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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Real shame. Mine kick butt. So do yours... The RPers have OCs of course, but they don't do much else with them. They make new ones for each RP and use them just there afaik. I give permission to run a second round to anyone who wants to.
  2. Haha, thanks. Thought about doing that but, everyone can see the results anyway.
  3. Early game bandits I see *shot* I'm wondering if the dream about the FE world will have some importance...maybe they'll get transported there or something?
  4. Because a lot of the songs that play during those chapters are just regular map themes. If someone were to listen to them outside the game there's nothing in them that screams desert. Like RD's Dark Traveler, it might play in a desert level, but it's also used elsewhere and it wasn't made just for that. If any of that makes sense...desert songs in video games often have a feel to them where you can picture heat, rolling sand dunes, etc. Hard to explain...but you can tell the difference between say, a battle theme and a forest theme just by listening to them. Same concept. Closest to a desert song in RD, if you don't count the unused tracks, is Gathering of Storms...
  5. Been fiddling with FE4 lately, and looked at its soundtrack on the main site. Downloaded the Crossing the Desert song. Its orchestrated version sounds so awesome, the one that's actually in the game is meh, but that's expected. The snes didn't have the capability of consoles today for music and graphics. Got me wondering what everyone thinks is the best desert song in the series. If I missed any please let me know. My vote goes to Change of Scenery because it's the only one that doubles as a burnt forest and that's genius.
  6. Well guys this was a fun contest! And I even tied for best OC/Canon, go me :P Voting is closed.
  7. I absolutely love wyvern units. Okay I'll use your format... Class: Wyvern Lord Game: I think all have some version of it. Base stats: I am NOT looking these up, big deal... Weapons: Lance and axe Skills: Stun, swordbreaker, tantivy...if we count Sacred Stones wyvern knights, pierce. Notable characters: Haar, Jill, Cherche, Heath, Cormag, Minerva, Leo, Rene
  8. Everybody has to start somewhere. Don't let it ruin your confidence. Take it as incentive to improve.
  9. *ogles at Lon'qu in a tank topish shirt* The assassin Noire...why'd the artist make her that tanned?
  10. Snowy why on earth did you critique your own? Fair critique. As far as the gunpowder goes...well, that may be true. But we'll just assume since they have magic, they won't need to invent guns and the powder will remain for just blowing things up.
  11. Any kind of cancer is awful pretty much... Yeah. And Nebraska, I think that's where they were camping at. I'm close to the Nebraska border. Grandparents live in a town close to the border between Nebraska and Wyoming. So naturally I go back and forth a lot.
  12. Leo burst into a laugh. "I wouldn't get cocky and say anyone's the leader of the class..." "Say it, don't spray it." Cerai wiped the side of her face with a napkin. "As in, you spit on me." "Sorry." A bell rang. Leo looked at the plate of food and pouted. "Man, I really thought I could finish that all before lunchtime was over. I think we go to the arena to practice aerial combat now. Sounds fun. Yay for hitting people with sticks." "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Cerai took off running with a smirk on her face. "Hey, no fair, I wasn't ready!" Leo whined. "Come on, guys. Last one there may be a rotten egg, but first one there eats it!"
  13. Wow really? Crazy... How do they do live action when the characters are animals anyway? Wouldn't that be pretty hard? Like...with Dumbo. Good luck finding a baby elephant with giant ears that can fly and training it.
  14. I don't remember the price, but I got my GBA repaired once...
  15. Exactly...I have them spit acid in my headcanon because real world myths about wyverns tend to describe them as two legged dragons with venom. Fire though...I give that to actual dragons. The ones that are bigger and aren't domesticated, and sometimes have human forms, depending on when and where they are in the FE world.
  16. Oh wow. Badass grandma. And I agree: cancer does suck. I'm never going to smoke because I watched two good family friends wither away and die of smoking related lung cancer. A guy I graduated with had lukiemia and was fighting it, but it killed him like maybe a year after we graduated. I'm lucky that cancer doesn't really run in my family, but things like heart disease do and that's bad too. I only have one set of grandparents left. The ones on my mom's side both passed when I was around 1st/2nd grade age. You'd be surprised. Around here it hails with thunderstorms in the summer.
  17. Snowy: Where does it say Tellius wyverns don't have venom? Fair comments otherwise. Spectral: Fair critique on both.
  18. I have short brown hair, but no black bow. That's just what comes with the rage comic maker and I cba to edit it out. Lol, your grandma sounds like she was awesome. I'm imagining a grandma going to a bar xD But that reminds me of my dad, brother, and uncle. They were at a campground once and it started raining and hailing real bad, and my poor uncle had to wait it out in the bathrooms because that's where he was at the time...
  19. So I made a rage comic for shits and giggles... All the comments are going to be on the situation described, but that's expected.
  20. *pats* Don't feel too bent out of shape! I just feel that a lot more could be done with that support. Maybe some more characterization would help? You said Chigai was a thief manakete, so maybe you couldve had Dozla ask why he took up thieving as opposed to using his dragon form. Or something. Also I realized I didn't say anything about your other entry...hmm, maybe some stuff about where Avia comes from would be good.
  21. Hey, I'd like feedback too :) I can respond to your critique but...that's not my job since those weren't my supports.
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