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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I'd probably have more luck not refing official art since it's pretty detailed/hard to see the folds and stuff. I can see what you mean by blocky, I could put more folds in there but I want to know where they'd go instead of just putting random folds everywhere. Unfortunately the reference I used had most everything from a side view...didn't help much for seeing how the folds would be in front view. And his arms are crossed too, so that made the vest/tunic difficult to put folds on.
  2. I'm not much of a judge either. But I bet it has something to do with society's changing tastes in literature. A vast majority of the books we consider "classic" and have to read in school are set in the real world/aren't of the fantasy genre. Animal Farm I guess can count as fantasy because the characters are farm animals, but it's still way different. Today the most popular books are fantasy/sci fi or close to it. In 100 years I bet kids will be reading stuff like Harry Potter in school... The point I'm trying to make is, in fantasy or sci fi, you have to do other things and there's less focus on how evil the dictator is. More focus on worldbuilding and story stuffs. Hunger Games and Divergent are also doing that afaik. (haven't read either one) It might also have something to do with how they're aimed toward preteens/teens mostly...not saying that target audience can't understand the likes of evil dictators but yeah. As long as the villain is played off as this big bad evil dictator it works.
  3. How would that work? You can't go half/a third of/whatever a tile.
  4. Sounds like something people can do themselves. Make a thread for their supports instead of having one thread for everyone to post in.
  5. I guess because his mother's is. I designed him before I came up with his background, but I think Gareth has brown eyes. Pretty sure the bird and dragon tribes can have hair colors that show up nowhere shifted. Strixal is another example of this among my OCs. It just makes it so not all bird/dragon laguz of the same class look roughly the same. Yeah, using clothing references was a great idea. I even found one that was for medieval fantasy/FE! Had a bunch of different options for shirts and pants and etc.
  6. Proof for bolded? Also she ran away and hid in the forest...they didn't exactly see each other much.
  7. I used to have a wolf plushie with a scar down his back or tail(forgot), because he got ripped and my mom had to sew him back up. But yeah, name him Haar. My friend has a one eyed cat who's a brown tabby and one time I said "If Haar was a laguz, he would look like that." I've kept that joke alive ever since. I bet! I did latch hook a few times and I'm too impatient.
  8. That white tiger plushie with the eyepatch kicks butt. If it was brown I'd call it Laguz Haar xD Cool stuff! It's always nice to see art in more uncommon mediums.
  9. And here he is non shifted! Used a stock image for reference(the crossed arms). The stock creator's rules say to link back to his page, so... Image I used (Contains a guy in his underwear. Nothing too nsfw but mentioning just in case.) Stock creator's page
  10. Game Maker! I remember working with that. Before it went downhill...sad thing is I never finished a project because I suck at programming.
  11. Well this time we tied. I got 3 votes and you got 3 votes. So...
  12. Don't beat yourself up Ana! Mine never win either. Getting feedback on them is enjoyable enough for me. Spectral: Thanks for giving mine a runner up! I'm glad you liked it enough and got a sense of Naroc's personality. He's mellow compared to his parents (Boyd and Cerai), and became an archer because of Rolf. He couldn't wait to be an uncle when Boyd and Cerai got together, wanted to pass on what Shinon taught him to at least one of their kids, and as you can see he succeeded. Naroc's younger sister Ciara is like a miniature female Boyd. I even broke FE tradition and made her an axe fighter. This was before FE If and its female fighter Rinka.
  13. The wing membranes and belly plates are actually red orange. Maybe I can do some color corrections with photoshop... *a few minutes later* Done!
  14. No that's red. Trust me... *puts scanner in time out* You'll stay there until you can figure out how to make red look red!
  15. But Dart and Rebecca are siblings xD What is it with all the incest gawd...
  16. LOL I actually made up some smash moves for him a long time ago...him and a bunch of others. The laguz couldn't use items shifted to prevent people from staying in that form all the time.
  17. Shading kinda crapped on me...anyway. This is my dragon laguz OC, Rannoc. I dislike the bipedal dragons ingame, so I draw them on four legs. Just a preference of mine. He's the son of Gareth and acts as an ambassador, like Ranulf is for Gallia. His personality is way different from the average Goldoan: doesn't mind associating with beorc and other laguz tribes, and would rather pick a side and scorch the opposition in a conflict than remain neutral. Gets along well with Kurthnaga, even if Deghinsea is constantly thinking he's a bad influence. Lets him roam and do as he pleases though...figures if he's not around, there will be less drama. Will be drawing his human form too when I get around to it.
  18. The old one's OP just had two crappy things. So I started a new one... Critique is okay, just be nice about it. I'll take things into consideration. Try to also tell me what I did right so I know what to work on and what not to work on. I'm better at animals, so you're probably going to see a lot of laguz ^_^ Also I'll be putting some non FE stuff in here too. Art starts on the next post.
  19. Tell me what to put it on and I'll do it. Because I can't think of anything... For now:
  20. I'm seriously cracking up at Chrom's shirt. (one of the ones Scarlet Flame posted) Yes, sir, you do...judging from how much baby Lucina made me dawww when she was shown in game. But he should give his wife credit too! Give her a shirt like that lol.
  21. I made my avatar a wyvern lord too! *high fives* I think maybe Swordbreaker? Idk.
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