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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Well most little kids are adorable and chaotic at the same time. Ashera is the goddess of order and she takes the form of an adult woman. I think this is alluding to kids tending to be all hyper and stuff while adults tend not to be. Chaos = hyper, everything spinning out of control etc, anyone who's been around little kids understands how well that fits. Some of Yune's dialogue makes her sound like a young kid too. Like when she calls Ike a dark bag of organs in response to him calling her the dark god and refuses to talk to him until Mist calms her down. That's like a kid going "Na na na, I can't hear you!"
  2. Spyro: Year of the Dragon and FE Awakening. Looks like manaketes lay eggs...an evil sorceress has stolen all the manakete eggs in the world...we finally get a male manakete who's on a quest to rescue the eggs. A taguel who works for the sorceress switches sides when she finds out her true intentions.
  3. Don't feel bad, I suck at math too xD I'm giggling a bit at Vyse's answers. He seems like the type who would just circle X and write "there it is" on an algebra problem...or if the question is "I have 5 bottles in one hand and 6 in the other, what do I have?" "A drinking problem". Lol. Oh and btw, the languages are known as old tongue(heronese/ancient language) and new tongue. Pretty sure they don't call it english. Also, spoiler the quiz please.
  4. So yeah, people tend to have mixed feelings. Some people dislike them because they tend to be either really broken or really sucky, they can't promote, etc. Which is a logical argument I suppose. But to me, it looks like a double standard. The really broken or really sucky non shapeshifters in any of the games still get love, and there are people who give the likes of Meg and Wolt a chance. Course, this may be because they can promote... What's your opinion? I always use them just because the concept of shapeshifters is always cool, but I admit that there are some of them that aren't worth it. Looking at you, Lyre, and maybe Kyza... If you're in the "I don't use them" crowd, what would IS have to do differently to make you use them? Promotion? No transform gauge, operating closer to manaketes in older games? Both? Something else? My headcanon includes laguz promotions and if it was a game, they would stay transformed. Stats would be closer to beorc stats to even things out.
  5. ((You may use google on the quiz...but be realistic. Get a few answers wrong on purpose or something, and post answers in a spoiler. For the math, / means division. The answers are in spoilers for a reason! No looking at others' answers...since I also play two students I will put theirs in after everyone else.)) Riara smiled. There were six students in the new class, and six had arrived. "Welcome. I am Riara, a captain here, and I'll be your teacher. As according to rules, there will be a short quiz to determine what you already know. Look in the drawer on the side of the desk, the quiz and a pencil are in there. Write your name on the top and hand it to me when you're done." What are the definitions of these flight terms? Jet stream: Lift: Drag: Port: Starboard: Math 8+6(10/2)-4= what? 3x+5=14 x = what? Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle. If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy? Correct all the errors in this paragraph. bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.
  6. Those people are no fun. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure sucky or broken non shapeshifting units still get love in the fandom. So why should laguz be any different? And just because they're broken/sucky doesnt mean they shouldn't be in fanart/fanfics...
  7. That makes sense, thanks. I thought she wanted MU too at first.
  8. Oh geez, that's totally awesome! Basilio isn't Lonky's father, but I can see that happening lol. Now we need Morgan calling Basilio Grandpa... Why is Sumia saying "I got beaten by a gynophobe" though...
  9. Where is everyone getting Dark Knight Dude's name is Blarth? But OMG that Batman crossover gif. Epic...
  10. Oh okay. That might be something for later on. I've written an introductory quiz. So hard to find flight terms that aren't about airplanes...will post after Almi does.
  11. Good idea! First will be a general knowledge quiz thing to see how much they already know, and then maybe...tutor pairs? The more knowledgeable/experienced ones with one who's not so much. There is enough for three pairs unless Voidlord decides to post...
  12. Voidlord needs to post again. Raymond probably won't be in the intro class, so...I'll give you until after that, Void. But everyone else has posted more than once so yeah. Chigai: I'll think about that stuff and put it in a post. The seating arrangement...I got this judging from everyone's posts: -----------Riara----------- Cerai----Leo----Eques ----------Vyse---Lemming Allison----------------------- ...And I just remembered that Vyse hasn't entered yet, derp...well, those can be moved around anyway for the most part, the only one who directly stated where they were was Allison (back of the room)
  13. OH GOD Donny riding that pig. Lol! The mermaids are cool, I agree.
  14. I post other places. Haha, yeah. And the carpet...it's too thick for my current vacumm to work properly. And I can't change it because it's an apartment. Thanks! Ikr?
  15. I posted in FFtF, oh, maybe about 5 months ago about me getting a cat named Cheeto. Some of you might remember. As expected, he's adjusted perfectly. Has times when he thinks he can attack my arms and legs and get away with it, but by now I wouldn't give him up for the world. I also had a birthday recently, my mom brought over a card and a balloon. Cheeto doesn't like the balloon part, but he'll play with the string...today he actually grabbed the string and started walking out of the bedroom down the hallway! Managed to get a picture when he did it a second time. [spoiler=Photographic Evidence] Oh, and that cat cave thing isn't broken, it has paper and duct tape on it because my little brother made a "man cave" sign. I didn't have the heart to tell him that it should be tom cave...
  16. Coming from you, that means a lot! Cause...most of the time I've seen you be...well, living up to your name. Being very opinionated and stuff. And most of the time those opinions arent that someone did a good job. Thanks :)
  17. I went ahead and made a map of the academy. Hope it's helpful :)
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