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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Laurent. One word: kryptonite. WCWY have a rap battle with/against?
  2. "You've got chicken on your chin." Cerai decided to ignore Vyse's huge helping of food, instead focusing on the fact that he needed a napkin. "Maybe he's saving it for later." Leo noticed the overflowing plate that was bigger than his. "...Or not. Now THAT'S enough to choke a horse..." Cerai chuckled softly. "At least it's not nothing but dessert, at least it's healthy stuff." "True..." Leo shrugged. "And to answer your question, no. Well, not really. We're part of the Crimean exchange thing. So are our parents." "They've decided they need fliers among the cavalry. So, if all goes well, we'll be under King Ramon instead." Cerai added.
  3. Lol what are they? The DJ or another stripper? DJ: Gaius...I can see him being okay with that job. And he would get free candy at the concession stand, so win win. I think Gatrie would attempt to get a job as a stripper working with Magic Mike because of the female attention. Whether he actually gets it is a mystery... WCWY expect to be one of those parents who never disciplines/lets their kid be the biggest brat ever?
  4. Yeah I can see that. I'm wondering how he'd react to Antoinette dating...I mean you said in the fanart thread you ship her with Inigo, and he hits on everything that moves xD I can't really see Freddy being one of those dads who would shoot their daughters' boyfriends if they get the chance/it was legal, but I can't see him not being close to that either... Also Morgan and Severa, talk about opposites attract. He's an optimist and she's Grumpy Cat in human form. I kinda ship my Morgan with Kjelle just because. Vaike and Sully are family friends too. And their support is interesting/cute. We can have conversations here without getting in trouble for derailing like we would in the fanart thread xD
  5. Well we've discussed that they might have indoor plumbing so yeah. You even said you came up with a pump system that gets water from a well inside. Idk. And yep! Nice pun work on his part...although if he keeps it up she might make him sleep on the couch for awhile lol.
  6. Blooper reel 3! Let's take a glimpse into the future and see how a certain pair of siblings do as parents... Eloin: LEO! *comes running down the hallway holding baby Milo* Leo: He looks fine, he's not crying, what's the matter? Eloin: He's had this same diaper rash for a week! Cerai: Put some of that butt paste on it. *awkward silence* And by that I mean rash cream... Eloin: Tried that, not working! We need to take him to the doctor! Leo: Let's not make any rash decisions. Cerai: *high fives, laughs* You know what you just did? You just made a dad joke... Leo: ...I did, didn't I... -_- Eloin: Well I don't find it humorous! Cerai: Relax. Naroc had one of those when he was that age and it lasted for two weeks and then it went away. Leo: Where is Naroc anyway? Cerai: Um...*looks around* He was right here. Boyd: *yells from the kitchen* Quit waterboarding your sister! Leo: That sounds like trouble. Cerai: You think? *almost slips on the wet kitchen floor* What the...heck? Why are you letting them play with the sink sprayer? Boyd: I'm not, he just grabbed it and sprayed her! Naroc: She had a dirty face! I was trying to help! Cerai: ...Mom, Dad, I know you can hear me...please lift the curse that would make my kids a hundred times worse than I was... Naroc: What, Mommy? Cerai: Nothing. Go to your room, young man!
  7. Holy crapola I've not visited the fanart thread in too long... I don't see how Lucina can mistake Cordelia for her mom when her and Sumia have different hair colors...wtf. And I did squee. My favorite was the Justice Cabal one. There needs to be one of Lon'qu teaching Morgan swordplay xD It's cool that they put Cherche in one of those pics, she's a family friend in my headcanon...
  8. Can Oscar teach me how to be a chef? WCWY expect to like playing Angry Birds?
  9. They're trying to burn it again...the first one already happened. That we are. I call dibs on...my OCs. They work with Ike in WoC anyway ;)
  10. Cerai burst out laughing at Allison's comment. "I highly doubt that. I think it's more...you need a lot of energy. We'll be burning this off anyway." She had a plate with turkey, some mashed potatoes, and a dinner roll. Leo had piled his plate full. There was a rather large piece of meat and a big pile of potatoes with corn and gravy in them. Cerai rolled her eyes at him. "Geez, where are you going to put all that? That's like two helpings!" "I haven't eaten since breakfast." "Me neither, but you don't see me getting enough food to choke a horse." Cerai sighed and turned to Allison. "If your theory is true, we've got the first one to be expelled sitting right here." "What?" Leo mumbled with his mouth full. "She thinks eating too much will get you kicked out. But I doubt it..."
  11. Yeah I've noticed it happening a lot lately. The Begnion senators are trying to burn down the forest...but there are badass mercenaries protecting the herons and kicking butt and taking names/preventing them from doing so xD
  12. Lmao. Somebody draw that... Inigo, considering he hits on every girl...chose him over Sain, Gatrie, and Virion because he appears to be closest to highschool age. WCWY duct tape to the wall while they're asleep?
  13. Yeah I think the 3ds doesnt, I played it on my birthday and didnt notice anything of the sort.
  14. Yeah I noticed that on Y. Black/White has the Nurse Joy say "Oh, is today your birthday? Happy birthday! I hope you'll keep using the pokemon center for many years to come!" Also on a DS, the sound when you turn it on is a bit different on your birthday. Dunno if 3DS does the same thing. *gives you an internet cupcake* Can't send you a real one xD It would be gross by the time it got there probably...and I don't know/need your address anyway.
  15. LOL I can just picture it...I bet it has something to do with him thinking he's Mr Hot Stuff Ladies' Man. Maybe he uses a retarded pick up line on some badass female boxer/karate master/ninja/whatever and she kills him with her bare hands. After kicking him in the nards first of course... I'd expect Maribelle to be student council president. WCWY expect to be one of those kids who eats playdoh and glue in elementary school?
  16. Dragoncat

