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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Idk, there's a lot worse things in other games in America. Then again, it's not Nintendo...
  2. No twincest, please -_- Also, why is Ross' hair green in that pic? I thought it was black like Garcia's.
  3. Adding! I think commenting on everyone's is a good idea too. I've already done so for some.
  4. I'd like that too. I'm fiddling around with that one...emulating it on my phone with a translation patch. Intro is loooonnng.
  5. Yeah I think it could work! Dunno how likely it is though...
  6. Yep voting will begin on the 17th. And I've commented on a few others in this thread. I just send Ana's via PM because we tend to have long ass conversations. If anyone wants me to comment on theirs, just ask! Adding to OP...
  7. Awesome, somebody from an RP! Well Cerai is one too I suppose. Obviously Dilan is from a different headcanon ;) Cerai wouldn't share her man with Mist...and Mist goes better with Rolf so yeah. I'll have to do more with the said RP...
  8. Anna. She'd use it as another way to make money. WCWY give a furby to?
  9. Don't feel bad, I'm much better at animals too! But you seem to be mastering digital coloring. That's something I struggle with...heck, I still struggle with a lot of things artwise, actually.
  10. Lol Gaius I don't think you can reach that with your tongue. Unless you were a chameleon or a frog. Or a lickitung...
  11. Great analogy! The one I used when trying to explain this to a dude in highschool who thought graphics were the most important: what if there was a game with cutesy little baby animals teaching you the ABCs and it had good graphics, would he play it? I think he understood then. He said: "Well, topic matters too."
  12. Yeah and there's another one that turns bullets into cars. Pure genius.
  13. I'm not sure if I dislike it, it's just meh. I know a few gays and I don't hold it against them. It's just something I'm pretty much neutral on. Unless "Oh hey, let's throw these two guys/girls together and write smut! Their chance of actually being together is less than zero, but let's do it anyway so we can drool!" is involved. Then...yeah. Kinda awkward for me too. I saw Lon'qu's fear of women as like he describes it in his support with Cherche. He doesn't want anyone else to get close to him because of what happened to Ke'ri/he doesn't want to get his heart broken again. Because he loved her, he's likely straight. Frederick...well...people could say he swings that way because of the naked Chrom posters. ANYWAY. Shin did yoai tastefully, so I can't complain...
  14. Keep up the good work, modders... Even though it doesnt have dragon wings and the creature I consider my internet mascot doesnt actually do that Let the gif load, it's worth it!
  15. Now THAT I didn't expect! Now we have two male/male romantic supports...I wonder if this is going to be a trend. Well written even if I wasn't expecting the yoai. Before anyone asks...my opinion on yoai and yuri is meh. Too many people use it to write bad smut and stuff like that. I have nothing against gays, but if someone is said or implied to be straight in canon, people making yoai or yuri of them irks me. You're fine though, you have done it tastefully.
  16. Saw this: ...And the first thing I thought of was an OC pair of mine. Anyone who knows me well enough can name them. I have yet to experience anything remotely close to that. *insert forever alone guy here*
  17. Fair game. OC x OC category. Chigai and Pancham: Adding.
  18. It's started. Look for it in the writing board.
  19. This. Goes with my nostalgia thing. People refuse to try newer games in whatever series because they worship the older ones.
  20. Don't know if this counts, but people thinking graphics make the game. Sure, it's nice to have some pretty visuals, but I wouldn't play a game just because it had good graphics. It has to be good in other areas too. People who think Ocarina of Time was the greatest thing ever and all other Zelda games are shit. Applies to a lot of franchises, actually...people who let nostalgia ruin their enjoyment of newer games in the series.
  21. Gaius. As long as the food's sweets... WCWY expect to be a star wars fan?
  22. Snowy: You're going to add B and A, right? Silver Haired Freak: Added! Ana: Sure, that's fine. If Chrom can do it, so can Ike.
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