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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Doctor Who I guess. I could sell them for a good sum. WYR be able to hang out with any real person who existed at some point (so nobody currently living) or any fictional character for a day?
  2. Awww. I see. Also one time the Egyptians fought the Persians and the Persians won that battle because they each held cats under their arms. Since killing a cat was punishable by death in Egypt, of course the Egyptians weren't fighting at their full strength.
  3. Nero, because Hitler and Stalin are more recent and because of them the world has kinda vowed not to have another Holocaust and that's a good thing. And of course I don't want to erase you. WYR go back in time to Ancient Greece or the American Civil War?
  4. I just have a cat lol. My username is a reference to a creature I made up: the dragoncat. Small felines with dragon wings.
  5. Thomas the Tank Engine narrated by the Mortal Kombat announcer sounds absolutely hilarious, so that. WYR watch a video of goths raving to the Thomas the Tank Engine theme song or a high speed police chase set to Yakety Sax? Both of those videos exist. Yes, even the former. I'm not kidding.
  6. Because power outages suck and I'm guilty of that too. When dinosaur bones were first found, did people think they were dragons?
  7. Well I never played HW. Weren't Ghirahim and Zant DLC? Still, story explanation would be nice. Egil...everyone's favorite metal Hitler. I was wondering what his role would be. What could possibly be a big enough threat that HE joins forces with the people he just sees as "bugs"? I joke about him having a pet mechon that he gives treats and belly rubs lol. Because Hitler had a dog that he loved, so it's possible. This pet mechon isn't programmed to attack and it wears a collar. Therefore, I now joke that this new threat took the pet mechon as a hostage. Now it's personal. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Even if they're "bugs". It probably won't be that but it's amusing.
  8. Dunban would just be wondering why Seth is riding food and how he tamed it. I bet they hunt and eat the ponios and not ride them because they're not tameable. I also say Dunban hunts by jumping out of trees onto ponios and slashing away and he probably looks a bit like a rodeo clown lol. Let's see... I've got nothing to add to the main topic atm :(
  9. Technically we already played this but yeah, on a larger scale would be epic. I'm amused at the thought of Metal Face being eventually playable in this Warriors game and how the story will explain it. Like, there's a bigger threat and now heroes and villains have to work together? I can't see Fiora trusting Metal Face AT ALL. Shulk seemed to be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, bless his heart. Dunban? "I'm watching you like a hawk, one suspicious move and my sword is going up your ass." I can see it.
  10. Right, sorry, I forgot Jeigans have sucky growths. Melly is totally a mage.
  11. Does Darth Vader ever repent though? Reyn is the dorky axe fighter. Dunban is a mix between the Jeigan and the myrmidon with the killing edge. Shulk is the lord I guess?
  12. Yes! I want a weapon triangle and trinity of magic.
  13. For an egg born offspring, does the mother have to be in dragon form to lay the egg? And I'd think the egg should develop longer than nine days. Maybe it's laid nine days after conception, but it shouldn't hatch that soon. Has to be awkward for the half/half females. Like, if it were me I'd want to find out whether I was going to lay an egg or not ASAP and make sure I was in dragon form for the laying if that was the case. The "researcher's note" cracks me up. Would Eliwood or Nergal volunteer to test that? xD I can't see Ninian agreeing, but idk about Aenir. Yeah I just randomly decided to pop in and read some more and I'm glad I did.
  14. A few times. Why is it if a cat sleeps all day it's "cute" but if a human does it they're "clinically depressed"?
  15. Against all odds, we choose to fight! Blossom Dance! Seriously Dunban would kick major ass in a Warriors type game. My poor heart wants Gadolt but he's not that popular as it is. Still kills me that he freaking DIES. What a waste. The handsome soldier boy deserves much better.
  16. Welcome. I just hate seeing people like that.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy_of_the_Catholic_Church Does that work? Have you googled? I found that by googling "rising in ranks in the catholic church"
  18. Just because it makes me feel good! I like talking you out of your depressing stages, and not like it at the same time, but it's nice to feel good and know I'm helping someone. If that makes sense.
  19. Shulk: Who are you? Is this Valak Mountains? Is that a...flying ponio? The hell? You've made Monado Boy very confused, Purple. Now I have to warp him home. Farina: How much did that laser sword cost- Zip it. I haven't adopted you Farina but I can still shut you up. Farina: What? GREAT GODDESS DCAT SAYS SHUT UP! *warps Shulk home* Malon and OoT Link in Kakariko Village.
  20. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this. Good job xD
  21. Probably because the avatar is always a younger person and beards are normally associated with middle aged to older men.
  22. I swear to drunk officer I am not God! And I am not naked! I have my shoes on! Awww!
  23. *high fives* Mr. and Mrs. Incredible crash the date because Batman is too old to be dating a teenage girl. Batman swears he thought she was 18. A huge superhero fight follows. Maribelle and a random Hylian knight in Lon Lon Ranch.
  24. That's horrible. The man who had sex with my mom, obviously. What does the fox say?
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