    Royal baby

    I'm honored xD Don't feel like reading 2 pages of posts, I'll just say...I knew Diana was going to be on the top of the list for a name. They named her Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. One of her middle names is from her awesome great great grandma, the other is from her grandma...I'm too young to remember Princess Diana's tragic end, but it sounds like it must've sucked horribly. I think they made a good choice by not using Diana for the first/main name. She'd be forever compared to Princess Diana the first, this way they can honor her without that being a problem.
  17. It says she arranged for them to do it, so I'm pretty sure it's the former. Like I said, it really depends on what he did. I'll admit that I was a problem child and one time I was throwing such a big fit over who knows what(forgot) that my parents actually called the cops and told me they were going to take me away. But all they did was talk to me. They said that if it happened again more extreme measures would be taken, but that's irrelevant. It worked...it never happened again. I got in trouble and threw tantrums, yeah, but nothing that big again. Sometimes tough love IS necessary. And embarrassment can be more effective than grounding/taking away electronics/whatever. Like the story in the OP about the two boys shoplifting. It had to be embarrassing for them to stand out there with those signs, but because of that they know that won't be tolerated and they won't move on to stealing bigger/more valuable things, so it's better in the long run.
  18. Saw this on facebook. Basically, a kid was being disrespectful in school too often, so his mom had the police come and act like they were arresting him. If you click the link you'll see the majority of the commenters support her decision. My question is, what do you think? I would have to know what exactly he was doing in order to make my decision. If he stole something, then maybe. I remember a story that happened near where I live. Two kids stole a toy from a store, their dad made them write an apology letter and stand outside the store with big bright signs that said "I stole from this store, shoplifting is wrong" etc. I guarantee they'll never do it again, but anyway, I would support this mother's decision only if the kid was doing something illegal or potentially illegal. If he was just calling the teacher a poophead then no, that's going too far. Unfortunately I can't find the details...one commenter said just have the cops come give him a lecture/talk instead, that way he learns to respect instead of fear law enforcement. That I agree with...
  19. [spoiler=Quiz answers] Jet stream: A stream of high speed winds present at high altitudes. Lift: Force created during flight in the same direction as the movement. Works to keep the flier airborne. Drag: Force created during flight in the opposite direction as the movement. Works against the flier. Port: Left side. Starboard: Right side. 8+6(10 / 2)-4 = 66 3x + 5 = 14 x = what? 3 Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle. 48 cm If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy? 6 Correct all the errors in this paragraph. bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home. Bob went to the market. He bought milk, eggs, and meat. He saw his friend Steve there and said: "Hi, how are you?" After that he went home. The lunch bell rang. Leo jumped out of the seat. He had turned in the quiz around the same time as Allison, but Cerai had only just finished. Math had never been her strong suit... Riara blinked. "Yes, you can go to lunch. But in the future, sometimes we'll have to stay after the bell. It all depends." "Sorry." Leo lowered his head. "I'm starving too..." Cerai walked over to the door. "Anybody know what they're serving?" ((Decided not to post their answers. The quiz idea didn't turn out as I expected it to...no big deal.))
  20. I think that's what I'll do. I was just thinking the same thing.
  21. Dragoncat

    Royal baby

    Holidays are only good if you don't have to go to work on them *shot*
  22. Dragoncat

    Royal baby

    I never said I cared that much...just thought it would be interesting to go over. Actually my thoughts are pretty much what you said. Only I don't dislike them. I'm neutral on them. And like I said, I have some pity for the babies. They're going to live their whole lives followed by cameras. Prince William had that too and he turned out alright, but yeah...that has to have some effect. Also the Queen is an awesome badass, like Loki said.
  23. Dragoncat

    Royal baby

    So...there's a new member of the British royal family. This little girl did nothing but exist and she's already more famous than any of us can ever dream of being, just like her brother...both are adorable and little Prince George looks like he's a proud big brother. I have to both envy and pity these kids. Growing up in the spotlight and all... Thought I'd make a topic about it, what are your thoughts? [spoiler=inb4...] I had to go digging for that image dammit...
  24. Elincia because she's kindhearted like that. She'd convert some of it into gold and give it to the poor people of Crimea too. I really don't know how much she'd give me...I guess she'd give everyone on SF a thousand, which I'd accept. WCWY expect to die in a real stupid way, like what you can see on the TV show 1000 ways to die? Freak accident or something like that.
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