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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I wondered why there weren't spaces between each line of dialogue. Ok.
  2. Yeah. But it's still a romantic ending, so... And just picture Oscar pushing somebody in the mud face first or Rolf running around making animal noises. B level was where I thought I got the most creative.
  3. Second entry! Cerai...one of my wyvern rider twins. Now I know why the romantic supports in Awakening are the way they are. It's so hard to NOT have an all of a sudden proposal. [spoiler=Level C] Boyd: ...No, not here either, dammit. Cerai: Looking for this? Boyd: Oh hey! You found my axe! Thanks! Cerai: You're welcome. Technically I didn't find it though... Boyd: Who did? Cerai: Blaze did. She started chewing on it. I did you a favor and cleaned the slobber off. Boyd: ...Your wyvern, right? You didn't have to clean it off. Slimy doesn't mean non useable. Cerai: It does if it's wyvern spit, sometimes their venom gets in it. Boyd: Wyverns have venom? Cerai: Well duh. I thought everyone was aware of their acid spitting ability. You don't want to get that acid on you, it burns. It's one of the ways they defend themselves. And they use it to hunt...plus, it can probably corrode metal if it's left there too long. Boyd: ...Okay. Then I'm glad you did. This axe has seen better days anyway though. About time to buy a new one, but it'll have to do for now. Thanks again! Cerai: Heh, no problem. [spoiler=Level B] Boyd: I have a question. Cerai: I might have an answer. What? Boyd: What's it like, being a twin? Cerai: Ha! I'd expect that from an only child. You have two brothers. Really we're just like normal siblings who just happen to be the same age. Boyd: So you can't read each other's minds or stuff like that? Cerai: ...Seriously? Twin telepathy is an old wives tale. I don't want to read his mind and he probably doesn't want to read mine. I guess I should ask you: What's it like having an older sibling and a younger one? Boyd: Oscar always stuck up for me. One time when I was five, the neighborhood bully pushed me down in the mud. Oscar pushed him down in the mud, face first! Cerai: Well me and Leo used to have mud fights...once we had one in the house and had to scrub the floor when our parents got home. What can I say...when you're around five or six, you don't always think before you act. We were always either getting along so well it was scary, or beating the crap out of each other. Very rarely was it somewhere in between! Boyd: I could've beat the stuffing out of Rolf, the little runt...but no matter how annoying he got, I knew what I did to him, Oscar would do to me. Cerai: Rolf annoying? No way... Boyd: Believe it. He knew exactly what ticked me off, and he would do those things all the time. Like running around the house making animal noises. Gods, I hated that. Cerai: And Oscar was never bothered? Boyd: He was, but not as much as me. I guarantee he was trying to see how long before I snapped, then he'd run to Oscar bawling because I yelled at him. Cerai: Yeah, a lot of people say their little siblings did stuff like that. I guess I'm lucky. Boyd: Tell me about it... [spoiler=Level A] Cerai: Quit squirming! I'm trying to help you! Boyd: What are you doing? Cerai: Blaze has a big thorn between her toes. She won't let me get it out...think you could help me hold her down? Boyd: ...She won't bite or claw me? Or worse? Cerai: I already let her sniff your hand yesterday. She knows you're a friend. She won't hurt you on purpose. Just grab her head and pin her down the best you can. Boyd: ...Okay, here goes... Cerai: There! It worked. You're surprisingly good with wyverns. Boyd: I don't know about wyverns, but I've had a few dogs. Cerai: Really? Boyd: Yeah, my dad had some he used for hunting. Sometimes they'd step on thorns too. And, they use scent to get to know people. Are wyverns like dogs? Despite the obvious differences, that is... Cerai: Must be. Never thought of that. Boyd: I've always wondered what it would be like to fly. Can she carry two people? I'm feeling like trying something new. Cerai: I'm sure she can. Hop on, I'll show you! *later* Boyd: We...are never...doing that...again. Cerai: Understatement of the century! I wasn't even going top speed. Last time I heard a scream like that, it was a baby, not a grown man! Boyd: ...I'm never going to live this one down, am I... Cerai: Just keep both feet on the ground from now on, for your own sake... [spoiler=Level S] Cerai: Boyd! Why did you not buy anything when the merchants came? I thought you needed a new axe. Boyd: Ack. I...couldn't afford it. Cerai: What are you talking about? Ike pays you enough. Boyd: ...Yeah, but I used it to buy...this. Cerai: ...Is that seriously an engagement ring? Are you...proposing to me? Boyd: ...Yes. Your sense of humor, your fierceness...it's what I've always wanted in the woman I'm to spend the rest of my life with. Cerai: Wow. Was there something weird in that vulnerary I lent you? ...I'm kidding. I...accept. But I'm going to give you money to buy an axe. The one you have's about to fall apart. Boyd: ...You don't have to. Cerai: Oh yes I do. If that axe breaks on the battlefield, without anything to replace it with...let's just say I don't want my fiance going home in a body bag. Boyd: You called me your fiance. This will take some getting used to, but I like the sound of it... [spoiler=Ending] The marriage of the Whitefire leader and the Greil Mercenary member strengthened the ties between the two groups. Eventually, they produced a son, who was trained as an archer by his uncle Rolf. A daughter came later, she followed in her father's footsteps and chose the axe as her weapon. The Whitefires and Greil Mercenaries are bond by both blood and friendship.
