/water Axe/wind It's the FE weapon triangle and also the same colors used in Heroes for it!
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