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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Here's the thing. I HAVE referenced. I need tips for turning it into pixels. It's easier to use references when drawing. When pixeling you have a smaller space..harder.
  2. Does this look better? I think the head still could use improvement...halp.
  3. I looked at BwdYeti's customing tutorial. It was helpful. But it didn't include animals so yeah. Basically I started with a stick figureish thing and built around that. Figured the back was too straight. And I have studied feline anatomy, but it's harder to translate that to pixels. Also do you guys think the head is too round? Just noticed that. If somebody could make a visual of how to fix the back that'd be nice.
  4. Well idk what you mean there...he's not wearing a pink tutu *shot* And Freddy's lower half...we already went over that. I'd think wearing pants that tight counts as a dumb lower half design more. To contribute, hmmmm...maybe Lute? She just performs as a normal mage to me. Nothing special.
  5. Today I was thinking about all the drama in my old sprite thread, and heck, the spriting forum in general...I won't go into detail again, decided to just move forward. I made this full custom cat laguz. Before I make the rest, I'd like to know how it looks. So if it sucks, I won't have to fix multiple sprites. *dives into bunker and prepares to be shot at*
  6. You might want to check your spoiler tags cause it looks like something screwed up.
  7. True. I guess moms wouldn't know that.
  8. Oh man. Cannot unsee...I guess because his eyes are narrow or something.
  9. Well you succeeded :) He still looks like himself. I just thought of something though. Greil didn't have facial hair I don't think...Idk if that's genetic or not, but yeah.
  10. Woo! Rolf and Naroc. Naroc is the son of Boyd and Cerai, who you saw in the last contest. Rolf is older here and has a kid, so...he's not exactly like he was ingame. A couple of my other OCs have been mentioned. [spoiler=C level] Naroc: Uncle Rolf! Rolf: Ah, hi, squirt! Naroc: I wish you would stop calling me that. I'm nearly as tall as you now. Dad thinks I'll be even taller... Rolf: Eep. I'll be the runt all over again...why must you grow like a weed? Naroc: I dunno. But anyway. I noticed you were acting different at breakfast. You didn't say much and it looked like you were about to collapse...are you getting sick or something? Rolf: I think it's just because I didn't get enough sleep last night, thanks to your little cousin. Amazingly enough, your Aunt Mist was up most of the night too and she wasn't fazed. Naroc: Heh. Well, they do say the phrase "sleep like a baby" makes no sense because babies don't sleep that well. Rolf: Lily usually sleeps fine. But last night she thought it would be funny to scream her little head off and refuse to be in her crib. And when we put her with us, I was worried that I was going to roll over and squash her. Naroc: Wow. I wonder if I was ever like that? I know Ciara kept Mom and Dad up sometimes, but not very often. Rolf: That's something you'll have to ask them. Naroc: I will later. Dad and Ciara are doing their daily spar. Mom went with Uncle Leo to the capital for supplies and food. It's just me, you, Milo, Aunt Eloin...pretty much. Rolf: Yeah, you don't want to interrupt your father when he's training. Learned that the hard way years ago... Naroc: I bet. Well, I promised Milo I'd go to the river with him today, apparently there's some hidden treasure somewhere around there. Rolf: If there is, he'll find it. You be safe though! Take your bow and make sure he takes his sword. If you run into any bandits...don't get cocky. Run back if it gets too dangerous. Naroc: We will! [spoiler=B level] Naroc: Back. Rolf: Already? Usually you spend hours at the target range. Did something happen? Naroc: Kinda. Do you know a technique called Deadeye? Rolf: ...I'm not the best at it, but yes. Why? Naroc: Some older girl was bragging about being good at it. I asked her what it was, and she looked at me like I just grew another head. Then she said: "All archers know what Deadeye is! If you don't then you're not serious!" and left with her nose in the air. Rolf: Man, she sounds like a stuck up snob... Naroc: Yeah. Could you teach me it, whatever it is, so I don't get laughed at again? Rolf: Well, I can tell you about it. Deadeye is when your arrow hits the enemy on the lower forehead, close to where the nose begins. If they survive it, they'll be temporarily blinded. And they stagger around like the village drunk, and on the battlefield, that can prove fatal. Very rarely does someone who was Deadeyed survive long enough to recover. Naroc: I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that. Rolf: That's why I usually only attempt it as a last resort. Like when I'm surrounded and need to make a quick getaway or something. And it's not entirely easy to pull off. My mentor, Shinon, taught me it, oh, maybe a couple years before you were born. He's still better at it than me. I'm still learning, believe it or not. Naroc: I suppose now you're going to tell me I need more practice before you'll teach me? Rolf: Ha...I think Shinon still needs to give me more Deadeye lessons! Sometimes I hit slightly off target. It usually still kills them, being a headshot and all...but I'm pretty sure he succeeds every time. Haven't been able to train with him for a long time. Not since before Lily came along...maybe I should hire a sitter sometime so your Aunt Mist can go out with the girls and I can train with Shinon like old times. Naroc: Sounds like a good idea to me! Think he'll let me tag along? Rolf: Maybe. We'll have to see... [spoiler=A level] Rolf: Well that was a nice little target session. Naroc: Yeah! But is Shinon always so...blunt and grumpy? I thought I heard him growl when I mentioned Mom. Rolf: He is blunt and grumpy. Almost all the time...but he knows what he's doing. When I was twelve, he actually offered to train me, so... And your mother and him clash. They just don't get along. They do nothing but throw insults back and forth. I'm a little surprised he was civil to you. Naroc: Some people are like that I guess. But that girl came back...did you see her jaw drop when he hit five bullseyes within like thirty seconds? Rolf: The same one who was a snob to you? Naroc: Yep. She actually came up to me and apologized. She said: "I was wrong. If you have that guy as a teacher, you're obviously serious." I didn't have the heart to tell her that he was my uncle's teacher. Rolf: He can be teacher to us both, but that's no big deal. I'm glad that got settled. Naroc: So...think I've improved? Rolf: Absolutely! I think you're ready to practice Deadeye. Naroc: Really? Rolf: Really. I've got a newish sandbag man for just that. Ready to put a hole right between his eyes? Naroc: I was born ready!