  4. You are correct. OC is original character.
  5. Adding! Thanks. How he met the wyvern...oh, the feels. And I'm confused, is he a ghost? If so that's...interesting.
  6. Entry number 1! OC and OC. Rannoc is my red dragon, Darcen is my shaman. Snowy's OC Kelly is mentioned. I actually did research for this...had to look up medieval era explosives. Gun/black powder IS made with charcoal and salt. [spoiler=Level C]Rannoc: Take that! Die, boulder! Darcen: ...Um... Rannoc: Wha? Oh, hello, beorc mage. Darcen: Is what you're doing a common dragon laguz...activity? Rannoc: Not really, but I'd rather blow up boulders than the people in this army. Gotta keep the skills sharp somehow. Why, is it a problem? Darcen: ... Rannoc: Oh. How rude of me, I'm probably quite scary shifted. Hold on a second...there. Better? Darcen: ...Yes, that's better. And yes, what you were doing was a bit of a problem. A flaming pebble landed in the water trough. Luckily none of the steeds were drinking at the time but...the grass around there is dry...if it would've landed anywhere else it would've been bad. Rannoc: ...I must be used to Goldoa. There, we have precautions. We can put out fires faster than you can here. Apologies. I'm gonna go...hunting now. See ya. Darcen: Wait-he's gone. Man, I hope I haven't made an enemy out of him... [spoiler=Level B]Darcen: Hey. Rannoc: Hay is for horses, buy some straw, it's cheaper. Darcen: ...Okay... Rannoc: I'm just using a beorc saying to be friendly...geez. On that note, I don't think I got your name and I don't think you got mine. I'm Rannoc. Darcen: And my name's Darcen. A friend of mine wanted me to ask you about what you were doing with the boulders the other day- Rannoc: I already apologized! Darcen: I know...but she can't figure out how to make them explode like that. She wants to know if fire breath is stronger than fire magic, or if there's something else that's involved. She's attempting it with lots of water nearby, don't worry... Rannoc: Charcoal and salt. Mixed together, it'll make anything explode when it's lit on fire. I'm honestly surprised you weren't aware of that, I learned it from a beorc. On one of my trips to Begnion, there were these guys who had to tear down an old building, and they had to do it quickly for some mysterious reason. A weird merchant showed up and sold them his invention, called it black powder. I managed to overhear the ingredients. Darcen: I see... Rannoc: Your friend is that scrawny one with greenish hair, right? Why can't she ask me herself? I don't bite. Well, at least not allies... Darcen: I guess she's just nervous. She's not as...outgoing as I am around unfamiliar faces. Plus, the dragon tribes aren't as friendly in general as say, the beasts. Rannoc: Yeah, that's true. The king is a stubborn old drake. And his advisors are pretty much the same way, but that doesn't mean all of us are. Slowly but surely I'm getting people used to me. The wyvern rider twins were surprisingly easy to befriend. But most beorc act like they're scared of me. Darcen: Cerai and Leo view everyone as equals, beorc or laguz, doesn't matter. It's very noble of them. And Samba, the cat, doesn't seem to care that they're not his biological siblings. You'd think they were if there wasn't that race difference. Rannoc: Woah. Their parents adopted him? A beast laguz is one thing, but I can't imagine a dragon being adopted by beorc. Darcen: Me neither, unfortunately. I'm sure Samba would give you the whole story if you asked him. But I better go relay the black powder information before I forget. Charcoal and salt...who would've thought... [spoiler=Level A]Rannoc: ...Darcen? Darcen: What? Rannoc: What was that magic you were using during the battle? It doesn't look like anything I've seen before. Darcen: Oh, that was dark magic. It does exist, but it's hard to master, so most mages use anima or light. Anima being fire, ice, thunder- Rannoc: And wind. What, just because I've never seen dark magic before doesn't mean I live under a rock! Darcen: Heh, I see. Rannoc: Dark must be similar to fire, right? Because that thug looked charred afterward. And I've seen a lot of charred corpses. Darcen: Somewhat. Dark magic drains the energy, life force, what have you, and I suppose it might feel like burning. But it doesn't give off heat. Nor does it have a cooling effect like ice... Rannoc: I see, it's its own thing. Interesting. Darcen: Exactly. Rannoc: So...care to spar? Darcen: What? Rannoc: It's sudden, I know. But all the boulders in and around camp have already been destroyed. And I think it's wise to pick a sparring partner with high magical resistance, someone who won't turn into a charred corpse after one flame. Out of all the mages here, you've been the most willing to talk to me. So what do you say? I won't make my flames too big if you restrain your shadows. Darcen: ...Okay, you're on!
  7. Any of the healers....Okay Naga. Uber powerful not evil dragon god, can probably revive me... WCWY expect to play competitive Pokemon?
