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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Wait what? In Lyn hard mode the game DOESN'T force you to use Wallace's knight crest on Wallace himself? Learn something new every day... I also learned today that Marcus apparently isn't a sucky jeigan.
  2. Okay then. Well, more realistic pokemon styles tend to be that way I guess...
  3. Your english is fine, not perfect, but readable, so don't worry. I know it's one of the hardest languages to learn. I'm curious what your native language is since you didn't mention it. Is it Japanese since you played those versions? Anyway enjoy yourself here!
  4. The ear and tail shape didn't give it away?
  5. Laurent or Miriel, idk why... WCWY expect to jokingly run for president under a weird/funny name? This happened in the 2016 election. Two words: Deez Nuts.
  6. Nice, I like the Crash Bandicoot thing. The only game of his I really played was Crash Team Racing, always been more of a Spyro fanatic xD
  7. Bowser. All the nintendo heroes and villains are reversed in that universe. What we know as the Mario series is the Bowser series. Legend of Zelda is still Legend of Zelda, but Ganondorf is the player character. In an alternate universe, when it rains it's not water falling from the sky, instead it's...
  8. Style preference. I use semi realism, or try to. Yeah, maybe I could've looked more at what rodent muzzles look like, but it's too late now. As long as you can still tell it's pikachu...right?
  9. A netologist. The internet has been around for much longer in that universe. It was one of the things the ancient Romans invented. Computers and the like still didn't exist, instead magic did, and people had magic devices that they used to access the internet. But magic stopped existing when the computer was invented, so the modern internet that uses technology was born. Netologists study the internet and its effect on history, and ancient netologists specialize in trying to recover, restore, and interpret the websites of the ancient Romans and others. In an alternate universe, the American Civil War...
  10. WIP time! There's been pikachu plushies dressed as the various team grunts floating around facebook, so this project happened...I'm leaning more toward a species swap look. The Ghetsis pikachu is the unfinished one, the finished one is Maxie. I'll include little text blurbs with them, which you'll have to wait to see!
  11. I got an internet friend into it. She's the almighty Shadsie who you might know if you frequented Zelda Dungeon or fanfic sites, Archive of our Own etc, she also has a Deviant Art. She paints skulls, I kid you not. She's a bit older than me but she's awesome. How I got her into it is a funny story. Zelda Dungeon has a chat box like a lot of forums, and me and a bunch of people were talking about Awakening, specifically what Chrom's reaction might be if male Robin marries Lucina, I said he'd kick his butt, somebody was like "He wouldn't be able to, my Chrom sucks" and around this time along came Shadsie. She went "So if I play it, I should expect a lot of anger and weird relationships, right?" And then we told her Awakening was the only non Japanese FE at the time that you could pair up characters and get their kids. And even so, it hadn't been a constant thing, there was only one other FE that had it (Genealogy), but in Genealogy incest was possible. Then everybody started making incest jokes. Shadsie's were the funniest because she's just that awesome. Fast forward, and I find Awakening fanart on her Deviant Art. I then got her to join a small FE RP community I'd frequented, but sadly it went under after she'd been there for like...a couple months. Okay so I know I didn't personally sell her on it, I had help from others and she had been considering it anyway, but yeah. In real life I never sold anybody on it. My friend sold me on it.
  12. Learn things on the street, or if they're lucky, from their parents. This universe is basically an anarchy/survival of the fittest. Like if you can't count money and get ripped off when buying something nobody cares. In an alternate universe, zombies...
  13. Frederick. He's cool but he'd probably work me to death... WCWY take to Chuckie Cheese and leave them in the ball pit?
  14. Adorable. I showed PoR to my brother when he was like 2 or 3. The result? Not as epic as this lol.
  15. Yeah, I had to come up with something. I've been in enough hotels to know the pools are never open 24-7. Apparently 5 year old Merc is more social than 15 year old Merc. Ava was an interesting enough character imo, too bad she's just a one time show. Idk, but she might've had a little kid crush on him lol, hinted by the "mama and papa beartic". Or it could've just been nothing, but I know sometimes kids that age do have crushes. Also, the middle and last names. Plato was both a greek philosopher and the name used for the player in the screenshots in the Platinum instruction manual. Halcyon just sounded good.
  16. A lot of people got into the series with Awakening, you're not alone there. Even though I'm not one of them. Started with the GBA era... Is your favorite class archers? Archery is cool :)
  17. Fleshed out a certain OC's backstory and had to write a thing about him causing mischief as a kid. Snowed Inn
  18. Nerdy is like on the top of my list. Preferably a fan of FE/Pokemon/whatever, but if not, I can convert him into an Emblemier, Pokemon Master, Zeldork etc probably pretty easily. Because that thing where he said she read the posts jokingly saying to make sure the right skills are passed down and said she had galeforce? Best thing ever. I would want the opportunity to make jokes like that and have the guy actually get them. But as I digress. We should take further discussion to PM so we don't spam SoC's topic.
  19. I'm happy for you and at the same time I wish I was in the same boat and had someone special like that, a cute nerdy boy who loves the same things I do proposing to me *long sigh* Awesome, she has galeforce xD Let's hope there's no evil dragon gods in the near future, even if your kids would inherit galeforce, it would be stressful for them, and you, to have to come from a ruined future. Oh, and don't throw them into the deeprealms either. No matter what...still stressful.
  20. Oh that sucks! I remember when I still lived at my parents that happened quite a bit and it was literally the worst thing ever. But yes, chat topic in the RP chat board.
  21. I think I've heard of that paper fish thing before.
  22. You won the internet. And I don't like onions, cooked or not cooked, but I'm a picky eater anyway. Case in point: I hate spaghetti because it reminds me of slimey worms.
  23. The amount of people not being serious in this thread is over 9000. I saw the one Elice vote and now I need brain bleach...well, at least the poll generally leans toward seriousness as a whole...
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