  11. Yeah I saw that. Think I've seen those quotes somewhere before though :)
  12. My next question was what red shells do. I see. Me and my brother call those in CTR heat seeking missiles for who knows why. So green shells must be like the bombs, and blue like the warp orbs then? Banana peels like the beakers/explosive crates? But a mod is going to come and yell at us for having an off topic conversation.
  13. Who says the red shell hits? xD Unless Mario Kart has it so the weapons always hit...I'm familiar with Crash Team Racing, where the weapons can miss. Never played Mario Kart. Lol and then if he wins, he'd be all "I race for my friends".
  14. Lol omg that Emblem Kart is the best thing in the history of ever. I'm grinning like an idiot. Marth shouldn't have a pegasus kart though. He should have a normal one like Ike with some symbol on it, I want to say the exalt brand but.... The pegasus kart would be for Caeda or one of the others like her. Oh, and Ike, quit with the grouchy face, you're winning! xD
  15. This. Declining the critique should be an option. It's part of giving and recieving critique the right way. We have every right to say: "I disagree with this and this, but I will change this and this." Don't expect everything to be changed. Maybe I am guilty of not reading everything and assuming there was no positive feedback. Maybe none of us are teachers, but still. If somebody constantly throws f bombs at me I find it hard to take them seriously and it just looks like they're being mean. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. I can handle it, but there's a time and a place. And I post in here because I had the same thing happen in my sprite thread. No matter what I did, it was still wrong. People told me to stop using the mauthe doog base because it's a bad base. Then lo and behold, I see a Caineghis sprite in one of SoC's animation vids. Guess what the base was? It just seems hypocritical.
  16. Yeah. And Chrom's going to do the boogie dance lol. I wonder what Tharja was going to do with the mouse...turn it into a risen? xD Oh, Sunwoo, it says the pics are deleted when I click the links.
  17. I only have battle quotes for Cerai xD Not Awakening based though... Dual support I’m here! You’ll be fine! Son of a… Dual strike I’m goin’ in! Geronimo coming through! Rawr! Dual guard Quit picking your nose! You’re welcome! Watch it! Defeated enemy Yeah, I’m awesome. That’ll leave a stain for awhile… Spoils of war, peeps. Healed/assisted Thanks! Thank ya. Phew… Critical Time to take out the trash! Die you stupid thing die! Eat dirt, beyotch!
  18. I guess what I was trying to say? Don't just say "this is bad, that's bad, kthxbai". Say what's good about it. It's much easier to swallow critique if there's some praise there too. Let people know what they're doing right so they don't feel that they suck/they need to change every little thing. The reason these kind of conversations happen all the time is the professional spriters seem to prefer telling people what they did wrong without saying what they did right. And...the constant F bombs don't help. I don't mind swearing but...picture yourself as a teacher in a school. If you constantly told the students "you need to fucking try it, we'll fucking help you" you wouldn't keep your job long.
  19. Can I give my two cents? It seems like a lot of people here say this and this and this needs to be changed/added/whatever, but if they had to do it themselves, could they honestly say it would look perfect/be easy? Not to put words in anyones mouths, but...take the curly hair for example. I agree that it would be pretty hard or next to impossible to do that on such a small area. I dare whoever said the hair needs to be curly to take the sprite and make it curly WITHOUT making it look like crap. Why must the spriting forum be so...nitpicky. Why can't we let people be satisfied with their work?
  20. Theyre ninjas, not nuns. If marriage is back I don't see why not.
  21. My printer/scanner completely kicked the bucket on me. It used to scan fine, but now...yeah. Until I get it replaced I won't be able to have quality images of the traditional art. Enjoy what you can see...right now I'm doing the "favorite pokemon of each type" thing. Here's the first three. Notice how I revamped the druddigon. Official art druddigon sucks about as much as the official art dragonite(yellow barney with tiny wings). Game Freak needs to make their dragons look more dragony.
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