  8. Maybe for next time. There's enough as it is. And yay, an entry! I'm almost done with one of mine as well.. *adds to OP*
  9. Ricken maybe? Idk... WCWY expect to blame something unusual on aliens? Like...an old lady lives to be 200, aliens must've granted her some strange powers.
  10. Same thing as Glac's idea to crossover Caeda and Lilina, you're welcome to, but not recommended because of the world traveling issue.
  11. Lmao. Why just pick one? You can have up to three, one for each category.
  12. Welll if you did, it would probably be out of character so...please don't. I mean you can, but you can't enter it...
  13. LOL that was just an example I gave so people would keep people in character...
  14. You're thinking Maribelle. Volug or Leanne, considering they kinda already do. WCWY introduce to Wreck It Ralph?
  15. I guess crossovers are okay, but you'll have to address how one or the other got to the other's world if that makes sense. You mean one or both already have supports? If just one, well, that's kinda the point. But if you're rewriting a support that's in the game/the pair in question already has a support...idk. I suppose, sure.
  16. Shin: But remember, there's the option to make more than one entry. I think a week will do. Nice! Ironic you picked those two. Lon'qu is my avatar's husband and Frederick is Ana's, and me and her are good online friends xD Glac: I suppose so, if they want to. Snowy: As long as you haven't already written that it's fair game.
  17. This will be just a fun little contest. It probably won't be ongoing like other contests here, but you never know. If there's enough interest I might do a few more rounds! Rules You can write one for each category, the categories are listed after the rules. Writing for every category is optional. You can enter with just one or two. You can choose romantic or non romantic. If you choose romantic, add an S support. Adding a support ending is optional, but recommended. For each rank, each character should speak a minimum of two times. Just make it look like a support that would come from a game and you should be fine. After the deadline, a poll will be made. Vote for your favorite in each category and your favorite overall. No voting for yourself. The host CAN enter, but is subject to the same rules and deadline. Post entries in spoilers. Keep canon characters at their established personality or close. I don't want things like...Shinon falling in love with a laguz. Or Tharja acting like Mother Teresa. You can tweak and add things, just don't go overboard. Including brief descriptions of OCs is recommended, but not required. The levels in order: C, B, A, and S if romantic. Write something new. If you made a support for Glaceon's RD support project, you can't use it. Don't post entries before it starts. Categories Canon x Canon: Two canon characters that either don't have a support or come from a game without supports. OC x Canon: One canon character and a character you made up. Your OC can be one you use in RPs, fanfics, romhacks, etc and they should fit in the FE world or at least a medieval fantasy setting. If you haven't used them in anything else yet/you create them strictly for this contest that's fine too. OC x OC: Two characters you made up, again, they have to fit in the FE world or a medieval fantasy setting. Deadline May 17th, midnight US Mountain time. Timer Starts May 10th. Entries Canon x Canon Cain/Jagen Robin/Morgan Frederick/Lon'qu Ike/Elincia Calill/Tauroneo OC x Canon Ike/Lalita Boyd/Cerai Canas/Nadine Dozla/Chigai OC x OC Rannoc/Darcen Atlantic/Murk Tia/Mana Kael/Lalita Lemming/Avia Cerise/Jinx Max/Benjamin Voting Ends: Wednesday, May 20
  18. In the creative board. I think Glaceon still has a link to it in her sig... Will make the contest topic as soon as I have my example(s). I only have examples in mind for OC and canon and OC and OC though... What do you guys think of the host being able to enter too? If we make a poll for voting I don't see why not.
  19. Who would be interested in a support writing contest? It will be in the creative board of course, but...I thought I'd get more traffic here. There can be: Canon and canon(For games that don't have supports, think the thing that Glac is doing for RD.) OC and canon(A brief bio/description of the OC will be an option, but not required. These can be RP characters, fanfic characters, hack characters...as long as they could fit in the FE world they'll do.) OC and OC(Maybe...I'm leaning more towards just having the first two options, but for this, people can collab if each OC is owned by a different person. Or use two of their own.) You'd be able to make one for each category. Both romantic and non romantic endings will be allowed, but those won't be categories in themselves. Thoughts?
  20. True...it would just be harder to make a shirt with words on it in that era. Imagine him trying to stitch that long list on there...and it was a long list, I just only remembered a couple. He'd be better off writing it down on a piece of paper and handing it to Inigo without saying anything xD
  21. I think Miriel. I enjoy shows like Mythbusters and she'd think it's stupid or something like that. And I'd say "if you don't like it you don't have to be here." WCWY expect to cry at the end of Marley and Me? (raise your hand if you're guilty of it...*raises hand*)
  22. Lol yeah. I'm reminded of this thing I saw, I think it was a t shirt design..."rules for dating my daughter". The ones I remember sound just like Freddy. "She's my princess, not your prize", "If you make her cry, I will make you cry." Etc, actually those are the only two I remember. Think there was something on there about a curfew too and how all hell would break lose if it was broken/ignored. And how did I miss that...lol. Inigo would SO think he's Prince Charming literally.
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