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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. OH GOD that's just...wrong lol. Glac: I recognized most of them anyway. Well, out of the ones I've played...
  2. Then I would have to change my chars entire story. I created them as Crimeans when I was playing through PoR back in the day, before I noticed the thing about Begnion and Daein having the fliers. So yes, it would be easier in theory, but making up an air force for Crimea isn't that hard. Why should they not? It's beneficial and puts them close to equal footing with the other two beorc nations.
  3. We can discuss this until we're blue in the face. I usually don't support yoai and yuri because of the reasons I gave, but that doesnt mean I'm going to treat people who do support it like dirt. I'll just...avoid the art and fics of such like Sain x Kent. Bolded the truth...
  4. Pretty much. It'll be in the same section as this one.
  5. No...there's a section for RPing. I'll do what all the other RPs do: make a topic and RP in there.
  6. Sounds good in theory, but there are times when the character just plain shows no sign of being attracted to the same sex. Sain is a perfect example. We don't see him hitting on all the guys, just the girls, and people still pair him with Kent. I'm all for headcanons and stuff, but this isn't the place for them imo... Back on topic. "Wat" is a perfect title for that pic. And OMG, somebody seriously lost Chrom in that fight? I think I had Sully go up against "Marth" both times...
  7. Wasn't that someone here who said that? For the life of me I can't remember who it was. They said it before I was here/active and was quoted in a sig. All I know is that they're a popular FE artist on DA, but not Keiii. EDIT - Was it Prax/Meibatsu? And it happens in all fandoms. Even if a certain character is confirmed or heavily implied to be straight, there will always be yoai or yuri made of them. It's sad, but...it's the way it is.
  8. Okey fair enough. It's been eons since I've played through PoR...but! Minor details. By adding an air unit to Crimea I'm not changing a big part of canon like...Ashnard killing his father to become king or something, so I'm fine. *awaits character app*
  9. Source? But yeah. Unless anyone else says they're for sure in, I'll start after Acacia signs up.
  10. Accepted, Chigai. I'm going to edit my chars bios now. Since everyone else is making them look...inadequate. And Marcia did come from Begnion originally. In this headcanon where the aerial unit exists, Elincia put her in that.
  11. Well it is miiverse, and it's hard to make things perfect with that.
  12. *facepalm* Derp. The house then... Either way, I'd vote for someone with a nerdy ringtone.
  13. LOL yeah. I live in Wyoming, we only get one house representative. So the elections are pretty competitive. If I ever heard a FE/Pokemon/Zelda/whatever song play on a ringtone, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat!
  14. Snowy: Accepted! But I forgot to mention that this is like 10 years before PoR. My fault, so...just take that part out and you'll be fine. And I see what you mean now, I wasn't intending to come across that way. Everyone can contribute to the plot of this RP if one comes up. As far as the flame lance goes...Petrine had one in PoR, but idk if they would exist 10 years before. They probably would, but they'd be difficult to find and even more so to master. As long as she's not uber skilled and talented with it I suppose that's fine. Radiant Head: Yeah, pretty much, only this is before they were rebuilding. Chigai: Yes! You're more than welcome!
  15. Who says they don't? The Crimean Air Force is my own creation, they use both wyverns and pegasi. If it's really that important to you guys, I suppose I can be more lax. I can see at least Leo being interested at that age. And it would probably be a pegasus knight...he usually finds those attractive even in WoC time. Hence him ending up with one.
  16. I saw a shirtless one of him on Deviant Art once...other than that Idk.
  17. Well there's always others characters? Idk...13 is a little young for serious physical romance anyway. I didn't say they couldn't crush a bit.
  18. I come from places where this is the norm...it's just for fun! Not everything has to be big and elaborate. A plot can be made if it turns out that way. Changed it to allow axes to start out with. Alter: You don't have to research/know much, it's typical FE pretty much, only there are shapeshifters called laguz. They don't live in Crimea though.
  19. This is a story based thing. I suppose we can have rough stats and inventories though. Editing.
  20. Inspired by the mage academy RP. This is similar, only it's with fliers in Tellius. Academy is in Begnion. I might accept a bird laguz if they have a legit reason to be there, other than that I don't want them everywhere. Just ask if you're interested in that... If you've read my Wings of Courage story, you know of my wyvern rider twins. This RP will take them back to their early teens, when they've just received their steeds and are still learning the ropes. I haven't done much with school RPs, but we'll see how this goes! Note: This is before the events of PoR, like maybe...10 or so years. Rules: - You will be a student. I will be playing the instructors and two students. 13 is a good age for someone to get a wyvern or pegasus and start training, so keep your character's age at or around that. - No male pegasus knights, in order to keep with established canon. Females can choose either a wyvern or pegasus. - You can start out with lances or axes. - You can have up to two characters. - Usual RP rules, no godmoding and stuff like that. - Teenage hormones/romance allowed to a certain extent...but both my characters have their future spouses already picked out. So in order to keep that, I'm sorry, but neither of them will end up with anyone else's characters here. They can still be friendly though ^_^ Crushes, maybe... Form: Name Age Gender Appearance Personality Backstory Steed(name, color, gender, etc, and of course species) Stats/inventory(remember, these are students, nothing overly impressive please) My characters: (they share a backstory) Name: Cerai Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: Short red hair, green eyes. Average build/chest, seems to be about a year or so into puberty. Personality: Witty, speaks fluent sarcasm and in some cases, profanity. Somewhat hyper, blunt, and childish. Just about anything can become a joke when she's in a good mood, and that can be trouble in more serious situations. When angered, however, she can be verbally violent and say things she'll regret later. Steed: Orange female wyvern with blue eyes. Named Blaze. Stats: HP: *** LCK: ** SKL: *** SPD: *** STR: ** DEF: ** MAG: * RES: ** Inventory: Javelin Vulneraries Name: Leo Age: 14 Gender: male Appearance: Messy red hair, green eyes. Average build, slightly taller than his sister, seems to have hit puberty half a year ago. Birthmark below right eye. Personality: Stubborn, sore loser, quick wit. Level headed, keeps his cool during a crisis. Has a bit of a temper when angered. Doesn't back down easily, will continue to attempt whatever he's having trouble with sometimes until he ends up hurting himself or others. Shares his sister's sense of humor when he's not in a bad mood. Steed: White male wyvern with brown eyes. Named Frostbite. Stats: HP: *** LCK: ** SKL: ** SPD: ** STR: *** DEF: *** MAG: * RES: * Inventory: Iron Lance Vulneraries Backstory for both: Crimeans born and bred, their mother quickly moved up in rank as part of the exchange program between Crimea and Begnion. Their father was also part of this exchange, but remained a private while their mother became a captain. Their whole lives, they were raised to follow in their parents' footsteps. Even before they got their wyverns, both parents would fly them around, so they're quite knowledgeable on these matters. The wyverns they have are the same age/hatched around the same time, but it's unknown if they, too, are siblings. When the twins were four, their parents took in an orphaned cat laguz whose own parents had been killed by laguz hating bigots after a hunting trip made them accidentally end up in Crimea. They bonded with him quickly, the three are like normal siblings.
  21. I remember watching something about the lady Snowy wrote about on the history channel! It was a show that explored the vampire myth and gave examples of real life people who inspired it, her being one of them...don't recall her having a wooden tongue though, but that's probably something that was made up/added, right? We've got some good ones this time :)
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